Tawheed Awākenīng

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At-Tawhīd is the cause for the deeds to be accepted!

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Forward from: Tawheed Awākenīng
🍃Hakeem 'ul-Ummat Shaykh Ayman Al-Zawahiri (Hfz) once said:

"we have not come to rule over Alsham, rather to establish the rule of islam there"

🍃Taifah Mansura.
🍃Al-Qa'ida in Shaam.

📝Tawheed Awākenīng

Forward from: Tawheed Awākenīng
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladgidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when you are attacked by both the extreme renegade Khawarij and the Murijiah.

🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it is a good sign when you're attacked by both secularists, liberals and democrats.

🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when you're in the wanted list of both the renegade khawarij and in the wanted list of the head of the disbelief America.

🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when the enemies of Allah and Islam tremble in fear by your presence.

🍃Gladtidings to you, You neither became too lenient nor too extreme in the religion. You are on the middle path of our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW).

🍃Gladtidings to you, You are on the path of what our beloved prophet gave gladtidings for.

🍃May Allah bless you and give you victory against the enemies of Islam and Muslims.

📝Tawheed Awākenīng

Forward from: Tawheed Awākenīng
🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to call for unity (on the basis of Tawheed) and brotherhood among the Muslims.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to call the Muslims for enjoining good and forbidding evil.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to invite the Muslims in its fight against the global crusade and their allies.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to defend the Muslim blood and wealth by spilling their blood and flesh only for the sake of Allah.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to expose and warn against the scholars of evil.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to renounce the Tawagheet and their allies.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to severely warn against the spilling of Muslim blood and their wealth.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to severely warn against the unjust killing of a Muslim or even a disbeliever who is protected by Shariah.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to warn against the unjust Takfeer of Muslims without due right.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to offer the sacrifices for this Deen.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are always the first ones to severely warn against the kufr and shirk and its people.

🍃Al-Qa'ida are the ones who are very severe against the Kuffar and Murtadeen and all their allies but merciful among themselves. Alhamdulillah

🌿May Allah bless and protect the Mujahideen of Al-Qa'ida and other Mujahideen and give them victory against the Kuffar, Murtadeen and all their allies. Aameen

📝Tawheed Awākenīng

Forward from: Tawheed Awākenīng
🍃Sheikh Al Mujahid Mullah Akhtar Mansour Rahimahullah once said the historic words when he said: "Al-Qa'ida leaders are the heroes of the Ummah."

🌿Shaykh was very true in his words, The leaders of Al-Qa'ida are really the heroes of the oppressed Ummah. They have made enemies from Kuffar, Munafiqeen, Murtadeen, The diluters and the Khawarij of our age only and only for the sake of Allah Almighty.

🔥The Khawarij claim Al-Qa'ida are the Murtadeen while their brothers in another extreme (The Murijiah) call the Mujahideen of Al-Qa'ida as Khawarij, Extremists and Terrorists. The Mujahideen of Al-Qa'ida are wanted in east and west by the kuffar and Murtadeen and the Khawarij of our age as well, All of them fight the Mujahideen of Al-Qa'ida to eradicate them but they grew much stronger like they never were.

🍃America and other Tawagheet claimed Al-Qa'ida is finished, Did it finish?

🍃The Khawarij of our age claimed there is no Al-Qa'ida now, It is finished. Did it finish?

🍃The Al-Qa'ida movement started from Afghanistan and today it's everywhere. It is in Somalia, It's in Yeman, It's in Egypt, It's in Syria, It's in Afghanistan and Pakistan, It's in India and Kashmir, It's in Bangladesh, It's in Algeria, It's in Tunisia, And it's everywhere.

🍃We ask Allah to bless the Mujahideen of Al-Qa'ida and give them victory over the kuffar, Munafiqeen, Murtadeen and the Khawarij of our age. Aameen

📝Tawheed Awākenīng

Forward from: Tawheed Awākenīng
📝Differrence of opinion between the individuals or disagreeing on an issue?”

🍃Difference of opinion can vary from one person to another but that doesn't mean that the one who dis agree with you on an issue is out of the Sunnah and Jamaah, When the scholars of islam dis agree on an issue then we (Ahlu Sunnah) go with the most correct opinion without belittling, backbiting and lying about the one who dis agree with us on an issue and have a difference of opinion. We respect his ijtihaad and we pray for the guidance.

🍃Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

❄The one who has knowledge of evidence is required to follow the evidence, even if it goes against some of the imams, if it does not go against the consensus of the ummah.

📌When the opinions of our salaf differed on many issues, then are we better than them in knowledge and wisdom that we can't have difference of opinion among ourselves?

📌Did not Ibn Mas’ud (RA) differed with Umar (RA) in around 100 issues, yet they remained the dearest of brothers. Then why can't we respect and love one another even though we have a difference of opinion or are we better than the sahaba that we can't have a difference of opinion among ourselves?

🍃And ponder uopn the words of Almighty Allah that you may receive guidance:

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ

“The believers are but brothers.” [49:10].

📌learn to respect and love one another even though you differ on an issue. And don't be among those who add fuel to the fire. May Allah expose the fitna makers among us and guide the ummah to Siratul Mustaqeem.

📝Tawheed Awākenīng

Forward from: أخبار قاعدة الجهاد في جزيرة العرب

📝Differrence of opinion between the individuals or disagreeing on an issue?”

🍃Difference of opinion can vary from one person to another but that doesn't mean that the one who dis agree with you on an issue is out of the Sunnah and Jamaah, When the scholars of islam dis agree on an issue then we (Ahlu Sunnah) go with the most correct opinion without belittling, backbiting and lying about the one who dis agree with us on an issue and have a difference of opinion. We respect his ijtihaad and we pray for the guidance.

🍃Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

❄The one who has knowledge of evidence is required to follow the evidence, even if it goes against some of the imams, if it does not go against the consensus of the ummah.

📌When the opinions of our salaf differed on many issues, then are we better than them in knowledge and wisdom that we can't have difference of opinion among ourselves?

📌Did not Ibn Mas’ud (RA) differed with Umar (RA) in around 100 issues, yet they remained the dearest of brothers. Then why can't we respect and love one another even though we have a difference of opinion or are we better than the sahaba that we can't have a difference of opinion among ourselves?

🍃And ponder uopn the words of Almighty Allah that you may receive guidance:

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ

“The believers are but brothers.” [49:10].

📌learn to respect and love one another even though you differ on an issue. And don't be among those who add fuel to the fire. May Allah expose the fitna makers among us and guide the ummah to Siratul Mustaqeem.

📝Tawheed Awākenīng

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Forward from: السحاب
Description of Hell in Quran - Bangla - (04),

Forward from: السحاب
Good Moral Character - Bangla - (02),

The Description of the Ablution (Wudu') and Prayer (Salah) of the Prophet ﷺ.

Based on the works of Ash-Shaykh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin Marzouq At-Tarefe

(Fully Referenced)


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مناوشات بالأسلحة الخفيفة والمتوسطة مع الحوثيين

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مناوشات بالأسلحة الخفيفة والمتوسطة مع الحوثيين

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مناوشات بالأسلحة الخفيفة والمتوسطة مع الحوثيين

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