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I'm not uncomfortable but i feel so uncomfortable.
~wallows, uncomfortable

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It's like the world is only belongs to you and your person.

It feels really nice when you have mutual feelings with someone you love.

Kenangan memburai bersama wangimu yang singgah dikala hujan, tawa dan tangisan yang kita lalui kini sebatas sejarah.

good morning, fellas. Please don't skip ur breakfast , we'll have hard wednesday today. Make sure u have a good spirit and, have a nice day!!

Kinda miss those good old days.

I feel dumb but it's satisfying.

It's funny when you tryna reach someone thru some messages, yet they can't read them all. :)

Don't stay with me if you feel bad for me. I don't need your pity. Stay with me because you want to.

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So here I go, I'm still scratching around in the same old hole. My body feels young, but my mind is very old.

~half the world away

Darling, you start to loss yourself everyday
Aren't you?

- comfort -


Forward from: Dari aku, untuk kamu
selamat malam.

untuk kamu yang sedang bersusah hati, tetap semangat ya? aku tau dunia memang suka berlaku kejam atau bahkan kita dipaksa dewasa oleh keadaan.

hidup itu memang berat. banyak hal yang terjadi, semua hal yang tidak kita inginkan terjadi tanpa dapat kita cegah. tapi satu hal yang pasti kamu akan menjadi kuat setelah semua itu. jadi semangat ya! ingat jika seluruh dunia menjauhimu, Tuhan pasti dan akan selalu bersamamu.

don’t put yourself down. you’re amazing.

I just want to feel wanted

- comfort -


You know I'll always be here whenever you need me.

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Please I don't want to lose someone like you. Stay with me, can you?

Watch out, your own thoughts are killing you slowly.

"You were my sunshine"
"My only sunshine"
"You made me happy"
"When skies were grey"
"You never knew, dear"
"How much i loved you"
"So please don't take my sunshine away"

- comfort -


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