Petite Myrleigh OPENN ♡

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𖥔 trying, working and honest, is the main key to real progress! petite myrleigh absolutely willing and trying always to be there.
status : open!
list order—form : @ptmyrchive
contact person : @myleibot
testi : @ptmyrtesti
working hours 15.00–21.00 WIB!

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sayang sayangku untuk upsubs upfoll aku ga open dulu ya kecuali weekdays, moodboard custom juga ngga avail inrush deeply apologize love 🥺 tapi aku bakalan tetep kerjain request an kalian dan open moodboard ready kok! love you, semangat besok ❤️

DELIVETE YANG KEYEEEN, owner-nya lebihh keyen lagii 🥺 huh, you really made me feel flattered this time, SUMPAAH... if you know that delivete more than deserve anything, also the coolest delivete makes everyone would love it 🥺 claiy, you know... i really thank you this time, your kind words, love letters and everything you gave me. i'm totally intoxicated by all of it! i do love you insanely claiy

Forward from: delivete. ♥︎
@ptmyrleigh known as the straw to my berry and everything else which completes me! sending my utmost sincere congratulation letter since you’ve reached two hundred babies this morning anddd am more than proud to announce this lovely news to everybody else because your store truly deserves all the love and the hype! celamat! enya! cayangku! loveu! 🍓♡

also, blissful day, more sweet than love!!! @artsyfame happy 200 subscribers too sayaaangku, artsyfame kereeen! jaya! jaya! jaya! ❤️‍🔥

AAAA thank youu so much cayangkuu 🥺💟

Forward from: Artsy Fame ; SOON.
camat 200 subscribers cayangkuu @ptmyrleigh 🥰🥰

happy 200 subscribers my lovely channel @ptmyrleigh 💟

guys maaf kalau hari biasa, work hours kita jam 15.00-21.00 ya, jadi kalau sebelum itu belum dibalas atau kalian perlu order inrush lebih baik jangan kesini, kecuali kalau weekdays okaay. karena selain kesehatan nya lagi mengganggu adminnya juga, adminnya harus sekolah okay, i hope you guys will understand, untuk sfs sebentar ya, akun aku limit terus balesin chat orang, ilang lagi begitu. bentar ya 💟

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