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hai little princess @jisookimm
sama little prince @chanyeoolpark
dulu ya ahaha

Forward from: galeri ory

@chmwon @nzayoung @yzjeong @kuhyeon

☎️ @Iucas_bot

yang mau di fw ke bot aja yaa ku jarang scroll karena sibuk @kvrxbot @vaxntaekim @kyrxbot @ylrim bisa pc atau ke bot aja okie

yang keep @yparkjoy balikin yu ke temen aku, atau boleh bantu fw? itu salah satu usn kesayangnnya walaupun ga seberapa tapi yu balikin yang ngerasa keep boleh ke rc aku ya nanti aku arahin ke temen aku @vaxntaekim


Forward from: ☆ achala gallery ☆

11th of June 2021, at 20.00

Read below :
- Terms and Condition
- Price List
- Cara Mengisi Form yang Baik dan Benar
- Form Order

We serve quality,
- @LaaNoblesse

✶ please research all parts of the kvrx gallery so that no errors or problems occur ✶

@kvrxbot ( bot ofc untuk mutual dll )
@kyrxbot ( bot assist )
@ylrim ( assist rara )
@vaxntaekim ( owner )
@o****** ( owner )

part on :

@haehcan bo haechan

@yugyeomgot7 bo yugyeom

@jenoy bo jeno

@wonyouig bo wonyoung

@vsntae bo vantae

@kimjoniin bo kim jongin

@vaztae bo vantae

@chanyeoolpark bo park chanyeol

@eunwuo bo eunwoo

@vaontaekim bo vantaekim ( pu )

✦ dapat diadminkan terlebih dahulu

✦ payment only dana / ovo

✦ mencicil paling lama 3 hari

✦ setelah booked harus ada biaya dp

✦ canceled booked : dp hangus

✦ membaca semua label ufs / nfs

✦ dilarang keras melakukan hit & run

✦ bot resmi dari channel ini adalah @kvrxbot

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✶ hello everyone welcome to the small gallery with many banks in it let's spend all the money in your account to buy something valuable from this gallery ✶

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kvrx official

જ  don't forget to read the terms and conditions that apply and are labeled ufs or nfs જ

16 last posts shown.


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