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Player frustrated at being basically ignored by DM

One of those players who make playing "beast races" really weird...

Went down last night and I'm annoyed as heck.

I hopped into a one-shot little game because I had a free evening. I've played with this group before, they're okay most of the time.

We roll up characters, I decide to bring my fun tabaxi Drunken Master monk gal. Aaaand that's where it gets WEIRD.

Another player, a new guy we'll call H has a tabaxi too. A thief rogue. Ok, cool. He immediately wants us to buddy up as "fellow beast women". Okaaaay...?

To cut things short... he was a weirdo. Like, full blown cliche stereotypical furry who CAN'T not bring weirdness to the character. Described his character in excruciating detail, roleplayed her with annoying traits; rubbing herself on people, lapping up milk from bowls, meowing mid-sentence, goddamn LICKING HERSELF to bathe...


All this made everyone uncomfortable and kind of shifted the party against both of us, even though the only comments I ever made about my monk's race affecting her behavior were describing expressive ears and tail and a tendency to "floof up" when scared.

We told him repeatedly to tone it down. He insisted he was just playing his character and even made a dumb comment about how his rogue was not " in denial of her species' nature like the monk is"


The session left a bad taste in my mouth, so to speak. I am definitely never playing with him (even though he's an otherwise competent player) and I think the rest of the group agrees.

But man, it bummed me out. I'm getting reluctant to play my monk now. She's a kinda homage/love letter to old-school kung-fu movies, especially the work of Jackie Chan, and my fondness for cats (I say as my Yorkie dog snores in my lap...). I don't wanna hesitate to bring her into games for fear of people assuming I might do that kinda shit.

Edit: typo

He Ignores Your Immunity

Quick one for y'all today. In my Pathfinder 1e game, I play a warpriest worshipping a chaos deity. During an exceptionally difficult fight, I cast invoke deity, a 6th level spell that allows you to gain powers based on one of your deity's domains.

Invoke Deity, Chaos, makes you immune to critical hits and precision damage (sneak attack, etc.) for 10 min/lv. I cast it on myself, heal up via warpriest's fervor casting ability (burn points from a pool to cast a personal range spell as a swift), and throw myself back into the fray.

First enemy to attack me rolls 3 crits, I remind the DM that I am immune to crits via the spell, to which he replies, "Oh yeah, but they have a class feature that let's them ignore your immunity, and that's enough damage to drop you." We were fighting a 16th level cavalier, which after looking at the class, does not have that ability.

This is the second time he has used this excuse on a random enemy we fought in order to hit my character hard with multiple critical. I put this here because, as far as I'm aware, RAW theres no way to ignore immunities, and I know for certain when I fight a construct with immunity to crits, I've never been able to ignore that.

Edit: added context.

two, our newest DMPC still tagging along and calling the shots, showing off his fancy spear. We won, yay.

Curtains are pulled, the game is over.

"Oh hey, BunzLee. You were going to DM next, right? Good thing I was able to introduce GUARDMAN through organic storytelling. He's going to be my character for our next campaign, as he knows all of you already! Boy was I lucky to get that spear, huh?"

mfw we played through a shitty 20 hour campaign to legitimze the DM's character.

TL;DR: DM has no idea about mechanics or rules, makes it all up, barely lets us play only to legitimize a DMPC into a character for our next campaign.

P&P 2.0: When DMs become DMPCs, and PCs become NPCs. With a twist!

So, me and a group of friends decided to get into pen and paper. We're not really experienced, aside from our DM, who has played multiple games and systems when he was studying abroad - Perfect choice for a DM, right? Since we're from a part of the world where "The Dark Eye" originates from, we decide to get into this system and go for it. I buy the rulebooks, read the whole thing and get some character sheets up for me and the party - A process that took us weeks, just to make sure we did it right.

Meet our players; A Dwarf Bard (me), a Human Rogue and a Humand Soldier. Nothing extraordinary, and not really relevant. We meet up as agreed beforehand, and start our adventure.

Right off the bat we start to notice a few oddities. While on one hand the DM hands us out some pretty detailed materials like hand drawn maps and sketches of weapons, like a fancy epic spear, but he keeps stumbling across the story. NPC names change, plot holes, inconsistencies. He is obviously making things up on the fly, doesn't take notes and forgets his own story. Whenever a big plot hole pops up, he patches it with newer, spontaneously made up information. Great.

As the session(s) went on, it was pretty clear that we're winging it. To keep this bearable for you, let me summarize:

- We barely use our dice. Maybe once or twice per session.

- He has obviously no idea what the rules are, and therefore avoids combat, or never uses a skill check.

- There is no meaningful interaction for us. A few yes/no decisions, almost no way to play

- The only time we got to "play freely" were downtimes in camp, where we were expected to improvise roleplay with no purpose or topic. We started asking for skips.

- Every session there was at least one DMPC that was the main protagonist, he literally talked to himself for extended periods of time, while we were sitting there giving eachother annoyed looks

I am a veteran Ultima Online Roleplayer, so I'm pretty familiar with staying in character, but as our sessions go on, I can't help it and push the boundaries of what he's putting us through. I start forcing him into scenarios to spice things up, and that's when the whole thing started going to shit. But he doesn't know how to handle my outrageous antics, so he kind of just lets them happen.

As we approach the end of our journey, we're supposed to storm the house of the big baddie. It's in a city, surrounded by a ton of guards, and he has a very specific thing in mind on how we're supposed to enter this building (more on this in a second). I don't give damn and I do what a bard would do: as I am swimming in money, I leave the party to do my thing - I cautiously start telling him what I'm doing, and he goes along with it, but I make sure he doesn't realize the full extent yet so I'm not getting shut down. I go back into the city and start riling up the beggars and homeless, offering them coins upfront, with promises of more if they show up to said house in an hour. By the time I make it back, there's a revolt going on and shit's lit, yo.

People are breaking into the mansion, from the front, from the back, overwhelming all the guards. There's a slaughter going on, so my party takes the opportunity and uses the chaos to get in and face the big baddie. All the guards end up dead, even though they've probably killed all the beggars, too. Doesn't matter. What matters is that ONE SPECIFIC guard survived miraculously, and he just refused to die repeatedly. As with every other DMPC he starts tagging along, but for once, this guy seems to have a very elaborate background story. Guess what?! We were supposed to find this specific guy and get him to help us. Why? No clue.

Remember the epic spear I've mentioned shortly at the beginning? Well, it was broken then, but lucky for us, new guy over here is not only very proficient with them, he also knows a guy that is able to repair said spear. And since he can use them well, he might aswell keep it, right?

We wrap up the rest of the story in an hour or

Martial/Caster Divide? ALIENS

d somewhat intimidated, at the same time he was not going to back down from his position thinking that it worked as it should. Yeah thats a very right sing to say for a person beign pinned down under a fucking warrior.

Kai: "Not learned a damn lesson hornboy? Hey, did you know that your back entrance is welcoming like a Baldur's Gate?

*At this moment, the bad boi starting to feel a warm breath behind head. Kai leans to his ear and says in deep silent voice.*

Kai: "Mind if i seal it with my dragonlance?"

This was so absurd and unusual at the same time that girls started laughing. You know, last time when i did male voice that perfect was me drinking 2 bottles of vodka. At this moment i understood what that strange feeling was coming from. You know, as as a writer you had to start somewhere - some people write fairy tales, some write fanfiction, and 8 years ago i was writing about some boys hanging together. Yeah, i was That kind of Girl, and this story was begging for main character. Bad Boy continued shittalkintg with Kai but now he seemed more and more woried about what comming next.

Bad Boi: "You can not do this to me, gods will screw all over. They will send you to hell you fucking faggot."

Kai: "Cant argue with that hornboy. What i'm about to do has not been approved by the Bahamut. By the way do you know that one thing i was expecting to hear in your beutyfull speeches?"

Bad Boi: "No?"

Kai: "Exactly."

It was that moment that bad boi knew. He fucked up. Due to his state, that guy could not see what was happening behind him. There was only a series of strange creaks after which he felt a strange sensation in his lower back.

**Roll constitution save**

**You failed. Your natural armor got penetrated. Roll piercing damage...**

That look. I ve never seen a man with that kind of face. It was like if he seen a swarm of Tarasques by himself. He was staring at me like a young child, i think he got PTSD after that. Good. Maybe i should run Call of Ctuluhu someday? Anyway, evereything fades to black... I describe the party waking up and moving to the blacksmith daughter's house due to painfuly familiar screams. When they get to the place they see a naked body beign thrown out of the window, luckely landing onto cart with a stockpile. Let us say dude was quite fine, besides the huge pole sticking out of his ass.

Unfortunately, no one in the party possessed the skills of a carpenter,and therefore their visit to the local medics was quite funny. They never thought it was possible for a person to slip on the floor in a way where they could "land" on their own spear during a bath. At least bad boi was very lucky at charisma throws.

Epilogue: A few days later. With a help of large amount of olive oil and some wasted gold, a foreign object was sucsessfully removed from a private place. The player never threw that kind of shit again and even helped me with the campaign behaved like a good boi. Despite his wild fear of reptilian races, I think he will be okay. The party returned the spear to its owner, although his joy from this event was very strained. What bout me? Well, I just was kinda ashamed of what i did to the guy besides evereyobody got their fun. Maybe i should not been so hard on him. Anyway, I did what i always do in such cases. I drink some beer, turned on Victor Tsoi, and smoked a cigar. Im ussualy against smoking anything but every rule has its exeption.

Dongs'n'Dragons: The yaoi stikes back

Ahoy reditors. Gotta use my alt here since "bad boi" loves monitoring my posts as he was a beholder. To be honest, I don’t see anything particularly horrible in this story, but several guys said that it makes their blood boil. So here i am, 22 year old girl from Russia - GM, university student, graphomaniac. Despite my love of giving players freedom, I always limit "nsfw" topics until my players do not openly express their desire to visit my Magical Realm. So basicly never. But every rule has an exception.

The cast here is not really important. 2 girls 2 guys to one of which I will refer to as "Bad Boi". You know the type. Bad boi was a 4 level Chaotic Neutral tiefling rogue. He was wearing a dark cloak with a large musketeer's hat. His hotnes could melt the hearts and icebergs. But thankfuly he had cooled himself in the dark corner of the taverns, wich he did most of his time. Don Juan for women of early puberty.

In one of the sessions, the party met a female dragonborn who was the daughter of a local blacksmith. From this moment, the behavior of tiefling has changed dramatically. At first, he gave her presents and invited her to gatherings in the park, which was pretty sweet. Sometimes he climbed into her window at night leaving roses ,witch was weird but okay to me. Everything was acceptable until he asked when her father would be far from home.

I was a complete fool not paying attention to this moment. Sometimes it's amazing how I even made it to my years without getting into a van with sweets and smiley clowns. Anyway she told bad boy something like:

Zera (Dragonborn's name): "Father will visit Zenax next night, but it is doubtful that he leaves his daughter alone."

Bad Boi: "Do not worry my lady, you will never be alone."

Moving on to next day. I was expecting a short dating scene. Bad boi bought some tea and came to her house through window (because regular doors are not romantic enogh) after her dad left the house. So he gets into her room ,a little bit of smaltalk, he asks her to bring something to eat ,she lefts the room and he pours sleeping potion into her cup. After this he describes how he entangles her with his ropes, puts her onto bad, and fucks her till the morning.

Everybody imidetly gulp their tongues. A moment of akward silence. I was so frustrated that i did not really controled mythelf anymore. Something awakend inside me, something ancient, and it was very very bad. Talking with a bastard and stoping the game because some horny boy wants to fuck up with my rules? Kick the bastard out and leave a bad taste? OH HELL NAH, he will not get out with it so easily! Bad boys must be punished!

So i copy an evil grin of his and ask him to describe how he gets out of his equipment and his clothes. So after bad boi unholsters his flesh dagger the door gots busted out revealing well-built blue male Dragonborn. What the bastard did not know that Zera's father asked his son to look after his house while he was out. He spotted an open window and immediately gets the point what is going on. The scene was speaking for itself. A naked red boi was standing near brother's entagled sister.

Bad Boi: "Who the fuck are you?" *tryes to grab the dagger behind him but fails*

Kai (Brother's name): "The one who are you fucking with ,tiefling. I gonna beat your ass so hard, that a new shade of red will appear on it"

The fight starts. Since it was the third floor jumping out of window was not an option. Bad Boi starts to run away from frustrated male by crawling on bookshelves and jumping from one table to another, until eventually, he ends up hanging on a chandelier. The party (exept that guy) started giggleling atm.

Unfortunately for him, 220 volts was enough to finally lower his ego from heaven to earth. The ground war starts, and after four rounds of gachimuchi bad boi is bound with his own ropes and pressed face-fist to the floor.

Bad Boi: "Listen dude i was not having anything with your sis, she welcomed me in the house by herself that means she agreed!"

His face looke

"I don't know how to handle a celestial warlock, so I'm going to make them useless" - DM

A list of things my DM has done in an attempt to "nerf" my celestial warlock:

- Revivify costs two spell slots because "you get them back on short rest anyways"

- Healing light is changed to 1d4 because "it's a better healing word"

- Pact of the Tome rituals can only be cast once per day and I can only cast two rituals a day

- Tomb of Levistus gives me disadvantage on my next attack because "you're recovering from being coated in ice"

- My level 10 feature only applies to me, not my allies, and it's at half effectiveness (half my warlock level and charisma mod) and does not refresh on short rests.

- It takes me twice as long and thrice the amount of gold to scribe rituals into my book because "warlocks aren't as smart as wizards, they're just whores for magic"

All in all, not exactly a fun time so far. He really hates warlocks but thinks hexblade is fine because "they're almost always martial so it balances out", and thinks celestial warlocks are a bad mix of cleric and wizard and do too much of everything.

My own DM nightmare

So reading a few stories here I figured I'd share my personal experience with my 'that guy' DM

We were playing the Warhammer 40k RPG system, it was my first venture into tabletop RPGs of any kind. My two friends had played a short while but my DM was a man who routinely boasted about his 2+ decades of experience DMing so I figured I was in safe hands

The char creation starts by me asking if I would be hindered by playing a human while my two teammates were playing space marines and was assured it would be no issue.

What was prevalent throughout session 1 and every session after was that most NPCs all seemed to have the same attitude "We don't acknowledge humans. We'll ignore you any time you speak. We only speak to space marines". Alright, fair enough.

So after a couple of months I decide I'm bored of this and reroll to a space marine. Joyousness is had as my very first npc encounter contains dialogue where I'm begrudgingly spoken to and my input is heard!

Now up to this point he's not been too bad. A little frustrating at points but tame. Until I decide I want a pair of minions. I double check with him before hand and he's happy to have minions in the game.

First session with my two buddies. 5 minutes in.
"As you walk down this dark alley you here a *Snick*. As you turn you find one of your minions on the floor. Dead"

"What. Just. Dead?"


"No way to react or save them or anything?"


Well now. In this system you gotta spend xp to get these minions. So I'm a little murked but I continue. We proceed through a factory and as we reach bbeg's room I tell my last minion to wait outside. Play it safe. Round a corner

Combat begins. Turn 1
"The BBEG runs past you all. Taking 3 attacks of opportunity"
Odd. He's a cocky guy. He wouldn't flee
"And walks out the door and attacks your minion. Hitting it. Dealing enough damage to kill it. He's dead"


I sat there with a look of disbelief. My friends sniggered. I didn't know how to process this so I just. Carried on. Thinking this would be the worst of it.

Over the next few sessions I started to notice. My guy got hit. A lot. Infact, over 8 sessions I'd yet to be missed by an attack. As the campaign naturally came to it's conclusion and we were packing up I sort of off handedly mentioned that I got hit more often than I'd of thought

"Oh yeah I didn't even roll to hit you. I just decided your character was too OP so made every attack autohit you"

My friends can't understand why I never went to one of his games again.

Power of the Dice Gods

>playing D&D 5e

>our group uses d100 crit charts in combat

>be me, human Fighter

>Be not me, DM, human Paladin, dwarven Barbarian and Drow Rogue

>be fighting group of Dragonborn. One a heavy fighter and another a powerful mage, the rest are soldiers

>a few rounds into combat the Paladin attacks the heavy Fighter and rolls a natural 20

>he then rolls the d100... 0-00

>cheers erupt at the table as it's the first time such a roll combination has been seen

>even more cheers as the DM says a 100 is decapitation and the Paladin kills the heavy Fighter instantly

>I then have my Fighter attack a soldier, rolling a natural 1

>roll on the d100... 2-40

>My character drops his weapon, falls prone and is stunned for one round

>one round later he gets back up and goes to attack the Mage.

>natural f##king 20

>roll on the d100.........0-00

>a few moments of total silence as the group stares at the dice in disbelief

>My character beheads the Mage and the party quickly dispatches the rest of the enemies.

Avoiding IRL relationship while failing to save (my characters) virginity

Main cast:

Game Master as **GM**

Me as **me**

That Person as **this person**

^This ^is ^no ^finger ^pointing, ^I ^am ^at ^much ^fault ^as ^anyone ^in ^this ^turning ^into ^a ^rpghorrorstory


Played in a group for over a year and had fun playing the [sarcastic asshole mercenary]( who only moves a finger if any money is involved. Group was full of fun people, even hung out outside of game and went to conventions together.

**GM** invites a somewhat (personal gut feeling) unsettling person to the group who inexplicably really liked **me** (as player) and paid my character to jump into bed with them on the very first meeting. We haven’t done sex stuff in game before as none of us are proud having to make that tick on their nerd bucket list... *buuuuut* at least it was with an actual player/character of the opposite gender so that evens it out. This never happened again though because my gut said *not your type, stay on distance*

Several sessions and weeks later we all went to some medieval convention and **this person** asked the fortune teller if we both are a thing in the future within earshot of group outside the tent.

The next week I retire mercenary and change character to a noble who adamantly treasures virginity before marriage but it continues with **this person** who starts to obviously text **me** while we are playing together at the table. I see **GM** grow more sad with every passing session.

Group is very uncomfortable suddenly. No longer enjoy playing together or hanging out. Something stupid happens, my character gets forced to sleep with a npc and lose virginity or be forever badmouthed within circles of nobles.

Don’t feel like playing anymore. throw a temper tantrum on WhatsApp about how my character of nobility got tricked (sry, story for another time) and ultimately get thrown out of the group-

*... and feel refreshed.*

**GM** and **this person** enter relationship soon after that for a year, then broke up recently.

**GM** says „**this person** has mental problems and being together was a full time job“ - While **this person** texts me saying **GM** „is an absolute control freak with anger issues who can’t be trusted“

Both invite **me** to hang out. I say „no thanks“ then sit down at computer and write rpghorrorstory on mobile, cursing myself how far I made it on the tiny touchscreen with a running computer in front of me



tldr you lazy bastards:

**this person** liked **me** though I don’t like **this person** while **GM** loved **this person** - ingame things happen, I throw temper tantrum for being forced into sex and get kicked. Receive news a year later how I dodged the proverbial bullet.

My players and their relationship with dead children

Before getting into the story, there are a few things I wanna say. First, sorry if it reads a little weird. My literacy isn't great. Second, I've been playing with this group for nearly four years, and I have never been able to find a new one. I'm hoping this could be a good way to both tell one of my many stories and reach out to any group better than my current one.

Near the beginning of the campaign, the players came across a group of poor children who asked them for gold. They talked it over and decided to give some to one of the kids. Later, they found him bruised and battered. The other kids had beaten him up and stolen the gold from him. The party was very quick to protect him and even took him with them. This is very important for what happens later. They did this willingly and even promised to protect him both in and out of character.
At some point, they stumbled upon a sidequest. A village nearby was dealing with a slight problem in the woods and they needed some adventurers to help them out. The party decided why not and headed to it. When they finally got there, the mayor gave them all the info they needed and agreed to pay them 5gp each, which was a pretty good amount for the setting. They told him they were down and went to the edge of the woods. They then sent the child in. He was reluctant, but they threatened him. He goes in, and after a few hours, doesn't come back out. They go back to the mayor, convince him they did their job, take the gold, and ran before anyone found out they were liars.
Soon enough, though, they start getting pissed at me. Apparently, they decided the child's death just wasn't funny enough, so they went back to the village and tried to kill everyone in it just to spite me. I told them no. They blamed me, as they often do, saying the child's death wasn't as funny as they wanted it to be, and if I didn't want them to slaughter an entire village, I should've been a better DM. So I said fine. I told them they could do it. There were consequences. They weren't so fond of that, so they forcefully canceled the campaign, refusing to ever join another session because they didn't want to deal with what happens when you act like a bunch of assholes and murder lots of people for no good reason.

Sorry if this isn't on par with some of the other stories on this subreddit, I just wanted to get it off of my chest.

I'm scared to do anything but DM anymore and it's because of a sexist dm

So this starts of like alot of horror stories where I was really excited to start playing as a PC for once after being just a DM for a while.

The important characters for this story are the Dm, me a female human sorcerer, a human Paladin, a dwarf paladin(DM's girlfriend) and a kobold sorcerer.

So the big thing is that I'm a Male but I wanted to change up my character style a bit and play a female who didn't take shit from anyone, she was gonna be a total badass. Then we started with me and the kobold being dangled over a cauldron waiting an hour for the party to arrive just to play even though we both had the spells to free ourselves and run away. So the party finds us and one of them cuts us down so we can join an encounter against two ogres. After the battle I try to search the area for any hidden areas and am asked to roll a perception check, rolled a 18 and the dm told me nothing stands out, the dwarf checks and rolled a 10 and somehow she found a chest with a +2 greatsword in it. I figured maybe he just has a separate table for finding lots that's fair. Now hears where the fun begins we leave the cave that me and the kobold were tied up in and come across a mansion in the middle of the woods, we're all like well obviously that's important we should go in. We meet a new player cause he started a little later and he's a human paladin, he decides he's going to be funny and try to seduce my character and the dm says if he rolls a high enough persuasion I have to go along with it, which kind of annoyed me cause my character is asexual so she doesn't really want advances of any kind. Luckily he failed and that would be that, or so I thought he then attempted to slap my characters ass to which she responded by knocking him on his ass. Then the dwarf decided to attempt the same thing (the dwarf is a Male despite being played by a girl) and also got their ass knocked away because the kobold stepped in to help me. They laughed it off and then we continued through the mansion to figure out why it was here in the middle of nowhere. Well after we find out it was transported there by magic we start to head toward a nearby village to figure out if they know anything about it, we investigate a tavern cause it's always where dms put the best rumors. And again now the DM is making NPCs hit on me and I'm getting really uncomfortable about it and politely tell them no. The rest of the time spent in town goes basically like that and then we get to a dungeon. We explore a bit and finally find some cultists who had helped transport the mansion, at this point the DM initiated the equivalent of a cutscene where he forced my character to seduce the cultists to get answers about their plans going into insane detail about what she's doing to them. Needless to say I walked out on the session that night as well as the kobold PC, later on several people including my girlfriend told me that he was going around calling me a sexist for not acting the way a woman character should in a game so he had to take action into his own hands, even his girlfriend was telling me it made no sense to fight people just because they wanna seduce you by getting a little handsy, and all I can say is that I stormed up to him and told him that if he wants to DM that's fine but I'm going to quit your campaign and go back to my own. He was offended that I thought I could just leave his grand story of turning my character into a sex fiend.

Needless to say after that the kobold sorcerer's player dropped out and asked if he could join up mine and now two years later I'm still dming for the same group of five and we're all having a blast while that DM constantly begs me if he can sit in to see why my players never leave.

f your responses, and talking it out with my DM, I’ll probably attend at least one more session in this campaign. If there’s still issues, I can just sit out on the weeks that we’re running Star Wars, but if there aren’t any, then no worries. Sometimes on bad days, the lows feel real low, but that doesn’t mean it’ll always stay that way.

Player kept trying to sell my droid character to NPCs along with being racist towards droids.

So my friends and I have a Discord server where we all chat and hang out. A few months ago, we managed to get a group of us to form a D&D group. We had a rocky start and our ups and downs, but much fun was had. We've had a few people volunteer to DM, and the most recent one offered to do a Star Wars 5e campaign based on the conversion we found.

We'd been pretty excited to do the campaign, and I ended up making a Class IV Droid fairly early on. What I didn't know is that apparently it is canon to be racist towards droids? One of the other players made a Harch(?) character that was apparently very racist towards droids. But I wouldn't find out until early on in the first session.

Shortly after all of our characters met up for the first time together, the Harch character immediately tried to pawn my character off to the bartender, completely unprompted. It was a decent enough joke if it was a one-off, but a pattern very quickly emerged.

We left to find a general store to purchase weapons, and when it came to the Harch's turn to speak, he immediately inquired about selling my character to the vendor. He kept offering lower and lower prices, and when the vendor adamantly refused to buy a new droid, the Harch offered money to the shopkeeper to take me. He would also often talk about how droids aren't people, and you wouldn't be courteous to your tools like a wrench. It was a fair point to some degree, and my Droid at the time didn't bother responding because he wouldn't have cared what the party members were saying as long as the mission objectives were being completed. I did however message the friend outside of D&D at this point and say that the droid hate was starting to get old. I didn't receive a response, but I hoped they would ease off.

Boy was I wrong. He kept going on about how droids aren't people and saying rude or racist things about droids, sometimes even changing an entirely different conversation back to this topic. At this point I was really tired of having verbal abuse being hurled at my character, so at the intermission, I messaged the DM with my concerns over how aggressively hostile the Harch was being. He agreed that it was going a bit overboard and went to talk to the other player. I also sent the player a few messages on why I felt the droid hate was going overboard, but received no reply from him.

Thankfully, he stopped mentioning selling my character after that, and I thought it was great to have talked it out like adults. The rest of the session was pretty fun, like the D&D from past campaigns. However, the next day, in the D&D text chat, he was talking with other players about some stuff related to the campaign, and it came up again where he was reiterating that it was canon that people were racist to droids. I was reminded of the really terrible first half of the session, and I just don't have the mental energy to deal with the negative energy this player was going to put out towards droids.

Maybe I'm just a bit weak-willed, but I don't want to have to deal with all that shit, so I messaged the DM that I was considering dropping out because of that stuff and the player. I asked one other friend who's in the campaign if I was being reasonable, and he said I was being drastic, so I don't really know. The DM said he hoped I'd show up to next week's session, and at the moment I'm undecided. I mostly wrote this because the whole situation has put me in a foul mood today. I might change my mind when I'm in a better state of mind, but I kinda wanted to vent and get this frustration off my chest.

For the record, I hold no hard feelings towards my DM, because it's his first campaign and session, and I know how hard it is to get everything to work right. I feel kinda bad that this thing even had to come up. I will also say this is completely written from my point of view, and is incredibly biased in my favor. It's entirely possible I just reacted poorly to some lighthearted jokes.

Edit: After reading many o

she’s been tricked. Since things are dire, he decides not to kill her (so benevolent, right?) but in order for him to let her live, she can’t use any of her cleric powers. This crushes Mary’s spirit, as she’s been looking forward to this multiclass for some time, and now she can’t do anything with it under threat of her character being killed by a party member.

Samantha had some conversations with people out of game, as she felt things were getting out of hand, and proposed we have a “session zero” to discuss issues, which at this point, is much needed. The next session starts, and we end up having our “session zero”, where we discuss our lines in the sand and what we’d like to see change. Among the things that are brought up are party members threatening to kill other party members (let alone ACTUALLY killing them), not making decisions that could affect the whole party without consulting them, and not stomping on other people’s RP and intentionally or unintentionally railroading them.

After this conversation, Mike realizes he’s being “that guy,” and tells Simon he doesn’t want to go through with what they’ve planned. Simon tells him “no, we’ll still do it,” and then starts the session having Mike command his summoned dire wolf to drag Mary off while she’s asleep and tear her to shreds. Mary and Mike then end up having a conversation with several gods, where Mike’s god, Tyr, yells at him for being a dick. That’s all the consequence he gets for killing a party member. After the talk with the gods, Mary chooses to follow Lurue, as now Simon has seemingly forgotten that she wanted to follow Odin. They wake up and all is well, except for the fact that like I said before, we all roleplay pretty hard and now Mary’s character has PTSD from being literally torn to shreds at the hands of her companion’s self-righteous idealism. At no point did Mike OR Simon include her in discussions of what they wanted to do to “save” her character, and it was pretty obvious after it was all said and done that Mary was incredibly upset about the entire situation.

Here’s all of the reasons I think this is as bad as it is:

1: Simon used meta knowledge to make an in-game deity appear in a form they otherwise never would have presented themselves in, due to the fact that they have NO knowledge whatsoever of Mary’s specific wants. Even if Beshaba could read minds, Mary’s character would have no knowledge of Odin, what he would look like, or black birds are his symbol.

2: Mike refused to let Mary play her character the way she wanted to under threat of her character’s death.

3: Simon completely ignored the session zero conversation our group had and forced Mike to kill Mary’s character, even though Mike made it clear he didn’t want to do that anymore.

4: At no point Simon and Mike invite Mary in on the conversation to even just get her opinion on what they were going to do to “solve” her getting tricked into worshipping a CE god.

5: There were no negative repercussions for Mike’s character having killed another PC. The only person who was negatively effected by this incident was Mary and her character.


The GM used meta knowledge to trick our bard into worshipping a CE god for her cleric multiclass, then forced our LG paladin to have his animal companion drag her out into the woods while she was asleep and literally tear her to shreds.

This is one of a few real nightmare stories I have from this one campaign. This one campaign that I’m still a part of, but constantly debate leaving. This story is definitely the worst of them, but I’ll post the rest here eventually! Slight spoiler: all of the bad stories I have are stories where Mary ends up being the one to get fucked over by Simon or other players at the table.

Edit: took out double post.

The GM Railroaded the Lawful Good Paladin to Kill the Bard/Cleric HE Tricked Into Aligning With a Chaotic Evil God

Hey everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster and all that. This is a long one, so strap in! Most of us are still playing this game, though there’s definitely some hurt feelings over many things that have happened. All of the names have been changed in this story.

So, our story starts with our chaotic neutral (CN) Bard of Whispers (let’s call her Mary, for the sake of this) asking the GM (Simon) if they’d be cool with a bard/cleric multiclass. Simon agreed, pretty enthusiastically! Mary asked if he would be alright with introducing the Norse pantheon into the game. She wanted to be a war cleric that worshipped Odin, as she had been reading up on Norse mythology and had a cool idea of becoming a Valkyrie of sorts. Again, Simon agreed, so Mary started looking for signs in game that Odin wanted to bring her into the fold.

This is where the nightmare begins.

On one occasion, Mary sees an old man surrounded by grackles while we’re out adventuring, and he speaks to her. If you know of the myth, this is a decent interpretation of Odin. Mary has a couple of dreams where the same old man surrounded by grackles appears and speaks to her there as well. In one of the dreams, the old man requests that she make a sacrifice with alcohol, fire, and a body. At this point, some of you may realize what’s going on, but Mary’s new to D&D and this request doesn’t sound out of place for a Norse god. There were a couple more experienced players with us at the time, including myself, and none of us thought twice about it, either.

We go to the local bar, buy some liquor, make our way out to the desert, run into a creature that then attacks us, and decide that body will be good enough. Mary pours the liquor on the body and sets it ablaze, as per the instructions of the old man.

We play the game for a bit as it takes a while for us to get to the next level, and when Mary levels up, she wakes up with a holy symbol on her chest! A holy symbol depicting black antlers. A holy symbol of the CE god, Beshaba.

Mary’s confused at this point, as Odin typically isn’t depicted by black antlers in most any myth. Beshaba always appeared to her as an old man surrounded by grackles and Beshaba is… well, a young, curvy woman with large breasts and a great ass. Pretty much the polar opposite of what Odin would look like.

There was no way, in game, for Beshaba to have known the specifics of what Mary wanted and it makes no sense for Beshaba to appear to her in this fashion without Simon using his meta knowledge of what Mary wanted to manipulate her into making that decision. Had Beshaba just appeared in her true form, Mary never would have gone for it, so Simon had to actively trick her into it.

My Barbarian character and Mary go to a couple of temples to see if they know anything about the holy symbol, and more or less get ran out of both. Mary makes a donation to a Lawful Good (LG) god, and ends up taking damage because her holy symbol burns her in response.

Now, we all roleplay pretty hard; there’s been times at the table where my character has been upset and I’ve cried, and I’m not the only one. In this instance, our LG paladin, Mike, turned into “that guy”. Once he found out that Mary was tricked into following Beshaba, his first response was “If she’s worshipping an evil god and giving them power, I can’t let that slide. I'll have to kill her. Out of respect for her being my friend, I’ll give her a head start.” Oh boy.

Another player at the table, Samantha, is a really experienced player and GM, and decides to go to the temple of Pelor to beg for him to do something, and she ends up tearing out her fake eye to do so, rendering herself unconscious. Someone then rushes into the temple, stabs Samantha several times while she’s unconscious, and kills her. Due to her backstory and some other convoluted stuff, we end up teleporting to the feywild to get her back.

This is the first time Mike and Mary have seen each other since we found out

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