Innaa lillahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon
May Allah forgive our Shaykh and raise his rank in the Hereafter.
The very first time I met Shaykh Ubaid Al-Jaabiree rahimahullaah was in the year 1414H (1994)... we walked into his masjid in Al-Awali Medina and he was teaching Riyadh us-Saaliheen (from memory since he was blind). The very first hadeeth I heard from the Shaykh was the hadeeth: "The rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim are six" and amongst those six rights comes "and when he passes away he follows his funeral"
⏩1444H, 30 years later, there I was implementing that very hadeeth partaking in the Shaykh's burial.
May Allah grant patience to all of Ahlus Sunnah for their great loss and have mercy on Shaykh Ubaid and enter him into Al-Firdaws, the highest level of Jannah.
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Shah
May Allah forgive our Shaykh and raise his rank in the Hereafter.
The very first time I met Shaykh Ubaid Al-Jaabiree rahimahullaah was in the year 1414H (1994)... we walked into his masjid in Al-Awali Medina and he was teaching Riyadh us-Saaliheen (from memory since he was blind). The very first hadeeth I heard from the Shaykh was the hadeeth: "The rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim are six" and amongst those six rights comes "and when he passes away he follows his funeral"
⏩1444H, 30 years later, there I was implementing that very hadeeth partaking in the Shaykh's burial.
May Allah grant patience to all of Ahlus Sunnah for their great loss and have mercy on Shaykh Ubaid and enter him into Al-Firdaws, the highest level of Jannah.
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Shah