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mi amor💖

"sometimes life doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve so much more."

can i be the one you talk about in all your stories?

Forward from: sambat.

09. nah, lbh milih mendem. bukan menyiksa diri, tapi belum siap menerima respon org yg ga sesuai dengan apa yg gue inginkan

07. ga hrs yg waw jg sih, minimal apa yg gue gapaham dia paham, tapi kalo sama sama gapaham kita cari breng breng

05. yg bisa ngebuat gue merasakan kupu kupu di perut pas ada notif dari dia masuk, have a lot friend aka suka baur. humoris tp romantis juga, yg bisa ngehargain gue dan nge treat gue dgn baik dan bnr, punya wawasan yg luas ofc🤩

03. from my pov, you're look good and friendly ofc, smart and manly. you like to have a lot friend i guess

01. punya rumah di swiss, kaya, jadi wanita ber karir.

#tns w/ 😒


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