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Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson have written a modern and comprehensive book that celebrates the sacredness of the body (and desire) within the Hindu Tantric tradition, one which aims to dispel remnants of our Puritan past that define many natural activities of our daily life, including sexual activity and desire, in negative terms.

Based upon the teachings of Dr. Jonn Mumford, their book is much more than an erotic sex manual―though, it is that, too! The authors explain the Tantric philosophy and its principles, demystify it for beginners, and offer authentic exercises and techniques that will help turn your every moment of pleasure into an opportunity to experience the divine.

The Essence of Tantric Sexuality

Imagine yourself at the World Tree, Yggdrasil. You sit on one of its gigantic roots. Urd's Well is in sight and maybe you can see the Norns, the weavers of fate. The colours of a Rainbow touch the Well's shore. Your eyes follow the colours of the Bifrost Bridge high into the sky. Twelve specks of white light appear. Do you see the Aesir? Doors of Valhalla presents an exegesis of Voluspa, Havamal, and Lokasenna. The Voluspa poem is looked at from a contemporary esoteric perspective but particularly discusses the evolution of consciousness. Havamal is interpreted from a cultic perspective. The Gunnlod story and its initiatory implications, such as soul contact, are especially treated. Lokasenna outlines the Norse gods and goddesses as archetypes. The theoretical content is intertwined with practical hints. Chapter 2 features an exercise to contact a water spirit for Spa divination. Chapter 5 develops the creation of magical thought-forms. Chapter 6 describes a genuine Seidr trance technique. Chapter 7 includes hints on ceremonial magic. Last but not least, chapter 11 details how to work with god archetypes.

Doors of Valhalla: An Esoteric Interpretation of Norse Myth

The most comprehensive guide to Norse literature, historical folk lore and more. Kvilhaug peels back the layers of the Eddas, Poems and Sagas to reveal hidden truths within. Maria’s background in research and archaeology is visible throughout with full illustrations, timelines and beautiful translations of passages providing the key to unlocking and deciphering the hidden wisdom within. Her exploration of modern interpretations, past parables, and related cultural mythos provides a deeper layer into the mysteries of Old Norse practices.

The Seed of Yggdrasill: Deciphering the Hidden Messages in Old Norse Myths

For decades, researchers have exhaustively documented modern UFO phenomena, but questions remain about the origins of these strange objects and the intentions of the beings associated with them. In Parallels, Richard L. Thompson shows that answers may lie in the records of ancient civilizations claiming thousands of years of contact with races appearing to have an unearthly origin. Startling parallels between modern UFO accounts and events described in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India offer fresh insight into the nature of exotic incidents reported throughout human history.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This book was originally published as Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena. The new title, Parallels, was the author’s original choice.

Parallels: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena

Abhichara is the Tantric magic of India focused both on the adept's deification and the achievement of their other life goals, including material goals. Books on Abhichara translated into European languages are a great bibliographical rarity. This unique book "Abhichara - the Magic of Tantric Mystics and Warlocks" gives a general overview of Abhichara, and describes the pantheon of deities of the Abhichara mandala and the mantic system of Shri Matrika. One of the parts of this book is devoted to the basics of practical metaphysics. The book also outlines the principles of archiving information and energy in mantras and spells, and the principles of releasing energy and information from mantras and spells. Studying this book will help you to acquire skills in practical application of the oracle of Shri Matrika.

Abhichara: The Magic of Tantric Mystics and Warlocks

An in-depth examination of the famous "Cauldron of Poesy" text describing the mystical practices of the poet-seers of medieval Ireland and the legendary bard Amergin. Includes a new translation of the text, a line-by-line analysis of the original Old Irish, a new interpretation of the Cauldron system unlike any in current use and exercises for practicing the Cauldron system as a method of spiritual cultivation.

A God Who Makes Fire: The Bardic Mysticism of Amergin

Volume II: Evidence

Despite continued attempts to uncover the truth, proof of the bigfoot phenomenon has eluded researchers and cryptozoologists for decades. Witnesses regularly describe seeing and interacting with something like a large, undiscovered hominid... and yet, such sightings regularly produce evidence directly at odds with conventional scientific explanations. It seems impossible to reconcile these peculiarities—among them mystery lights, UFOs, unusual sounds, mindspeak, cryptic stick signs, and anomalous footprints and trackways—with the notion of flesh-and- blood creatures evading detection in the modern frontier.
As remarkable as the discovery of a manlike primate would be, what if bigfoot is something stranger still?

Volume II of Where the Footprints End follows the trail blazed by authors Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner, demonstrating how deeply the inexplicable, peripheral oddities of High Strangeness are infused in our contemporary wild man mythology. The journey concludes with a pair of case studies exemplifying how the mysterious mess of the supernatural collides with reality, generating truly baffling encounters.

No one knows exactly where the footprints end... but these mark the final steps of our journey.

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