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✅Why in News- The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has paid tributes to former Prime Minister, Shri PV Narasimha Rao Ji on his 100th birth anniversary.

✅Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao (1921 –2004) was a politician who served as the 9th Prime Minister of India from 1991 to 1996. He also became the Chief minister of Andhra Pradesh in 1971.

✅Father of Economic reforms: He sought to dismantle the License Raj system, reduce red tape and make Indian industries more competitive. He laid the foundation for trade liberalization and re-integration of Indian economy with the global economy, especially East Asian economies.

✅Foreign policy: Among his bold moves in foreign policy were establishing diplomatic relations with Israel and reversing decades of frosty relations between India and the United States by bringing them together. He also launched the Look East policy.

✅Father of Indian nuclear Program: He energised the national nuclear security and ballistic missiles program, which ultimately resulted in the 1998 Pokhran nuclear tests by Vajpayee-led NDA government (the tests were planned in 1996 but they were not carried out as government at centre got changed due to 1996 general election).

✅National Security: He was also fairly successful in controlling the separatist movements in Punjab and Kashmir.

✅Local governance: The path-breaking 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments empowering local bodies during Narasimha Rao’s tenure as the Prime Minister are worthy of mentioning.


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✅Dr Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud, Judge, Supreme Court of India and Chairperson, e-Committee of the Supreme Court inaugurated a Judgments and Orders Portal and an e-Filing 3.0 module.

✅The Judgments and Orders search portal is a repository of judgments pronounced by various High Courts in the country. It provides facility to search judgements and final orders based on multiple search criteria.

✅The e-filing 3.0 module, introduced by the e-Committee of the Supreme Court, allows electronic filing of court documents. With the introduction of the new module, there will be no need for lawyers or clients to visit the court premises for filing of a case.

✅The eCourts project has played a sustained role in ensuring citizen centric justice and in recognition of this exemplary work, this project has been conferred the Excellence in Digital Governance Award in 2020 by Government of India.


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🔆Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

The Union Public Service Commission is the central recruiting agency in India. It is an independent constitutional body in the sense that it has been directly created by the constitution.

Article 315 to 323 in Part XIV of the Constitution contain elaborate provisions regarding the composition, appointment and removal of members along with the independence, power and functions of the UPSC.

✅The chairman and members of the Commission hold office for a term of six years or until they attain the age of 65 years, whichever earlier.

✅ They can also be removed before the expiry of their term by the president.

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✅According to Article1 - India, that is Bharat, shall be a union of states.
✅ The states and the territories thereof shall be as specified in the first schedule.
✅The territory of India shall comprise —
(i) The territories of the states;
(ii) The union territories specified in the First
(iii) Such other territories as may be acquired.
✅Section 3(2) of the territorial waters , continental shelf, exclusive Economic Zone and other Maritime Zones Act, 1976 now provides, that the limit of the territorial water is the line at which every point is at a distance of 12 nautical miles from the nearest point of the appropriate base line.
✅Another notification of the government dated 15 January , 1977 has extended the exclusive economic zone of India up to a distance of 200 nautical miles into the sea from the shore base line. This has been done under the Territorial waters, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and other maritime zones act, 1976
passed as the constitution 40th amendment act 1976 .
✅Parliament may by law admit into the union, or establish new states on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.
✅ Formation of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing states.

▪️Parliament may by law —

(i) form a new state by separation of territory from any state or by uniting two or more states or parts of states or by uniting any territory to a part of any state
(ii) increase the area of any state;.
(iii) diminish the area of any state;
(iv) alter the boundaries of any state;
(v) alter the name of any


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✅68th Plenary session of North Eastern Council (NEC) was held in Guwahati, Assam.

✅In the 68th plenary session of North Eastern Council (NEC), Union Home Minister has assured North Eastern States that the union government will not touch or dilute the provisions of Article 371 which grants special provisions to the region of North East as well as other states.

✅The Union Home Minister who is also the chairman of NEC highlighted the difference between Article 370 and 371.

✅ He said that Article 370 was clearly temporary in nature while Article 371 is about special provisions in the northeast.
✅371A. Special provision with respect to the State of Nagaland
✅371B. Special provision with respect to the State of Assam
✅371C. Special provision with respect to the State of Manipur
✅371D. Special provisions with respect to the State of Andhra
✅371E. Establishment of Central University in Andhra Pradesh
✅371F. Special provisions with respect to the State of Sikkim
✅371G. Special provision with respect to the State of Mizoram
✅371H. Special provision with respect to the State of •Arunachal
✅371-I. Special provision with respect to the State of Goa
✅371-J. Special provisions with respect to State of Karnataka


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✅Government of India Act, 1935 : Federal Scheme, office of the Governor, power of Federal Judiciary, Public Service Commission, Emergency provisions.

✅USA Constitution : Fundamental Rights, written constitution, Supreme Court,
Independence of Judiciary and Judicial Reviews, President as the Executive

🔸Head. The Vice- President, Impeachment of the President, Removal of Supreme
Court and High Court Judges, Preamble.

✅British Constitution : Parliamentary system, Rule of law, legislative procedure, Prime Minister, Cabinet System, Single Citizenship, Prerogative writs, Bicameral Parliament, Nominal head- President, provision of speaker

✅Australian Constitution : The concurrent list, centrestate Relationship, Freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse, Joint sitting of the two Houses of the Parliament, Language of the preamble.

✅Soviet (USSR) Constitution : Fundamental Duties and ideal of justice, Five
year Plan.

✅ German/Weimar Constitution : Emergency provisions and their effect on the Fundamental Rights.

✅Japan Constitution : Procedure established by the law.

✅Canadian Constitution : Appointment of state Governor by the centre, Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, Federation with a strong centre, vesting of residuary powers in the centre.

✅South African Constitution : Procedure of Amendment of the constitution, Election of the Members of Rajya Sabha.

✅Irish Constitution : Directive principles of state policy, Nominations of Members of Rajya sabha, method of Election of President.


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▪️Why in news?

✅Due to the pandemic, significant amount of the tenure of Parliamentary Standing Committees (PSCs) was lost.

▪️More on news
✅ Rajya Sabha (RS) Chairman also called for 2- year fixed tenure for House panels.
✅ Thus, two options are being looked at: one, to extend the term of the panels for a year, and second, to form new committees with a fixed tenure of two years.
✅At present tenure of PSC is one year.

▪️About Parliamentary Committees

✅Parliamentary committees are of two kinds:

✅Standing Committees: Permanent in nature; Constituted every year; work on a continuous basis.

✅ Ad Hoc Committees: Temporary in nature; Cease to exist on completion of the task assigned to them.

🔸The constitution makes a mention of these committees at different places but without making any specific provisions regarding their composition, tenure etc. All these matters are dealt by the rules of two houses.

▪️Main objective of the PSCs is

✅ ensure detailed scrutiny and uphold government accountability work in non-partisan manner
✅ aids the Opposition to play a greater role in exercising control over the executive.
✅ engage with relevant stakeholders
✅ ensure financial prudence.
✅PSCs draw their authority from Article 105 (on privileges of Parliament members) and Article 118 (on Parliament’s authority to make rules for regulating its procedure and conduct of business).
✅Parliament is not bound by the recommendations of committees.

▪️Standing Committee: On the basis of the nature of functions performed by them, standing committees can be classified into the six categories:
🔸Financial Committees
🔸 Departmental Standing Committees- related to
Ministries/ Departments.
🔸 Committees to Inquire
🔸 Committees to Scrutinise and Control
🔸 Committees Relating to the Day-to-Day Business of the House
🔸House-Keeping Committees or Service Committees


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🔆Various elements of Basic Structure

✅Some principles that are presently part of the ‘Basic
Structure’ are stated below
✅sovereignty of India
✅essential features of the individual freedoms secured to the citizens
✅mandate to build a welfare state
✅supremacy of the Constitution
✅republican and democratic form of government
✅secular and federal character of the Constitution
✅separation of powers between the legislature, executive & the judiciary
✅unity and integrity of the nation
✅power of Judicial review
✅harmony & balance between FRs & DPSPs etc.
✅Parliamentary system
✅Rule of law
✅Principle of equality
✅Free and fair elections
✅Independence of Judiciary
✅Limited power of Parliament to amend the Constitution
✅Effective access to justice
✅Principles (or essence) underlying fundamental rights
✅Powers of the Supreme Court under Articles 32, 136, 141 & 142
✅ Powers of the High Courts under Articles 226 and 227

✅Image source -Vision IAS


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🔆Seventh Schedule

✅The seventh schedule under Article 246 of the constitution deals with the division of powers between the union and the states.

✅ It contains three lists- Union List, State List and Concurrent List.

✅The union list details the subjects on which Parliament may make laws while the state list details those under the purview of state legislatures.

✅The concurrent list on the other hand has subjects in which both Parliament and state legislatures have jurisdiction. However the Constitution provides federal supremacy to Parliament on concurrent list items in case of a conflict.


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🔆Finance Commission

✅Article 280 of the constitution of India provides for a Finance Commission as a
quasi-judicial body.

✅ It constituted by the president of India every fifth year or at such earlier time
as he considers necessary.

✅Finance Commission consists of a chairman and four other members to be
appointed by the president.

✅ Function of the commission is to make recomendations to the president of India on following matters .

1. The distribution of the net proceeds of taxes to be shared between the centre and the states and the allocation between the states of the respective shares of such proceeds.
2. The principles that should govern the grants-in-aid to the states by Centre.

3. The measures needed to augment the consolidated fund of of the panchayats and the municipalities in the state on the basis of the recommendations made by
the state finance commission.


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🔆State Public Service Commission

✅Parallel to the UPSC at the centre, there is a state public service Commission in state under same set of Articles (i.e., Article 315 to 323)

✅ A SPSC consist of a chairman and other members appointed by the governor of the state.

✅The chairman and members of the commission hold office for a term of six years or until they attain the age of 62 years .

✅The chairman and members of the commission can be removed only by the president (and not by the governor)


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