🚀 Ultimate Updates (09/07/2024) ▶️
▶️Stopping attacks is now available on the Full Network for all Methods (Layer4 & Layer7)
▶️Full (Layer4 Network) rework was finished successfully & new methods introduced.
▶️All of the methods listed are outputting more PPS per attack & can be Stopped now.
🟢DNS - UDP Flood High (GB/s)
🟢SADP - UDP Flood High (PPS)
🟢COAP - UDP Flood High (GB/s)
🟢ARD - UDP Flood High (PPS)
🟢WSD - TCP Flood High (GB/s & PPS)
🟢Specific UDP-A2S introduced to the network, Flood using multiple Payloads from Popular games.
🟢Updated our amazing UDP-PPS method outputting more PPS.
🟢Introducing our new Amazing Method (TCP-TLS) sending (PSH, ACK + TLS 1.2)
🟢Introducing our new Bypass Champion (TCP-TFO) sending (SYN, ACK + TFO Cookies)
▶️All old blacklisted keywords are removed, websites with (police) keyword are still prohibited to attack.
🟢Bypass (HTTPS-STORM) updated capable of outputting more Requests.
🟢Warrior (HTTPS-ARTEMIS) updated, outputting more Requests & Collecting Cookies.
🟢Method is capable of bypassing (Captcha / UAM) from Cloudflare protection.
🟢Method is bypassing (HTTP-DDOS) fully by %100 not getting Flagged at all, Using Legitimate Chrome headers.
🟢We recommend sending an flood for minimum 300 seconds (So the browsers can start correctly)
🟢Current restrictions on the (HTTP-HERA) method:
▶️Maximum value of (Rate Per Proxy) known as Rate Limit is currently limited to 100 requests per proxy.
▶️At this moment only (World Wide) proxies can be selected.
▶️Websites with keywords (police, gov, school, proxy, stress, stresser, ddos) cannot be attacked .
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Contact: @lkxadmin_bot
✍️ Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.
💬 Community Chat:
@lkxstresschat - Chat with other people from the LKX Community.
🚀 Power Showcase:
@stresserspower - Check our recent power proofs, Join to win prizes.
😂 LKX Group Folder:
https://t.me/addlist/o256hsAqEgYzODY8 - Join all LKX Groups.
🛡 Mirrors For LKX:
https://lkx-mirrors.net/ - A full list of domains that u can connect to the LKX website.
🛡 Website updates:
▶️Stopping attacks is now available on the Full Network for all Methods (Layer4 & Layer7)
🚀Layer4 updates:
▶️Full (Layer4 Network) rework was finished successfully & new methods introduced.
➡️ Current Champions from AMP Network:
▶️All of the methods listed are outputting more PPS per attack & can be Stopped now.
🟢DNS - UDP Flood High (GB/s)
🟢SADP - UDP Flood High (PPS)
🟢COAP - UDP Flood High (GB/s)
🟢ARD - UDP Flood High (PPS)
🟢WSD - TCP Flood High (GB/s & PPS)
➡️ Introducing new changes to UDP Network:
🟢Specific UDP-A2S introduced to the network, Flood using multiple Payloads from Popular games.
🟢Updated our amazing UDP-PPS method outputting more PPS.
➡️ Current TCP Warriors:
🟢Introducing our new Amazing Method (TCP-TLS) sending (PSH, ACK + TLS 1.2)
🟢Introducing our new Bypass Champion (TCP-TFO) sending (SYN, ACK + TFO Cookies)
🚀Layer7 updates:
▶️All old blacklisted keywords are removed, websites with (police) keyword are still prohibited to attack.
➡️ Updated our Champions (HTTP/2) Flooders:
🟢Bypass (HTTPS-STORM) updated capable of outputting more Requests.
🟢Warrior (HTTPS-ARTEMIS) updated, outputting more Requests & Collecting Cookies.
➡️ Returning Champions (HTTP-HERA) Our amazing Browser method for Cloudflare:
🟢Method is capable of bypassing (Captcha / UAM) from Cloudflare protection.
🟢Method is bypassing (HTTP-DDOS) fully by %100 not getting Flagged at all, Using Legitimate Chrome headers.
🟢We recommend sending an flood for minimum 300 seconds (So the browsers can start correctly)
🟢Current restrictions on the (HTTP-HERA) method:
▶️Maximum value of (Rate Per Proxy) known as Rate Limit is currently limited to 100 requests per proxy.
▶️At this moment only (World Wide) proxies can be selected.
▶️Websites with keywords (police, gov, school, proxy, stress, stresser, ddos) cannot be attacked .
🌍 Update Telegraph
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Contact: @lkxadmin_bot
✍️ Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.
💬 Community Chat:
@lkxstresschat - Chat with other people from the LKX Community.
🚀 Power Showcase:
@stresserspower - Check our recent power proofs, Join to win prizes.
😂 LKX Group Folder:
https://t.me/addlist/o256hsAqEgYzODY8 - Join all LKX Groups.
🛡 Mirrors For LKX:
https://lkx-mirrors.net/ - A full list of domains that u can connect to the LKX website.