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🎵🔴 PRONOUNCIATON: Schwa 🔴🎵⚜️
🆔 @g_english
🦋The Schwa sound (IPA symbol: ə ) is a short and weak vowel sound. You can hardly hear it, actually.
🆔 @g_english
1) a
2) the
3) a bout
4) a round
5) prese nt
6) fathe r
7) banana
8) carro t
9) atla s
10) illne ss
11) offend 🆔 @g_english
12) answe r
13) lette r
14) a lone
15) sof a
16) syst e m
17) su pply
18) circ u s
🆔 @g_english
🦋Now say these sentences out loud🦋 :
1) I have a carro t a nd a banana .
2) The atl a s c o ntains a lot of maps.
3) He talk ed a bout his illn e ss.
4) I will answe r this lett e r.
5) Fath e r went a round the a partme nt. 🆔 @g_english
7) The comp a ny will su pply the tel e phon es.
8) I was sitting a lone on the sof a .
9) The p e rform a nce in the circ u s was a mazing.
10) He s u ggest e d a syst e m.
🆔 @g_english
🆔 @g_english
🦋The Schwa sound (IPA symbol: ə ) is a short and weak vowel sound. You can hardly hear it, actually.
🆔 @g_english
1) a
2) the
3) a bout
4) a round
5) prese nt
6) fathe r
7) banana
8) carro t
9) atla s
10) illne ss
11) offend 🆔 @g_english
12) answe r
13) lette r
14) a lone
15) sof a
16) syst e m
17) su pply
18) circ u s
🆔 @g_english
🦋Now say these sentences out loud🦋 :
1) I have a carro t a nd a banana .
2) The atl a s c o ntains a lot of maps.
3) He talk ed a bout his illn e ss.
4) I will answe r this lett e r.
5) Fath e r went a round the a partme nt. 🆔 @g_english
7) The comp a ny will su pply the tel e phon es.
8) I was sitting a lone on the sof a .
9) The p e rform a nce in the circ u s was a mazing.
10) He s u ggest e d a syst e m.
🆔 @g_english