tweelies, soon.

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ㅤ☥ epistle of kindness, @tweelies aglow the empyreal love!
ㅤㅤ|.. it's ways of true path..
ㅤㅤ|.. pure in souls, in woods..
ㅤㅤ|.. dwellers beguns, @tweeliesbot.

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Forward from: @bealith

Forward from: Pottery Tales ⋆ HIRTAL
[With all due respect from us, we ask all of our friends and anyone who sees this message to forward it]

Finally, @PotteryTales will OPEN BATCH on Today, January 6th at 8PM. With the best and friendly service, don't forget the fairies and magicians who are very chosen to accompany your days. So what are you waiting for? Let's make them to fill your days very beautifully.

We will provide the best for our buyers, and will not disappoint for sure. The best number one for buyers, because we will provide many pairs for. Witches and fairies are waiting for you, and cast magic for your day. Gives light, color, happiness and the best memories to remember. Before that, don't forget to take ur attention to our terms and condition before you take your talent order, and please check the previous talent slot. Then check the form and fill it out. If you have any questions, you can fill this board. So hurry up, before it runs out, we will wait for you and provide the best for you!

Forward from: 物語 /₊ ࣪☾ Premiums Ars 🔏 PROMO

 ❨𐇵❩ .. NETFLIX
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   ❨𐇵❩ .. VIU
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          1m biasa private 2k
          2m anlim private 8k
          2m biasa private 4k
          3m biasa private 6k
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          1y biasa private 12k
          1y anlim private 20k

   ❨𐇵❩ .. IQIYI
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   ❨𐇵❩ .. YOUKU
          shar 1m 4k
          shar 2m 6k

   ❨𐇵❩ .. BSTATION
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   ❨𐇵❩ .. SPOTIFY
          indp 1m 15k
          indp 2m 18k
          indp 4m 27k
          famhead 18-19d 10k
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   ❨𐇵❩ .. CANVA
          memb 1m 800p
          adm 1m 5k
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          1y private 20k
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Keterangan :
d = day/hari
m = month/bulan
y = year/tahun
fw = full warranty/full garansi
nw = no garansi/no warranty

𞋵 tanyakan stock terlebih dahulu
𞋵 leave ch = garansi hangus
𞋵 full pricelist

☾— 𝐹𝑂𝑅𝑀𝐴𝑇, decrepit ⓘ
Ꮠ name & username :
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Ꮠ jenis aplikasi + durasi
Ꮠ keterangan : sharing/private/famplan/Indplan
Ꮠ email + password :
Ꮠ lokasi + merk device :
Ꮠ payment :

𞋵 Send format @Premiumsarbot.
𞋵 testimoni @TESTIPREMIUMS

Forward from: MOTHAINT: Seeking For A New Mate.
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M. ╱ … | 無料.

Will be solely available on 21 January, 2024 precisely 19.00 GMT+7 for any precious souls who are hooked on our costless special moodboards: Basic Moodboard, Basic Loveboard, and Manips Loveboard. Don't miss our first free moodboard everyone.

And for our business-mate, would you please lend us your hand by forward this message into your business channel? we would really appreciate your help–merci beaucoup. 🔘


Forward from: Ley Convert.
@Leyconvertt Open Convert/Pindah saldo E-wallet. super fast response, ramah, less 3 minutes. You will find a special summary of this place when you read the small map below.

Convert e-wallet
- Gopayㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    
- Shopee pay  
- Danaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ      
- Ovo
- Link Ajaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
- I.saku

Cv Pulsa & Beli pulsa (Rate dan harga berubah chat owner)
- Telkomsel
- Tri
- Smartfren
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤ
Top up E-Money (seperti fee convert add 1,5K)
- Tapcash
- Brizziㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    
- E-Mandiri
- Flazz

CONTACT: @mseuLgi


📋 Get the best and most comfortable service possible with @leyconvertt, make sure you read our TNC before using our services.

4444 apa tdk bs


cantiknyah subs nya

Forward from: Decosphere open!
fliss dehh jamaan zekarang gausa ketinggalan inpo teruzzz, jangan inpo depo aja yang loeee cari taux cxixixi 🙈🙈🙈🤭🤭

niehh gueh kasi tau kalo sekarang @decosphere LAGIEEE ADA DISKON GEDE GEDE AN 😋😋🫰🏻🫰🏻 JADIEE KALO LOE OLANG NYARII KEBUTUHAN YANG LOE NITT BISA CEXX DI @decosphere xixixi 😆😆💋

COBA DEHH LOEE BAYANKK KANZZ KALO LOE JAJAN SESUAI BADJET LOE 😳😳😳😳 ap egxxx melongo loehh dapet HARGA PROMO yang sesuai sama isi kantong ixixxi 🙈🙈🤭🫣🫣 yu ah coba di cekk dulu sii kapan lagie loe dpt berita promo gede gedean di @decosphere 🫢🫢🫢

mbah dukunzz aje nyarinienn loe olang buat jajan di @decosphere masa iyye kaga mau nyoba jugeh?? FLISS YUQ AH GAUSAH KODETAGH DI CHEK AJA SUNG SI CANTIK NAN JELITA YANG LAGII PROMO 💋💋💋💋💋🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 @decosphere 😱😝😝 ap lagiee cegil dan cogil keren jajan nya disanah yahah wahyu angjazz mabar emel epep pabji. SALAM BOYEAHH JANGAN LUPA JAJAN DI @DECOSPHERE GUEH TUNGGUKKK 😏😏🫵🫵 jajan disanah di kasih kecupz manjah oleh etmin 😍😍💋💋 fliss yuq di cek promo nyakk 😋😋

Forward from: Maplethorns, REBORN.
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Hello, moots! May I ask you to forward this message on your business channel? Thanks.

With heartfelt joy, we are delighted to present to all of you, showcasing the SUCCESSFUL REBORN [Because there was a system error that made Maplethorn disappear and not come back] and prosperity of our store. This splendid and benevolent establishment is prepared to cater to customers in the most exemplary manner. Much gratitude to our colleagues for their unwavering support in the successful establishment of this store. Warm regards, Maplethorn.

Forward from: Scrawl escorted by tenderness! 舒緩: GLOW! 📜
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Hi, shining star! By this message we announce that we will always update our new catalogue every morning around 7 - 9 am in WIB time. So please subscribe to this channel @glovw to always get the newest updates. You can also fill this board to request what ready catalogue I should post in the next day. Every night I'll close the poll so you can fill it again the other time. Much obliged.

Warm hug,

Forward from: Rombak!
{For everyone who seeing this, please share this message in your channel, and thanks a lot for helping! ૮꒰ > ˕ < ✿ ִ ꒱ა ⸼}

𖦆.. Premiere jewels of garden fairy, the things accurate of god favorite elf, their adorableness magnetism against the nightmare, a lot of butterflies flying around @Roosalia at {MONDAY, 22 JANUARY, 08:00 AM} help them disperse their special jewels. Easily catch the invitation here :

i. Regulations
ii. Catalog PROMO APK PREM
iii. Testimonial

Fuchsia blossoms overthrow the desire for belongings roosalia's debut today! Come on and participate yourself for roosalia’s party premier!!! Thank you for putting your attention on us. With great greetings, @roosalia.

Forward from: (CLOSE.) BERNADETTE—貝納黛特. ᵕ̈
WAH APA NIH, DILIAT-LIAT KALIAN LAGI NYARI MOODBOARD YANG BISA PAKE GEPENG??? sini deh kalian yang lagi nyari hal-hal berbau gepeng aku bisikin!

mending kalian ke @berndette aja sih temen-temen gak perlu susah-susah lagi nyari tempat untuk hal-hal yang berbau gepeng >___0 KALIAN HARUS TAU KALAU @BERNDETTE BAKAL DEBUT SIAANGG INI! 🤯🫵🏻🌟 IYAA! siang ini jam 13.00 WIB 21 januari 2024, nah aku juga ngadain diskon untuk debut ini loh, ADUH BANGET KAN? MASA IYA GAK TERGIUR SIH 😵‍💫 pasti kalian tergiur banget buat jajan disini deh, soalnya diskon nya 50%! diskonnya lama banget lagi di adainnya, jadi kalian bisa jajan dengan menabung dulu kawan-kawan :D. diskonnya berlaku sampai 27 januari 2024 yah!

mootss twilis tersayang tolong react iniii donggg sekalian hfw yaaaaa, for feedback chat @tweeiiesbot!

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within soft-spoken feelings..
• newest | letters •

in moonlight accents, merely night has their hopes forra true paths.. headlights always has serenity in their mind, "will we scents the true of the path, juliet?" .. captured @tweelies in great—ways! has come in fireworks, heather—weather of sonneth black and white..

☥ rose-mary @tweelies has come..
: debuted on 22 january! :
at 18.00 WIB.

come and joins, forra our affections in breakable heavens, full of hoping, realm by kindness and memoirs. by praise and soft-spoken feelings, let's create your ways and choose your sorrow empyreal of love!

(lovely—pals: please help forwards!)


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