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This may appear to "work" in the short term as it seems to enjoy some amount of success and clout, but this success will be entirely self-referential with no policy impact and no impact on the wider culture. Like judging influence based only twitter follower count. Whites will not benefit from it and now intelligent Whites will find themselves completely beholden to Jews, just in right wing rather than left wing context. What Whites need is in fact an independent intellectual movement that actually puts our interests first and is completely exclusionary to Jews. Anything less is just furthering the exact problem we have now.


Daniel Schmidt is very proud that a controversy he started on campus has lead to a $100 million donation, certainly from a Jew, to "free speech." In the context of a college campus this means it will go to support Jewish students who are upset they have to see pro-Palestine demonstrations.

He credits his awakening to a paper by Nathan Cofnas where Nathan complains that conservatives are low IQ and thus not very useful politically or intellectually. Cofnas is entirely correct about this. Cofnas even says that the fact that so many dumb people are attracted to conservatism means there is something fundamentally wrong with it. This is also true.

The irony here is that Cofnas's initial claim to fame is his dumbest paper ever, that you would have to be low IQ in order to find convincing. This is the paper in which he completely failed to rebut Kevin MacDonald's thesis on Jewish intellectual movements and their negative effect on White gentile society. The "woke" attitudes of today can be traced to Jewish intellectual movements that attacked Darwinism and evidence based racial anthropology, and which pathologized the idea of racial or ethnic allegiance among intelligent Whites. MacDonald specifically describes how Jewish movements achieved this in The Culture of Critique and Cofnas not only failed to refute it, he failed to even accurately restate MacDonald's thesis. He's not too stupid to understand MacDonald. He's lying and hoping that no one checks.

The issue is not that conservatives are dumb and liberals are smart inherently. The issue is that smart people are incentivized and rewarded to take on "woke" beliefs. Cofnas agrees with this entirely. What he wants to do is make sure that the intellectual backlash to systemic anti-Whiteness among intelligent Whites who are excluded by the system is not anti-Jewish. It naturally should be, because Jews constructed this system in order to put whites at a competitive disadvantage when it comes to attaining positions of power and influence. Those Whites who do attain such positions are completely beholden to Jews and act at the whim of Jewish pressure groups. Cofnas and co. want to replicate this situation on the right.

Until recently highly intelligent, non-liberal Whites did in fact become racist and antisemitic. Jews didn't care as mich because before the internet, Jews felt they were sufficiently marginalized. But in the early days of the internet these ideas were gaining traction and a lot of excluded and marginalized smart White guys were talking amongst themselves and the JQ was getting very popular. This necessitated the creation of the NRX movement as a philosemitic off ramp.

Cofnas is a very small part of a cadre of Jews that think that "woke" has gone too far and is putting Jewish interests at risk, both in terms of pro-Palestine sentiment among intelligent gentiles and in terms of the competency crisis created by egalitarian ideology. What Cofnas, Moldbug, Hanania, BAP and others are promising is some kind of access to a socially approved intellectual movement that is not liberal, but also not antisemitic. In doing this, they are carrying forward the work laid out before by the Frankfurt school in the pathologization of White gentile allegiance and White friend/enemy distinctions between Whites and Jews. And their method of attack is exactly the same as the Jews that came before them, attack, critique and characterize these views as low status while never tackling them head on.

Just arrived. It's a nice fat edition with high quality paper. Looking forward to digging in to it a bit. You can get a copy here: https://armreg.co.uk/ (This is not a paid promotion, I am shilling of my own free will.)

Forward from: Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸
To those kvetching and accusing the fighters of Palestine and Lebanon of positioning their assets at or near "civilian structures" :

Arguing from within the confines of a morality based off of Jewish accusations is pointless. Even if one were to satisfy these Jewish rules of engagement, that are only ever applied to Israel's enemies, it would not prevent or assuage the Jewish crimes that immediately follow the accusations from being commited.

So what if Hamas or Hezbollah attacks Israel near residential areas?

Where else would they fight from given where they're located and their current situation?

Should they paint a giant red X on a military base for Israel to obliterate?

Or should they just let their people get murdered and ethnically cleansed without ever fighting back?

Jews would kill non-jews regardless of their combat status. Just look at Gaza.

Granting their point validity also accepts their rhetorical framing, that this is a "conventional war," even though in practice Jews don't distinguish between fighters and civilians. This ultimately acquiesces to the Jewish framing of these conflicts as Israel vs Hamas, and Israel vs Hezbollah rather than what they actually are: Jews vs Arabs.

As if Hamas spawned out of nowhere, and took over a population that had no grievances whatsoever against Israel yet just happened to find itself in such a brutal situation! In a conventional war, with material objectives, there would be a degree of separation between civilians and fighters with respect to how the war is waged and why. In this case, however, both the Arab fighters and the civilians are fighting for their lives against the Jewish enemy, thus all means to defeat them are valid and moral.

ThunderStruck ⚡ (@StrukkThunder)
Clip from yesterday's show about the Jew attack on Lebanon. Some info is slightly out of date, but I was right about the fake pager company in Budapest being a Jewish op. Jew media wants you to think this was a staggering work of breathtaking genius. It was just Jewish savagery.

The jewish attack on Lebanon was not an act of technical brilliance. It was not some crazy high tech hack of pagers. The Jews do not have the ability to turn any mobile device in the world into a bomb at will. These are all things being said by retarded conservatives with no common sense, a religious devotion to Israel and a belief in magical powers of Jews. Nor was the attack targeted at only Hezbollah members, though that would also be illegitimate.

The attack was actually primitive. They simply intercepted a shipment of pagers to Lebanon and rigged them with explosives. It was a low tech act of indiscriminate mass terrorism. They smuggled 3000 bombs into a country and blew them up. Nothing magical. Nothing special. Just typical Jewish evil. It's now confirmed that women, children and hospital staff have been killed.

But the kind of soul-corrupted conservatives that cheer for this and think Jews are magical will believe scumbags like Eli David and take it as axiomatic that anyone killed by Jews is a terrorist. The number of spiritual boomers that overnight became security and mobile electronics experts in order to talk about the brilliance of the Mossad is both hilarious and infuriating.

Forward from: Judge Frog’s S’more Cult
This is simply an admission that jews do not believe in the concept of civilians. This is because they project their own mindset onto everyone around them, and there really are no jewish civilians. When they wage war against another group, every jew participates in the aggression in one way or another.

When we talk about why Germany felt the need to keep all of these people in camps for the duration of the second world war, this fact has to be kept in mind.


Forward from: Nathan Damigo
Trump is changing up his rhetoric because he’s losing the race. Just last month he was telling us how he was gonna flood the country legally with pajeets because AI was creating too many jobs or something. If you’re spreading this screenshot around with a “Let’s Gooooo…..” or some other excited bullshit, you’re part of the problem.

Jewish settler in Occupied Palestine kills and tortures cats for fun.

Tamer | تامر (@tamerqdh)
قاتل القطط في مدينة طبريا المحتلة طفل اسرائيلي يبلغ من العمر 10 سنوات يقتل القطط بوحشية في طبريا. بالأمس، صدم سكان سكن جماعي في طبريا برؤية 3 قطط ميتة بين الأدغال، وعندما فحصوا التسجيلات رأوا طفلاً يأتي إلى المكان ومعه نوع من العصا ويقتل القطط ويطعنها . وبدأت الشرطة التحقيق، وعثر على قطة رابعة أخر...

ThunderStruck ⚡ (@StrukkThunder)
The dad of the White kid killed by a Haitian last year wants to monopolize the conversation over his son's death. Sorry guy. It's an issue that affects everyone, not just you. I'll mention Aiden's name and use his death politically as much as I need to to make the point.

ThunderStruck ⚡ (@StrukkThunder)
What does "democracy" even mean in a country where the system can completely change the demographics and workforce of a town essentially overnight, and the population not only has no recourse, they don't even know who to complain to? And all the GOP has to offer is cat memes.

Forward from: Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸
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Over the weekend, one of Israel’s most politically influential (within Likud) and top Sephardic Rabbis (Israel’s most popular rite) personally blessed the IDF rapists of Sde Teiman.

When he was told (falsely) that the men did not actually rape any Palestinian, he insisted that even if they had, it would have been their right to do so, as it is simply them “hurting the enemy.”

The US is basically an organ farm for Jews.

Suquili 🦎 (@suquili88)
@StrukkThunder the reality of medical racism

ThunderStruck ⚡ (@StrukkThunder)
My reaction when Jewish libertarian Walter Block brought an age of consent argument into a debate over Israel/Palestine. They can't stop themselves. They simply can't.

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