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📂 : @wonderingmemo
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gue bingung siapa ajaa yang masih aktip disini

cie unsubs

sposses yuk

halo warga

00.00 ily

ini emang udah sering di sebut, kadang kalau curhat pasti saran yang keluar itu "sabar". tapi gimana pun, percaya atau engga, kunci dari segalanya emang sabar kan? tarik nafas panjang dan buang, tuhan tau segala galanya, tuhan tau cobaan apa yang setara dengan kekuatan hambanya, jangaan pernah ragukan itu. selagi kamu masih diberi waktu untuk perbaiki, itu seharusnya sudah lebih dari cukup. semua sudah ditulis dan dirancang bahkan sebelum kita ada, bagaimana kedepannya itu urusan semesta yang penting kita sudah berusaha. beberapa orang dilahirkan untuk menjadi tuan putri tapi beberapa orang juga dilahirkan untuk menjadi petarung dunia, kamu salah satunya, kamu orang terpilih. untuk kamu, jiwa dan raga yang telah sabar menghadapi dunia, terima kasih telah bertahan.

say the least, i miss you. i have so much say yet so little of a voice to say it. i don't really have the balls to tell you this myself. just you &i.. cause in all honesty. that scares me. of what you may say. i was tempted to read the texts over and over again. to feel everything i did before. everything i still feel. but i was scared. the photo of us in my room i had to hide away because that's all i could think of. i couldn't sleep. but the only thing i can't hide away, what can't let go of. is the part of my heart that you took, and you can keep it. by all means... do. but the scariest part is wondering if you'll ever return to put the pieces back together. I miss looking forward to talking to you and seeing you get pissed off over video games. I miss when we would just talk on the phone for hours. When you'd not say a word and tell me you love listening to the sound of my voice. I miss when I would go to look at you, but you were already looking at me first. Some days I miss you so much i replay memories in my head, and it makes me smile, but then I wake up in the morning realise you're not here anymore, and I get sad again. To hear i was your world, always made me feel special. You were not ashamed of me and you would remind me you loved me everyday. but i think you get what i'm trying to say..


🎉🎂 : happy level up day, my adorable moots eliu. May your days be filled with beautiful things and may God always be by your side💐


kangen gue ga


hi moots! sorry baru ngabarin tapi kayaknya aku bakal rest diving beberapa saat yaa, soalnya akhir akhir ini sedikit sibuk maaf bangett, kalau mau unsubs boleh tapi jangan lupa remove @chocolrate dari ch mu juga yaa..

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