Forward from: Investment kingyru 💎 EN
🛍 My Society has launched a New Year's Eve sweepstakes
Rate your friends' profiles inside the @TheMySocietyBot app and get tickets. For every 100 stars, you get 1 ticket (that's about $1.3). Tickets are automatically displayed on your profile. The more tickets you have, the higher your chances of winning.
Prize Pool:
1st place: $500
2nd place: $300
3rd place: $200
4-50 places: 10$ each
51-100 places: 5$ each.
The deadline for the contest is December 25, 2024. At the moment there are less participants than prizes 😂
Remember the saying "don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends"? Well, thanks to the referral system from Telegram, you can invite your friends to @TheMySocietyBot and get stars for them.
@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter | CMC | Private, Elite
$KINGY: DEX,, Swap.Coffee and xRocket.
Rate your friends' profiles inside the @TheMySocietyBot app and get tickets. For every 100 stars, you get 1 ticket (that's about $1.3). Tickets are automatically displayed on your profile. The more tickets you have, the higher your chances of winning.
Prize Pool:
1st place: $500
2nd place: $300
3rd place: $200
4-50 places: 10$ each
51-100 places: 5$ each.
The deadline for the contest is December 25, 2024. At the moment there are less participants than prizes 😂
Remember the saying "don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends"? Well, thanks to the referral system from Telegram, you can invite your friends to @TheMySocietyBot and get stars for them.
@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter | CMC | Private, Elite
$KINGY: DEX,, Swap.Coffee and xRocket.