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unsubs aja kontol, gue bukan fans lo pda

free unsubs yaa

haloo, aku udh buat ch baru aku yg udah subs ch baru aku boleh unsubs yaa

what do you think about hyunjaevie?
  •   social butterfly🦋, talkactive person, friendly, attractive, u caught my attention, lovely person 🎀
  •   pretty boy, boyfriend material, adorable baby boy ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ, i think i have crush on you🐾🦄
  •   kinda scary, cool, annoying, seems intimidating, swaggie💥🎯
31 votes


Happy comeback for STAYC and all STAYC rp-ers.

Especially : Dara, Aishenora, Cansie, Thyse, Leisl, Sarayu, Abinaya, Shéalana, Shofia, Sianne, Yudi, Yuelrio.

So guys please support STAYC comeback this time. And don't forget to stream the music video!

ini Andra, dia ini temen deket gue dia ini anaknya asik, nyeremin jga klo udh ngomel" di ch, bf able jga anaknya, bucin bgt sama karina ama hyunjae, klo udh liat kegemesannya hyunjae psti dia lgsg mleyot wkwkwk, pas pertama kenal dia gue kira di nihh anaknya gk jamet, gk ngeselin tpi pas smkin deket sama dia fi gue ke dia berubah😌. tiap mw main brot di ch dia psti msti mikir 2 kli, gue dlu pas awal kenal dia sering stalk" ch dia, gue suka liat set up nya sama ch nya ganteng ama rapih klo di liat enak.

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