Travis Cook

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Spiritual Guide | Meditation teacher. I help you increase your energy levels, control your mind and expand your consciousness.

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I do try, John 🥹

Everything is a distraction from everything

I have a muslim friend whom I love to pieces.

Yet I still don't want the UK to be a predominately Muslim country.

And that aint fucking racist to say, I just love whats left of my country and it's incredible history and culture and want to preserve it.

Sometime in 2012 I just started winging it in a big way and never really stopped 🤷‍♂️

Good thing God is my wingman 💪✈️

What a beautiful sky that was.

Sunny days rare. Trail free sunny days rarer still.

My three eldest 🤩

Raise your hand if you are part of the elite team who cruised past winter without a cold 🙌

Sunny land people have no idea, they would be dead in a 11 degree cold rainy cloudy day. Us brits are just chuffed its only a cold rainy cloudy day instead of a freezing cold rainy cloudy day.

Right now I am a living example of the awesome benefits of what being someone people and God can trust brings.

I have over 10,000 leaflets all ordered on a pre order.

If I wanted, I could just rug everyone and sail off into the sunset with their money. The damage to the movement would be incalculable.

However, God knows from the million and one challenges it has set before me I would never fucking do that so has allowed me to be in this position of power and trust knowing I (mostly) won't fuck it up. This means I can do kool shit like I am right now.

Integrity matters.

Forward from: The Climate Con
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We are taking on The Climate Con, will you join us?

Over 10000 leaflets set to hit the streets starting next week!

And that is just the first wave 💪

Grab yours here.

Together, we will defeat The Climate Con!


If Jewish people are somehow not white cause of their religion then I am not white either, I am a cherry. 🍒

I even gave a leaflet to my weed dealer - I’m fucking unstoppable.

Pandoras box has been opened again

Move the movement forward

Have to be mindful of not only your thoughts but the thoughts you have about the thoughts.

It is very useful to have awareness of the evil in the world in all it's forms but sometimes your own mind can play tricks and we make things harder than they need to be.

Example, you may think God is giving you it's hardest challenge by conjuring mind demons to fuck with you and you need to summon the willpower of all your ancestors to finish this piece of work.

When in reality you just need a quick 10 min jog around the block and a large glass of fluoride free water then come back and focusing and working will be a million times easier.

Or you could be experiencing internet issues with pages continuously glitching out and think that somehow the gov has tracked you down and is sabotaging you. Then you realise it is your vpn you forgot to turn off after looking at some fun websites and soon as it is off internet runs perfectly.

I remember once I was house sitting this primo property in New Zealand and I was so sure the WiFi was giving me a headache to only arrive at the router to see it is off and have my headache vanish on the spot.

Can give endless more examples but you get the point. Use that incredible mind wisely. 🧠

Either way, we fight 💪⚔️

I hope we are at part of movie where gates just been breached in return of king lotr and not the blood riders scene at the undead fight in GOT.

Only one more mountain of cloud to overcome before we achieve our quest of seeing the sun once again. 🌞

Non brits will never understand seeing this coming up on weather charts and the incredible feeling of 'we made it'.

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