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1.2m 7 777 374 1.9k

✨ Barkus climbed onto a makeshift podium. While he was scanning the event horizon and sniffing for photons, dogs tired of his tricks gathered around the podium.

— I want to bring you joy! Ask for whatever you desire!

The dogs exchanged glances. Could they trust this oddball? And how could they even know what they really wanted?

🩳 Suddenly, a young couple approached the podium:

— Оh, Barkus the Greatpaw, grant us untold riches!

The wizard nodded and asked for something they treasured the most. The couple discussed with each other before handing the magician their last coin.

💫 Barkus waved his magic staff, and the coin transformed into a puppy girl.

— But... But what are we supposed to do with her? And we have no more coins left...

The crowd looked at Barkus. Barkus merely whispered: The great reset. The fresh start.

And the dogs rejoiced.

105.9k 13 116 59 776

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Good dogs come to those who wait for Nothing.

4.2m 18 1.6k 296 1.4k

Ladies and gentleman, Saturday Night Bark, our regular irregular talk show, is live with our indispensable host, Barkus the Greatpaw! Today's guest is a well-known magician, wizard, and thaumaturge — Barkus the Greatpaw!

— Barkus, I believe our viewers are most curious about one question: what did you do with the puppies?

— Thank you for having me, Barkus; I'm thrilled to be here! To be honest, when my agent called to tell me that Barkus the Greatpaw wants to invite to his show, I assumed you'd ask me that, ha ha. I don't know where to start... 😳

— If this is an uncomfortable topic, we can skip.

— No, no, it's fine, I just wanted to phrase it better. The problem is that the population expands quickest in areas where dogs are least capable of handling it. And I believe I must assist them now so that they do not face an impossible scenario in the future. Do you understand, Barkus?

— Fascinating. So, you kidnap puppies? 😳

— Not only that! I recently created an amulet to assist alleviate the overpopulation problem. And it will be delivered for free in the Cursed Wastelands, where nearly all of the dogs have gathered.

Barkus takes a condom out of his pocket and approaches the camera closely; his eyes begin to glow with a white unearthly light, and his speech booms across the "studio":

— Tomorrow, the merge price will increase tenfold.

140.5k 0 28 22 252

We got in touch with our on-site correspondent, Barkus the Greatpaw. Barkus, hello, how are things?

— Hello-hello! I am currently in the Cursed Wastelands, where the Call has gathered dogs from throughout the world. Two young natives of this godforsaken land stand next to me. It appears they have lost their parents. There is nothing here; how could they get lost? Most likely, their parents were eaten by jackals, but don't worry, the orphans will not be abandoned, ha-ha!

💫 Barkus the Greatpaw waved his magic staff and two huge stone golems emerged from the ground beside the orphans. They snatched a wailing puppy apiece and dashed out into nowhere.

— Now they will always be protected and never be alone again, tee hee!

101k 0 16 29 181

- - - - -

In a world bursting with chaos and uncertainty, let love and peace be your dazzling guiding stars! ⭐ Embrace every precious moment with an open heart 🧡 and a tender soul, for it's in those beautiful acts of kindness and understanding that we discover our true, unstoppable strength! 🙏💪 Darkness is just an illusion; there's only the brilliant light that shines for us all: the key is simply to see it radiating within every living being! 🕯✨

❤‍🔥 Love is the law, love under will ❤‍🔥

106k 0 12 52 325

I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer.

It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it.

I can taste their stink. And every time I do I feel I have somehow been infected by it.


113.9k 0 18 48 374

If there are doggies, I look at the doggies;

On rainy days I listen to the rain.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Tomorrow too will be good.

Tonight too is good.


195.5k 0 35 57 845

We are receiving snaps from Hong Kong and qetting Qs: what's the deal?

Slurping noodles in the 'Chungking Express', grinning wide, wagging tails. Everything's falling into place, like the path unfolding beneath our paws.


340.5k 1 73 236 2k

Breeding, breeding, breeding... When it comes to Lost Dogs, all they're talking about is breeding and how wonderful it is. But what's the point? 🤩

Every new dog - is a key to a new dog world that is being created as we speak.
Every new dog - is a chance to join a pack of seekers defining the future of the dogs.
Every new dog - is a new $WOOF. 🤩

If you don't have a dog, then who are you in a world where all there's left is a pack of lost strays?

Go to, get your dog and breed! For pro tips see the guide on How to breed like a pro?

1.3m 6 1.3k 4.2k 28.6k

I hear the jingle of Notcoin in your backpack – that silence in-between is a scream of coins that are NOT. Dropped by here eager to complete your quest? And here you found us! We're the Lost Dogs. 🤩

We got our own games and experiments – we've tested fate, used radioactive mutagens, and breed, bred, bred. We got our own gods and beliefs – and we're gathering a pack, the ones of our kind, ready to find a new home, despite all whispers in the shadows. 🕵️‍♀️

Study the postcards sent from mysterious ruins. For a whole year, we've roamed the world and sought new paths – and we found trails. But can we walk them... together? 🤩

Find your Lost Dog in the Getgems shelter, adopt it and get ready for the journey. Rejuvenated, lost, but not alone – with a new loyal friend, that's the only way to embark on a new path.

Hear the howl? It filled the air with anticipation. 🤩

RU TG | Lost Dogs | Consequences

2.4m 2 3.1k 16.1k 78.9k

Pearls fall from the sky, breaking the pavements and turning houses to dust. The world will change forever, but without a bang or explosions: everything will just disappear in a rustling pearl storm.

The shimmering light will wash the faces of dogs looking up at the sky. They believed this would come, but just didn't know when exactly. What will remain of the old world? A few postcards and faded memories.

This will happen this week: watch for the pearl storm forecast. Well, and those who miss it will remain buried under the fragments of the past. There is no third option.

1.9m 0 76 322 8.4k

Dust settled. The best ones fell by chance, turning into empty dust. Dice throws reduced the dogs to dust. A weary, drawn-out, assertive battle.

We are born alone. We die alone. One was supposed to remain—and remained alone. The champion.

This text is for you. You got your 66 $TON and the promised glory, but the only question remains: will you roll the dice again?

891k 2 26 157 5.2k

Let the game begin.

$33 TON. A diсe. It's you or them.

293.2k 0 23 91 3.9k

The first ray of the dark moon illuminated the autumn sky, and Anubis sees the great sunset approaching. We sing to you about the first battle in the name of death! The survivor will receive glory and $33 TON. We ask only one thing from you - your courage and luck.

The sands of battle are already echoing your footsteps. Be unwavering and follow in the footsteps of departed heroes.

At the end of the battle, which will begin on Friday, only one will survive. The winner will be determined in a fair battle - everyone against everyone. Each will make one strike by rolling the dice 🎲 in the chat. Those who roll a 6 will move on to the next round, while all others will turn to dust. And so it will continue until only one remains.

Mad Tail & Gunther Love, Lost Dogs Co

215k 5 9 66 2.8k

👀5 hours left till the end of the 3rd and final sale for the Lost Dogs Raffle. 400 tickets left. Two winners. Two Anonymous Telegram Numbers.👇

Results tomorrow 🐶

Mad Tail & Gunther Love, Lost Dogs Co ❤️

938.2k 0 19 57 2.1k

1.4m 0 11 18 1.6k

Aaand we're back! The final (most likely) Lost Dogs RUFFle is coming right at ya 🐶

In the third round of the Lost Dogs Ruffles TWO participants will get a chance of winning an Anonymous Telegram Number, one each. These beauties are at stake: +888 0756 9352 and +888 0962 4627!

The rules will remain the same: tomorrow at 3:00 PM UTC, sales will begin on the Getgems launchpad. This time total supply will consist of 2222 tickets for 0.33 TON each, and each person can buy up to 12 tickets. Can we top the speed of past rounds? It’s all in your paws. 🐾

Then the secondary market will open for the trading, that is another sort of pleasure, just like running in the park and playing fetch, ruff-ruff! On Monday at 3:00 PM UTC, TWO winners will be announced, based on the raffle results, and as usual, the raffle recording will be posted.

The descendants of the mighty wolves, we will see you at the booth! Alas!

Mad Tail & Gunther Love, Lost Dogs Co

127.7k 8 10 15 1.6k

It's almost time for the 2nd ruff-ruff-ruffle! 🥳

Today at 3:00 PM UTC
, the winner of the second raffle will be selected with a help of a random number generator. Just like we did last time, the ownership at the moment of raffle will be crosschecked. The screen recording of the raffle will be carefully added to the comments of this post.

Reminder: Don't forget to take your NFTs off sale before the draw begins, it's just never too safe and helps keep all disputes away.

Adios, dogg-migos!

Mad Tail & Gunther Love, Lost Dogs Co

65.3k 0 8 24 1.3k
20 last posts shown.