Forward from: Myth Place.
On this beautiful day, in the gentle wind that blows against the skin I'm here to share happiness with everyone because today, the six members of girl group StayC are celebrating their first anniversary.
Thank you for your hard work this year, wish you continued happiness and more success in the future.
Swith!! let's make their first anniversarry as the memorable, happiest, and also the most spectacular! Happy 1st Anniversary to StayC members ーSumin, Sieun, Isa, Seeun, Yoon, Jー and all of the StayC musers.
Especially, Me [Sora], Nora, Soraya, Keja, Lucy, Naesha, Savalya, Abinaya, Asha, Namiko, Chisie, Adhira, Starley, Selaras, Dabin, Ovieee, Marcha, Hami, Starling.
Tag: @jyeeun @JayoonShimb @kxittie @caIifcrnia @sshimjayoon @WawSeeun @kjittie @vqSeeun @vSeeunz @gldnbelle @geul1s @thickk @BaeSumiv @sumrn @Ieeisha @chhaeyoungg @Seeunkuucing
StayC Girls, it's going down.
Thank you for your hard work this year, wish you continued happiness and more success in the future.
Swith!! let's make their first anniversarry as the memorable, happiest, and also the most spectacular! Happy 1st Anniversary to StayC members ーSumin, Sieun, Isa, Seeun, Yoon, Jー and all of the StayC musers.
Especially, Me [Sora], Nora, Soraya, Keja, Lucy, Naesha, Savalya, Abinaya, Asha, Namiko, Chisie, Adhira, Starley, Selaras, Dabin, Ovieee, Marcha, Hami, Starling.
Tag: @jyeeun @JayoonShimb @kxittie @caIifcrnia @sshimjayoon @WawSeeun @kjittie @vqSeeun @vSeeunz @gldnbelle @geul1s @thickk @BaeSumiv @sumrn @Ieeisha @chhaeyoungg @Seeunkuucing
StayC Girls, it's going down.