Forward from: Counter-Currents
When people start talking about geopolitics, I reach for my revolver, because I am about to hear a 4 d chess argument for why an obviously immoral act (or just a "take") would be a smart political move.
In truth, though, even nationalists envision a world order.
The key thing is that people are only willing to sacrifice unimportant principles and minor players in the great game. Anything else is self-defeating.
When putative white nationalists are willing to drop the ethnonationalist principle and defame agents like Azov to parrot Russian imperialist talking points, they are revealing either that they have fundamentally incompatible values or that they have never given the matter any serious thought.
In truth, though, even nationalists envision a world order.
The key thing is that people are only willing to sacrifice unimportant principles and minor players in the great game. Anything else is self-defeating.
When putative white nationalists are willing to drop the ethnonationalist principle and defame agents like Azov to parrot Russian imperialist talking points, they are revealing either that they have fundamentally incompatible values or that they have never given the matter any serious thought.