Sys-Admin InfoSec

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News of cybersecurity / information security, information technology, data leaks / breaches, cve, hacks, tools, trainings
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Weaponizing WDAC: Killing the Dreams of EDR

Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) is a technology introduced with and automatically enabled by default on Windows 10+ and Windows Server 2016+ that allows organizations fine grained control over the executable code that is permitted to run on their Windows machines...:

DeceptionAds — Fake Captcha Driving Infostealer Infections and a Glimpse to the Dark Side of Internet Advertising

The Fake-Captcha Lumma Stealer Campaign

IT workers masquerade as individuals from different countries to perform legitimate IT work and hack employers, focus areas are:

- Stealing money or cryptocurrency
- Stealing information pertaining to weapons systems, sanctions information, and policy-related decisions
- Performing IT work to generate revenue to help fund various activities

About of masquerading, social engeneering and not only:

Forward from:
🏎 – Engine for a Faster Internet

Increased throughput with the newest Gears in the racing engine of Some Gears have been rewritten or built from scratch:

• Synchronous processing of block lists
• Caching of blocking events
• Updated caching system — the log enricher now has its own cache
• Enhanced request processing system
• New health-checking system for upstream servers, with response time detection
• Improved load balancing, routing requests to servers with the lowest response time
• Optimized parallel DNS request handling, delivering the fastest response

I hope these features will help us save valuable time online while the system's gears run smoothly under the hood.

What's Gears?

Gears are the components of the system that help to customize online experiences.

If you notice any “engine misfires,” please let me know. I’m always open to constructive feedback.

Wishing everyone a safe journey across the internet! ✌️

20 last posts shown.