this or that

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list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— diputusin or mutusin
— wangi or goodlooking
— good attitude or goodlooking
— atas or bawah
— bubur di aduk or gadiaduk
— indomie or mie sedap
— humoris tp jamet or flat tp classy
— slr or fastresp
— lrp or hiat
— soft or rough
— fwb or trial

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— nyelir or diselirin
— pacar or temen
— cp ngambekan or cemburuan
— balikan sm mantan or sm yg baru
— humoris or sangean
— minta maaf duluan or pertahanin gengsi
— wangi or goodlooking
— temen rasa pacar or pacar rasa temen
— music or film
— putus karena masalah or karena lrp

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— fambest suruh putusin cp or cp suruh jauhin fambest
— jago nyanyi or jago gambar
— nonton di netflix or nonton di telegram
— denger di spotify or denger di telegram
— sweet or barbar
— tinggi or pendek
— diselingkuhin or ditikung fams
— sinetron indonesia or sinetron india
— korea or jepang

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— laptop or hp
— matematika or bahasa
— earphone or airpods
— movie or series
— kartun or anime
— miskin tapi pinter or kaya tapi bego
— sepeda or skateboard
— mall or taman
— pengen punya anak cowo or pengen punya anak cewe
— cuci piring or cuci baju

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— ac or kipas
— pen or pensil
— motor or mobil
— panas or dingin
— hitam or putih
— kacamata or softlens
— sepatu or sendal
— instagram or twitter
— basket or futsal
— fc or chat

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— justin bieber or shawn mendes
— yellow claw or the chainsmoker
— one direction or 5SOS
— new hope club or the vamps
— selena gomez or ariana grande
— someone you loved or before you go ( lewis capaldi )
— cherrybelle or 7icons
— seventeen or armada
— fiersa besari or pamungkas

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— pacar ngambekan or cemburuan
— pacar kaya or cakep
— dimple or eye smile
— putih or mulus
— wangi or cakep
— perhatian tp buaya or setia tp cuek
— gandeng or rangkul
— vespa or ninja
— typing jamet tp cakep or typing cakep tp jamet
— anak bar or anak warkop

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— gak makan or gak minum
— gak mandi or gak gosok gigi
— gak duduk or gak rebahan
— celana pendek or baju lengan pendek
— mimpi buruk or ketindihan
— nonton horror sendirian or nonton bokep rame rame
— tiktok or youtube
— abang or kakak
— jalan jalan or tidur
— gak bawa hp or gak bawa duit

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— ngebucin or ngegalau
— setboy or fakboy
— badboy or softboy
— cowo cuek or cowo jamet
— cowo cuek or cowo ngalus
— romantis or humoris
— cuek tapi fastresp or asik tapi slr
— cowo cuek or posesif
— irit typing or jamet typing
— bobrok or soft

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— gunung or pantai
— thailand or korea
— bali or lombok
— liburan ke luar negri or dalem negri
— dompet or hp
— tas or koper
— kapal or pesawat
— bis or kereta api
— sungai or hutan
— hujan or kemarau

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— fambest or cp
— ditinggal delak fambest or diputusin
— diselingkuhin or selingkuh
— mutusin or diputusin
— diselingkuhin or digantungin
— ditinggal delak or diselingkuhin
— nikung or ditikung
— ditikung fmbst or ditikung sm mantannya doi
— putus karena orang ketiga or ga direstuin fambestnya doi
— balikan sama mantan or liat doi jadian sm orang lain

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— DC or marvel
— vin diesel or dwayne johnson
— johnny depp or leonardo dicaprio
— harry potter or fantastic beast
— divergent or percy jackson
— romance or fantasy
— horror or thriller
— IT or the conjuring
— bioskop or dirumah
— nonton bareng temen or nonton sendiri

list this or that by : @thisorthatlist
— mie rebus or mie goreng
— bubur diaduk or engga diaduk
— keju or coklat
— manis or pedas
— dessert box or brownies
— seafood or junkfood
— sushi or dimsum
— sumpit or garpu
— spagetti or pizza
— susu or yogurt

haii buat kalian yang mau main this or that tapi ga ada ide bisa ambil disini yaa list nya 🥰✨

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