kcubeterm ::1

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Category: Education

Just collecting useful and useless stuff in a suitable manner

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DIY air purifier

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Just a prototype of cheat sheet viewer

I found an old CD which contains various Opensource software documentations and tuto 😘

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Nice story! Started to read this book. Let's see if I finish it within week.

The day, i launched it. the same day, i also started to host writefreely. a federated blog service. writefreely is really easy to setup. written in golang.

Started own pleroma instance. towards fediverse.......

I setting up in my local computer. tunneling with cloudflared. Ram usage is optimal around 100 MB. and CPU is not much to consider, since only one user is there for now.
here's link social.kcubeterm.com

NOTE: This is my personal fediverse. you can join. but consider yourself hosting one. i may disable registration of new user in future if my computer performance degrade, or i could remove user too.

Free Software Foundation
We love freedom 1, the freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Boost this post to share this freedom! Plus watch our latest video about free software: https://u.fsf.org/escape-to-freedom

You should be aware of foreign bacteria/virus

Let me explain it with a simple incident happened with me last month.

Usually, I don't go outside my home. Last month, I went two times outside of my home. And both time I suffered from high fever and diarrhea

I reviewed whole process, then I find a common mistake that I did and probably you can do as well, drinking water from a temple. There were nothing wrong in that water. Thousands of people drinks that water. But why I suffered ? Here's foreign bacteria come into play. For those thousands of people, who consume temple water daily, they are already immuned for those bacteria which is in water. But I was not because it was first time when I consume those water. So these bacteria were new for my immune system, and in order to defend, immune system keep increasing the body temperature but actually immune system had clearly no idea, how to deal with it. And fights between immune system and foreign bacteria causes weakness and moreover I wasted 8 days successfully.


* Carry own water or prefer purified mineral water outside.

* Drink boiled water when(for few day) moving from your own home to anywhere else like Dorm, another apartment etc.

If you ever wanted to learn Rust programming language, here's few tips.

* If you are coming from High level languages, then invest first two days in c language and focus on how to leak memory in C, like try reading a file, allocate memory for buffer etc.

* Make sure whatever editor you are using, it is backed by auto completion, rust analyzers. It save your time and efforts to run and check error again and over again. Because you will get a lot of errors. Rust compiler has zero tolerance over error.

* Don't forget above point. Newbies often do these mistakes. No matter how much experience you have with any language.

Get 1 GB free 4G internet data in Airtel by using following method :

* If You are using Airtel SIM so you must have Airtel Thanks app , If not install it and login.

* Open app and go to coupon section.

* Put this Code PPR3DVUR3YGN

* Now enjoys 1 GB haha.

I bought a twisteez, and found above code under the packet, Since I don't have Airtel Sim. Sharing is caring

Forward from: kcubeterm ::1
Hello, Boys. This is my new Guest. Volla phone X powered by ubuntu touch.

This is my first ever linux phone which is gifted by @cregox 🥰

Achoz 0.2.0 has been released on the eve of new year.

Achoz, A self-host search engine for your personal data. It will normalize your all data efficiently. Uses typesense search engine under the hood which makes quite fast and help you to dig in your huge amount of data.


Let's go with open-source alternative.
Librera Reader is a highly customizable and feature-rich application
for reading e-books in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, DjVu, FB2, TXT, RTF, AZW, AZW3, HTML, CBZ, CBR, DOC, DOCX, etc. formats



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