Otabek Kholmirzaev | IT blog

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The goal of this channel is to crack the coding interviews at FAANG companies together with you guys. 🚀🚀🚀
@senior_leetcoder ✍️

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Hi guys. Today, I deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts. Thanks to God, I'm feeling much better now. If you're not using your Instagram/Facebook account to promote your business, then it's a waste of time, once said a wise man. Now, I fully focus on my goals and share news after some time about how my life will change in the future.

Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as you. You’ll rise together.(O'zingizni siz bilan bir xil maqsadlarga ega odamlar bilan o'rab oling. Ular bilan birgalikda o'sasiz.)

©️ James Clear

Assalomu alaykum. Bugungi maqolamizda dasturchilar uchun eng kerakli bo'lgan til bilish haqida gaplashamiz. Avvallari ingliz tilini yetarli darajada bilishni o'zi kifoya qiladi deb o'ylardim, misol uchun dokumentatsiyani o'qib tushunish, youtube videolarni ko'rib tushunish, qilayotgan ishingizni boshqa dasturchilarga tushuntirib berish. Lekin FAANG kompaniyalarga kirish uchun ingliz tilida fluent(ravon) gapira olish kerak ekan, chunki bu kompaniyalarga kirish uchun raqobat juda kuchli bo'lgani uchun yaxshi muloqot qila olish qobiliyatiga ega dasturchi qolganlaridan afzal hisoblanadi. Shuning uchun FAANG ga kirish uchun minimum til bilish darajasi qanday bo'lishi kerakligini bilish uchun linkedin dan FAANG kompaniyalarida ishlaydigan hamyurtlarimizni til bilish darajalarini ko'rib chiqdim. Qarabsizki, deyarli hammalari IELTS dan 7+ olishgan ekan, bu degani ular ingliz tilini yuqori(advanced) darajada bilishadi. Demak, o'z sohamizda yuqori darajalarga erishishimiz uchun ingliz tilini yuqori darajada bilishimiz kerak degan xulosaga kelsak ham bo'ladi.

1. Jahongir Rahmonov - Amazon - IELTS 8.5
2. Sherali Obidov - Google - IELTS 7
3. Farruh Habibullaev - Google - IELTS 7
4. Azimjon Pulatov - Google - IELTS 7
5. Muhammadjon Toshpulatov - Google - IELTS 8
6. Bekhzod Soliev - Google - IELTS 7.5
7. Ogabek Yuldashov - Microsoft - IELTS 7.5
8. Vohid Karimov - Google - IELTS 7

✍️ @otabek_kholmirzaev

Forward from: Gazeta.uz - Ўзбекистон янгиликлари
Ўзбекистонда ҳам дастурчилар орасида хотин-қизлар улуши йилдан-йилга ошмоқда. «Газета.uz» АКТ соҳасидаги қизлар куни муносабати билан IT’даги ўқувчи қизлар билан суҳбатлашди. Улар ҳозирги лойиҳалари, келажак режалари, муаммо ва тўсиқлар ва жамиятдаги стереотиплар ҳақида гапирди.


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Hi folks! I wrote an article about leetcode roadmap on medium. Please read it and give your feedbacks. And don't forget to share it with your friends :)

Link: https://medium.com/@kholmirzaevotabek1/leetcode-roadmap-9be87733e8ad


Hi, folks! Who's learning the Rust programming language (https://www.rust-lang.org/) these days? Let's discuss it together in the comments section. There are no jobs for Rust in Uzbekistan yet, but in the next 1-2 years, I think there will be a huge demand for this language, won't there?

Who's going there tomorrow? I'm going 🔥

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Assalom alaykum!!!
UzGeeks'da uzoq kutilgan DevOps kuni!

📆 20-aprel shanba kuni Toshkent shahri Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi binosida "UzGeeks April2024 DevOps Day Meetup" bo'lib o'tadi.

📚 Meetup quyidagi bo'limlardan tashkil topgan:

1️⃣. “Kichik va o'rta kompaniyalarda DevOps infrastrukturasini qurish” - Mirafzal Shavkatov(DevOps engineer, Yangi Bank);

2️⃣. “CI/CD ni himoya qilish: Vault x Gitlab-CI” - Jamshid Yerzakov(CEO & Co-Founder, Proxima).

3️⃣. "CI/CD workflow: Deep dive" - Zafar Saidov(Team Lead, Proxima)

🕰 Meetup odatiy ravishda bepul bo'lib, soat 14:00 da boshlanadi, unda qatnashish uchun UzGeeks saytida ro'yxatdan o'tish kerak.
Manzil: Toshkent shahar, Mirzo Ulug'bek tumani, Muminov ko’chasi, 4A(Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi binosida)

O'zbekiston Respublikasi Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi
Raqamli ta'limni rivojlantirish markazi
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🌐 UzGeeks.uz

In which language should I write posts in this channel?
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Let's gooooooooooo Real Madrid 🔥🔥🔥

Udemy has started an exciting free trial plan for 7 days. You can learn most of the courses at the same time. Right now because of the holiday, I'm free and learning Linux, C language and many more...

#udemy #learn

This is what I want these days ... 👀

Forward from: Azimjon's Fikrlog
Telefonsiz 30 kun #challenge

11-mayda ko’rishamiz…

We're going soon... 🔥

Forward from: Azimjon's Fikrlog
Facebook Meta tadbir o’tkazib berdi.

O’zbek diasporasi bilan yig’ildik.

Tadbir davomida Meta’dagilar kamida 20 marta “We are hiring” dedi. Varshavada imkoniyatlar 🚀

Confidence level 11 out of 10 😅👍


Guys who is thinking twice before eating something? I think I'm not alone.. 😅

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