Discover the new Telegram feature & earn ⭐️Stars!
Now you can get an incredible 30% referral bonus while inviting friends
Here’s how to get started:
1️⃣ Open chat with @NOTMEMEAppBot and tap on chat name
2️⃣Find the Affiliate Program button and tap on it
3️⃣Join Program and copy your unique referral link
4️⃣Share your link and start earning Stars for every successful referral!
🔥 The more invitations - the more Stars earnings! Get started! 👉
🌐 Website | 📱 X (Twitter) | 📱 TikTok | 📱 Telegram | 💬 Chat
Now you can get an incredible 30% referral bonus while inviting friends
Here’s how to get started:
1️⃣ Open chat with @NOTMEMEAppBot and tap on chat name
2️⃣Find the Affiliate Program button and tap on it
3️⃣Join Program and copy your unique referral link
4️⃣Share your link and start earning Stars for every successful referral!
🔥 The more invitations - the more Stars earnings! Get started! 👉
🌐 Website | 📱 X (Twitter) | 📱 TikTok | 📱 Telegram | 💬 Chat