breath is filled with optimism, every thought is highlighted
with optimism, your lifeforce throbs with optimism and your
heartbeat is suffused with optimism. Whe n your whole being
is filled with optimism, then this will create a climate in you
in which the ultimate can happen.
Pessimism also creates a personality, a character where
every cell is crying, is sad, is weary, is in despair, lifeless, as if
one is living only in name but is dead in spirit. If this person
sets out on a journey to seek something.... And the journey
on the spiritual path is the greatest journey - no man has
climbed a mountain peak higher than this, no man has ever
dived into a deeper ocean. The depth of the self is the deepοΏΎest, and the height is the highest. Someone who wants to
walk this path has to be very optimistic.
- Osho, The Path of Meditation β
with optimism, your lifeforce throbs with optimism and your
heartbeat is suffused with optimism. Whe n your whole being
is filled with optimism, then this will create a climate in you
in which the ultimate can happen.
Pessimism also creates a personality, a character where
every cell is crying, is sad, is weary, is in despair, lifeless, as if
one is living only in name but is dead in spirit. If this person
sets out on a journey to seek something.... And the journey
on the spiritual path is the greatest journey - no man has
climbed a mountain peak higher than this, no man has ever
dived into a deeper ocean. The depth of the self is the deepοΏΎest, and the height is the highest. Someone who wants to
walk this path has to be very optimistic.
- Osho, The Path of Meditation β