If you look at it all from the “outside” [as much as that is possible because none of us can be truly “objective”, i.e. seeing with the “eyes of the Divine”], there is clearly a Divide & Conquer agenda occurring based on the trap of identification [with a political party, ideology, race, gender or any other beliefs and -isms we’re attached to and programmed with, even just unconsciously.
P.S. Contrary to popular belief in the “truth community”, being identified as an anarchist or non-statist is also a trap. In fact, it oftentimes feeds the superiority complex with this superficial black & white idea that “all governments are evil" while looking down on “statists” which goes along with having a bias.
Spoiler alert: EVERYONE has a bias, mostly unconsciously. Anyone who claims being completely objective and having no bias is lying to him/herself. It would be the same as claiming to be an omniscient fully enlightened being. The key point is to be AWARE of your bias and not delude yourself that you “know it all” [John Paul Rice and I talked about that in more depth in the second part of our recent podcast].
So, it’s fine and good to point out the Divide & Conquer agenda as it’s fairly obvious on multi-dimensional levels and acknowledge it as I wrote about it before here: https://veilofreality.com/2018/01/19/divide-conquer-and-the-trap-of-identification/
However, to expect that humanity will look through it anytime soon is wishful thinking at best and delusional at worst nor are any of us truly “sovereign” even if you subscribe to the non-statist/Anarchism ideology intellectually for you are still “slave” to your unconscious impulses, wounds, shadow traits, conditioned desires, etc….unless, again, you are “awake” in the true meaning of the word: Enlightened - which I’m certainly not. In other words, true “free will” is an illusion and only relatively true, as Sri Aurobindo wrote about as well. Nothing can over-ride Divine Will.
There is something else happening as well. Beyond the Divide & Conquer agenda which really existed as long as humanity does [which ties into the topic of all topics - the hyperdimensional matrix], there is also a NATURAL and NECESSARY “division” and splitting happening [stating this may trigger some people] which has nothing to do with beliefs or ideologies but with soul potential, level of being, soul trajectory, soul lessons, karma, etc. - all of which the mind/intellect has no way of fully comprehending for it is Divine Will which over-rides any person’s little will.
The “splitting of humanity” has been talked about by various esoteric occult teachings, Esoteric Christianity, the Mother [and Sri Aurobindo] mentioned it, so did the Hopi Indians, etc. I have written about it in more depth in my essay “Timeline-Reality Spilt, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life”: https://veilofreality.com/2016/08/02/timeline-reality-split-frequency-vibration-and-the-hidden-forces-of-life/
Tom Montalk has written about it over the years as well [I’ll be talking to him about it an upcoming Cosmic Matrix podcast episode].
The New Age has distorted the idea of the “splitting of humanity” which we see in many people clamming to be in 5D. This is no different than the dogmatic Christian distortion of the “rapture”. It also feeds ego and self-importance.
Another unacknowledged - and most often misunderstood topic is “Organic Portals -Soulless Humans” which also becomes more and more apparent during this Time of Transition and Splitting: https://veilofreality.com/2011/04/18/organic-portals-soulless-humans/
P.S. Contrary to popular belief in the “truth community”, being identified as an anarchist or non-statist is also a trap. In fact, it oftentimes feeds the superiority complex with this superficial black & white idea that “all governments are evil" while looking down on “statists” which goes along with having a bias.
Spoiler alert: EVERYONE has a bias, mostly unconsciously. Anyone who claims being completely objective and having no bias is lying to him/herself. It would be the same as claiming to be an omniscient fully enlightened being. The key point is to be AWARE of your bias and not delude yourself that you “know it all” [John Paul Rice and I talked about that in more depth in the second part of our recent podcast].
So, it’s fine and good to point out the Divide & Conquer agenda as it’s fairly obvious on multi-dimensional levels and acknowledge it as I wrote about it before here: https://veilofreality.com/2018/01/19/divide-conquer-and-the-trap-of-identification/
However, to expect that humanity will look through it anytime soon is wishful thinking at best and delusional at worst nor are any of us truly “sovereign” even if you subscribe to the non-statist/Anarchism ideology intellectually for you are still “slave” to your unconscious impulses, wounds, shadow traits, conditioned desires, etc….unless, again, you are “awake” in the true meaning of the word: Enlightened - which I’m certainly not. In other words, true “free will” is an illusion and only relatively true, as Sri Aurobindo wrote about as well. Nothing can over-ride Divine Will.
There is something else happening as well. Beyond the Divide & Conquer agenda which really existed as long as humanity does [which ties into the topic of all topics - the hyperdimensional matrix], there is also a NATURAL and NECESSARY “division” and splitting happening [stating this may trigger some people] which has nothing to do with beliefs or ideologies but with soul potential, level of being, soul trajectory, soul lessons, karma, etc. - all of which the mind/intellect has no way of fully comprehending for it is Divine Will which over-rides any person’s little will.
The “splitting of humanity” has been talked about by various esoteric occult teachings, Esoteric Christianity, the Mother [and Sri Aurobindo] mentioned it, so did the Hopi Indians, etc. I have written about it in more depth in my essay “Timeline-Reality Spilt, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life”: https://veilofreality.com/2016/08/02/timeline-reality-split-frequency-vibration-and-the-hidden-forces-of-life/
Tom Montalk has written about it over the years as well [I’ll be talking to him about it an upcoming Cosmic Matrix podcast episode].
The New Age has distorted the idea of the “splitting of humanity” which we see in many people clamming to be in 5D. This is no different than the dogmatic Christian distortion of the “rapture”. It also feeds ego and self-importance.
Another unacknowledged - and most often misunderstood topic is “Organic Portals -Soulless Humans” which also becomes more and more apparent during this Time of Transition and Splitting: https://veilofreality.com/2011/04/18/organic-portals-soulless-humans/