{❀} IX Memory.

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✽ open. discussion and send format only to @sefola. result @thememorhi

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baru restock yg female ya. kalo kalian bingung mau pilih yg mana bisa diskusi aja sama aku biar aku pilihin yg sesuai sama tema setup kamu atau tema yg kamu mau! @sefola

Forward from: renye.
hello renye ! I'm ( name & username ) thirst to purchase your biography with code 16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23 with price 2.500 can I purchase it by [ ur payment ] grace afore!

{❀}.. @sefola

check result wording aku disini ya @thememorhi

aku lagi restock biography non prem!

Forward from: .♡: MEOPIES #♡ PROMO
ㅤㅤ zZz — “monci-like”
You got an angel message with code.4/4-4
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ㅤㅤ୨୧ 🍒.. beyond a bequeathed porcelain divinity in her royal ballroom, there's scrupulous dainty quintessential lassie alongside bisque portrayal 'nd phosphorescent folks, An audience applauded boisterously📁, watching the orchestra's performance which was so miraculous and captivating. Dwelling within a cartoon-like commensurate ecosphere where the townspeople surveillance with mirthfulness furthermore philosophies🩹, in their minds whilst I’m on innermost masquerade promenading likewise a moggie 💌

hello everyone! 💬♡ if you interested please come see @monarchials

{ https://t.me/monarchials/1038 }

@moncisisstbot — send love ♥️

Forward from: LaPoetic Gallery; HFW PIN!
꒰ Hello beloved and blessed beautiful gems, for all who see this message especially beloved mutuals, can you help us to spread this message? 🌷 ꒱

Just like bees looking for interest and mutual benefit, @poetidc are also looking for mutual business for mutual benefit. All types of business and main account are allowed as long as appropriate feedback is provided. If you're interested in forming a mutually beneficial relationship with us please contact Jjiwoongsbot.t.me! You are expected to be on our mutual list 🌻💛

Forward from: 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐔𝐉𝐀𝐍 - OPEN
hari ini @storeehujan lagi ngadain giveaway lohh. giveaway nya apa aja sih kak? simak di bawah ini

- nokos telegram
- mb custom
- saldan 5k
- am premium
- spo fam 1b
- chibi headsot
- setub ba
- upsubs ma
- upsubs reg
- wording
- manips + scribble
- yt indplan 1b
- upboard
- upfoll ig
- wm

1. subs ch @storeehujan tanpa di unsubs jika kalian menang/tidak
2. drop angka 1- 500 dilarang double/edit. tidak menerima kecurangan
3. sebar bbc ini ke channel aktif atau bot yang kamu punya, ss lalu kirim di komentar bbc ini. dan sebutkan angka nya + alasan kamu drop angka tersebut. contoh : ss ch/bot, angka sekian dan alasan kenapa kamu drop angka tersebut
4. ucapan wish buat storehujan kedepannya di bbc https://t.me/storeehujan/1010

pengumuman giveaway akan di beritahu nanti setelah banyak yang mengikuti giveaway.

aku udah open yap bisa send form atau kalo kalian tipe yang bingung isi form bisa without form atau diskusi aja sama aku! @sefola

ditake yuk mb ready nya!

Forward from: renye.
hello renye ! I'm ( name & username ) thirst to purchase your moodboard with code yunjin 01 with price 3.000 can I purchase it by [ ur payment ] grace afore!

{❀}.. @sefola

Forward from: renye.
hello renye ! I'm ( name & username ) thirst to purchase your moodboard with code eunchae 01 with price 3.000 can I purchase it by [ ur payment ] grace afore!

{❀}.. @sefola

Forward from: renye.
hello renye ! I'm ( name & username ) thirst to purchase your moodboard with code winter 01 with price 3.000 can I purchase it by [ ur payment ] grace afore!

{❀}.. @sefola

Forward from: renye.
hello renye ! I'm ( name & username ) thirst to purchase your moodboard with code seeun 01 with price 3.000 can I purchase it by [ ur payment ] grace afore!

{❀}.. @sefola

[𖤝︎] ..dear entire mutuals that intertwine withal beauteous of harmony, who intoned melodiously inserts summary by opportunity toward declare thru spread this message into your greatest channels..

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ─────────────

pre-eminent substances happen, gallantry of holding lasting opportunity thru intertwin thru opportunities that have been appointed. @memorhi'll open through first time and bestow debut on 21 june 2023! wah kelihatannya seru banget nih, soalnya ada yang spesial dari @memorhi, mau tahu nggak? nih, aku kasih jabarin khusus spesial debut THE MEMORY yang udah ditungguin banyak orang:

ㅤㅤㅤdiscount 20% for purchasing up idr 5,000
ㅤㅤㅤn) applies to all catalogs!

nah loh, semua katalog alias wording dan moodboard ready bakal dapet potongan harga 20% apa enggak lumayan banget?? wajib pantengin sih, bayangin aja, jajan wording seharga 10k tapi dapet diskon 20% jadi cuman bayar 8k! kapan lagi coba, langsung kirim form aja waktu open, pasti bakal banyak yang rebutan


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