𖧷.. MYTH BOUTIQUE—O]: 𖢲 Triumph Of Heaven!

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𖦽› hurricane—zephyr euphonious quaver of the spellbinding divinity manufacture th’s emporium twofold congenial 𖢲.. acquaintance @mythallicbot evidence necessiy @TriumphOfHeaven & @rotarie besides immortal is euphoric hither jointly.
since, march 2023.

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Forward from: EXOMASC, GIVEAWAY. 𓇚
Spesial 900 subs @EXOMASC. Giveaway saldo 5k buat 4 orang dan 10k buat 1 orang. Drop number secara urut + username (ex : 1 + @ffour).

Rules, subs @EXOMASC dan forward pesan ini nanti dimintain ss. Jadi jangan hapus fwan sebelum pengumuman.

million thanks greatly for such kind phrases, everyone involved! get in touch @mythallicbot if you'd ought to forward business-related messages. It will prove done accessible through precise 8:00 PM ♥️

finally I reached 500 babies folks for triumph's.. with pleasure, i'll gladly make the best service for you, loves one! 🤍🫶🏻

we're open nowadays as well, come on! If you don't mind be sure to check the regulations some time recently requesting. I'll moreover be planning moodboards ready commision, so don't miss it. 🤍

akhirnya selesai rombak.. soon aku update dan drop catalogue baru atau lama sekalian all of testimonials nya, loyo banget men-temen. 😢😢

— • ⚘.. enigmatic macrocosm has deceased between catastrophic juncture—bewitching cadaverous plumose warbler intone jointly, refreshing zepyhr undulates the visage moreover the celestial o’ artistry has unlocked aforementioned cryptic boutique: "quiescence considering orders, fulfill beaming".

   ──────── ┈ 𖧷 ┈ ───────

      𖢲.. "REGULATIONS—O"
      𖢲.. "CATALOGUE—O"
      𖢲.. "CONTACT ORDER—O"

tranquility and revere, hillary ♥️

ㅤㅤㅤ┈ [XVI: MUTUALS] 𖧷 ┈

{unlocked bulletin to entire my cherish conjoints employment—prithee you encourage th's beauteous chinwag approaching your channel? gratefully, my mutuals!}

.. 𖢲 .. Bewitching aphrodite ce which mesmerized your heed, admirable physiognomy makes a heart vanish celestial is authentically warmth to the nation ubiquitous xe owns a delightful mystic district videlicet @mythail; beauteous emporium advertises various goods! separate epoch ze felt lonesomeness furthermore didn’t possess entire buddy, occasion colloquy exist obvious analogous the hurricance, conscientious acquaintance are arduous facing bonanza therefore ze is awaiting for analogous business mutuals, wether you're inquiring within metamorphose vis current reciprocal employment kindly association @mythallicbot beddy-bye all!

              ㅤ  ...  ‧₊˚ ✾˚₊‧  ...

— ⚘.. periphery of d' estuary, furthermore translucent percolate aqua benches a tremendously pulchritudinous boutique patronized adjoining gorgeous celestial since of extremely adequate excellence—wether aforementioned's veracious authorize comprehend a glimpse concerning the table d'hôte furthermore; plus prospectus furnished "MOODBOARD READY".

— ⚘.. periphery of d' estuary, furthermore translucent percolate aqua benches a tremendously pulchritudinous boutique patronized adjoining gorgeous celestial since of extremely adequate excellence—wether aforementioned's veracious authorize comprehend a glimpse concerning the table d'hôte furthermore; plus prospectus furnished "WORDING READY".

[MCMLiii—expenditure exercise; PRICELIST!]

— • ⚘.. o! celestial aphrodite endure delting  nearby the present emporium, well-behaved existence pulchritudinous moreover the goddess given "persist clever a bounty memorandum latest hither boutique?" therefore our chain feathers a hire memorandum whichever endure forthwith syllabusted.

    ──────── ┈ 𖧷 ┈ ───────

       𖦽.. 3 slide : IDR 1.000
       𖦽.. 6 slide : IDR 2.000
       𖦽.. 9 slide : IDR 3.000
       𖦽.. 12 slide : IDR 4.000
       𖦽.. etc (max 24 slide)

additional requests :
       𖦽.. pict by seller : IDR 1,000
       𖦽.. filter : IDR 1,000
       𖦽.. inrush less-than 3h : IDR 2,000

{𖢲}.. #myth [COST; XII—INVENTORY] the statuesque aphrodite persist startled near whence bargain the chattles hitherto remain, authentic extremely mucho recherché likwise aerial. blessings whereas consent hither journey sie averse trench the finances in vogue your pint—sized.

                ㅤ  ...  ‧₊˚ ✾˚₊‧  ...

[MCMLiii—expenditure exercise; PRICELIST!]

— • ⚘.. o! celestial aphrodite endure delting  nearby the present emporium, well-behaved existence pulchritudinous moreover the goddess given "persist clever a bounty memorandum latest hither boutique?" therefore our chain feathers a hire memorandum whichever endure forthwith syllabusted.

    ──────── ┈ 𖧷 ┈ ───────
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤWORDING!

       𖦽.. short : IDR 2.000 – 4.000
       𖦽.. medium : IDR 5.000 – 8.000
       𖦽.. long : IDR 9.000 – 15.000

       channel package start IDR 10,000

additional requests :
       𖦽.. thesaurus : IDR 1,000 – 3,000
       𖦽.. old english : IDR 2,000
       𖦽.. shakespearean : IDR 2,000
       𖦽.. symbol and fancy fonts : free
       𖦽.. inrush less-than 5h : IDR 2,000

{𖢲}.. #slyph [COST; XI—INVENTORY] the statuesque aphrodite persist startled near whence bargain the chattles hitherto remain, authentic extremely mucho recherché likwise aerial. blessings whereas consent hither journey sie averse trench the finances in vogue your pint—sized.

                ㅤ  ...  ‧₊˚ ✾˚₊‧  ...

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