⚡️A highway strip, also known as a road runway or road base, is a dedicated section of a highway, motorway, or public road constructed to function as a runway primarily for military aircraft. Its purpose is to serve as an alternative or auxiliary military air base, enabling aircraft operations to continue in the event that regular air bases, often high-priority targets in warfare, are compromised or incapacitated.
The Above pics showcase
⚡️🇸🇪A SAAB Gripen taking off from a civilian roadway.
⚡️🇰🇷A South Korean C-123K waiting on a highway landing strip.
⚡️🇩🇪West German Autobahn that served this purpose through almost all of the Cold War. An A-10 and a C-130 can be seen landing it.
The Above pics showcase
⚡️🇸🇪A SAAB Gripen taking off from a civilian roadway.
⚡️🇰🇷A South Korean C-123K waiting on a highway landing strip.
⚡️🇩🇪West German Autobahn that served this purpose through almost all of the Cold War. An A-10 and a C-130 can be seen landing it.