Drop your best L.O on Comment Section! This is for TELE X user feel free to join https://t.me/joinchat/7_vVqHmvVvBlNTI1
㠀㠀㠀㠀㠀L.O :: 'https://t.me/shuhula/12?comment=15' rel='nofollow'>17k
㠀㠀㠀â ïž Reminder â ïž
ââ BIG NO HNR, hnr? @spillhnr
ââ Drop offer?? = Ada budget.
ââ Wajib memakai Akun Utama untuk offer, bukan side/clone acc, dan acc RP
ââ If the winner of the first LO is HnR, it will be thrown to the second winner. There's no reason like already buy other username.
㠀㠀㠀㠀㠀L.O :: 'https://t.me/shuhula/12?comment=15' rel='nofollow'>17k
㠀㠀㠀â ïž Reminder â ïž
ââ BIG NO HNR, hnr? @spillhnr
ââ Drop offer?? = Ada budget.
ââ Wajib memakai Akun Utama untuk offer, bukan side/clone acc, dan acc RP
ââ If the winner of the first LO is HnR, it will be thrown to the second winner. There's no reason like already buy other username.