World Doctors Alliance

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Official WDA independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures.

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Forward from: Doctors For Covid Ethics Channel
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The Editor's Law comes to Britain by Mike Robinson from UK Column.
In this video, Mike Robinson addressed the ongoing crackdown on freedom of speech in the UK.
Mike Robinson is co-editor of the UK Column, which he co-owns with Brian Gerrish. He has written on political issues since the mid-1990s and joined the UK Column in 2008. His background is in technology infrastructure, and he has worked in a wide range of sectors: telecoms, heavy engineering, legal, and finance.

Forward from: Jerm Warfare (public)
In case you haven't watched/listened yet, I strongly recommend this podcast.

As a reminder, there was no pandemic and here's the supporting data from Denis Rancourt:

Excess mortality was created by mitigation measures such as lockdowns, vaccines, ventilators, stress, and so on.

Forward from: Lebanese News and Updates
🇱🇧 Lebanese Security Forces in a statement:

"Wireless communication devices of certain types exploded in number of Lebanese regions, especially in the southern suburb, which led to injuries...

...Therefore, the Internal Security Forces ask citizens to clear the roads to facilitate the treatment of the injured and their transfer to hospitals."

Forward from: Edward Dowd
Who wants to tell him?🥴

“However, he added that excess mortality could return to pre-pandemic levels sooner if COVID-19 is brought under control through vaccination and other health measures.”

Excess mortality may stay high for a decade, Swiss Re warns


Forward from: Graham Phillips Journalist/ Documentaries
So, on the way to Severodonetsk today to check on the situation there, it came to my attention that i'd been put on the UK government sanctions list, and all my assets frozen - ie money all confiscated.

What to say about this. Well in the first place, my thoughts are with Severodonetsk, and will soon be arranging another humanitarian aid distribution there, at this difficult time where the will of the people has been achieved, but there is also the aftermath the war it took for that to happen.

As for the situation with the UK, well to quote a certain tennis player, you cannot be serious, right? So all my assets have been frozen, and i've been slandered on a state level by the British government without any notification, without any opportunity to defend myself. No official charges against me, not even any actual accusations against me. Just that.... the British government don't like my work. And for that they can seize my bank accounts from me, for starters, as other machinations are doubtless afoot.

So, now we know, the UK government don't need to present any actual charges against you, don't need to give you any notification, or opportunity to defend yourself against their non-charges. They just need to not like your work, slander you, and steal your money. So at least we know what we're dealing with here.

Banana republics are looking on at the UK just now as the British government sanctions one of their own citizens because they don't like his work, and just .... #facepalm .

As for me, I crack on with my work here, showing the truth from Donbass. Love, and best wishes to you, from Lugansk, and thank you for all your messages and support!

When my work here is done, i'll return home to the UK, and if there are any real charges against me, let's have them, rather than this... cowardly slander and sanctions from scoundrel politicians.

Remember, who has truth on their side, that person is stronger...

Forward from: UK Medical Freedom Alliance
LEGAL CASE CROWDFUNDER - Prevent Forced Vaccination under Sedation

Join in supporting Catherine’s legal battle to protect her son, Adam, from forced COVID-19 vaccinations and sedation that she believes are not in his best interests.

Adam is a man with moderate learning disabilities, now in his thirties. He loves games and physical activities and time with his mother, Catherine, outside his care home residence, with whom he also goes to Church and prays.

He has been resistant to medical treatments since childhood and repeated efforts to vaccinate him against COVID-19 since 2021 have caused him great distress.

‼️Please DONATE and SHARE‼️

Forward from: GreenMedInfo
The Global Plot to Silence Free Speech Exposed: What You Need to Know Now

Join us for a highly critical and unmissable livestream where we uncover the disturbing truth behind the global coordination to criminalize free speech and suppress civil rights. Governments worldwide are working together, behind closed doors, to stifle dissent and control the narrative—and the new files we’ve uncovered reveal the shocking depth of this conspiracy.

This isn’t just about policy; this is about your voice, your rights, and the future of free expression.

Who’s Joining Us?
- Dr. Ben Tapper: A fearless advocate for health freedom and a powerful voice against censorship.
- Ty and Charlene Bollinger: The renowned health freedom warriors and founders of "The Truth About Cancer" who have been fighting back against medical and speech suppression.
- Dr. Joel Bohemier: A leading voice for natural health and civil liberties, speaking out on the consequences of global censorship.
- Sayer Ji: Founder of GreenMedInfo, leading the charge to expose the forces behind the global war on free speech.

What You’ll Learn:
- The Global Coordination to Silence Dissent: How governments are criminalizing free speech with the help of big tech and global organizations.
- The Real Story Behind the New Files: What these revelations mean for the future of civil liberties and free expression worldwide.
- The Health Freedom Crisis: How the suppression of free speech is directly tied to medical freedom, public health, and the ability to make informed decisions.
- Actionable Steps to Protect Your Rights: What you can do to fight back and safeguard your freedom of speech and civil rights.

Why You Need to Watch:
This isn’t just another livestream—this is a call to action. The world is changing fast, and the war on free speech is heating up. If you care about your rights, your freedom, and the ability to express yourself without fear of censorship or retaliation, you can’t afford to miss this.

Governments are silencing dissent, and new revelations expose the global plot to criminalize free speech. Don’t miss this critical discussion on how it affects YOU.

🗓️ Monday, Sept 16th | 12 PM ET
📍 Exclusively on
🔗 "Watch Live or Bookmark Here:

#FreeSpeech #Censorship #CivilRights #Livestream

Forward from: Zeee Media 🎙
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Bill Gates calls for “vaccine misinformation” to be censored in real-time by AI, even in the U.S., a violation of the First Amendment.

Follow @zeeemedia
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Forward from: FallCabal Official Channel
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Well summarized and a joy to watch! Why the joy? Because I recognize my own feelings in his frustrations...

Forward from: OffGuardian - OFFICIAL
Another September 11th

Rolling out of my crib before dawn today (I was in it long before the charlatans Harris and Trump began their theatrical “debate”), it being another September 11th, I wondered where Dick Cheney was.

And I was still wondering where Elmer Gantry was, having received the previous day a form message from RFK, Jr.’s faith-based engagement team leader, Rev. Wendy Silvers, that she was conducting a “pop-up” prayer service for the great Ciceronians’ debate, with Bobby Kennedy in the press room, rooting for his boy Donald.

Cheney and Harris vs. Kennedy and Trump. A tag-team match perfect for the…...

Read full article ...

Forward from: Quds News Network
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The young girl Sama Tabil has lost her hair after being traumatized as a result of a horrific Israeli military attack in southern Gaza.

Forward from: Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel
I’m following Sasha’s (Latypova) and Katherine’s (Watt) recent delving into the history of “vaccination” and of the use of proteins in them.
I was of course well aware of what are termed collectively “hypersensitivity reactions” to foreign substances large enough to be recognized by our bodies as foreign or non-self. There were five separate classes of hypersensitivity reaction, for example, Type I is acute anaphylaxis, Type IV is Delayed Type Hypersensitivity etc. They’re distinct, because they use different biochemical pathways and different components of the immune system to set up & trigger the reactions.
I confess I hadn’t focussed on the possibility that, centuries ago, that injections might “sensitise” the population in ways that could compromise their general health without causing such obvious adverse reactions in most people that they’d make the connection.
I’m not certain that this is what’s happening, or is the primary thing that’s happening, and that it’s the main objective of mock vaccination (there’s nothing to vaccinate against….that’s all PsyOp stuff).
But it might be. It’s consistent with most of the observations with which I’m familiar, which doesn’t include what I used to think of as “traditional vaccines” (I now see them as last generation chronic toxins).
The ultra wealthy and royalty are known for disregarding the jab schedules, aren’t they? And some as well don’t participate in “Rockefeller pharmaceuticals”. You no longer need to wonder why this might be.

For my own part, since 2020, I’ve been steadfast in warning people that it’s hideously dangerous to allow anyone to inject you with genetic material capable of causing your body to manufacture a non-self protein. It doesn’t matter what is encoded, provided it’s non-self and large enough (ie immunogenicity enough) for your body to determine that it’s been invaded. In the case of the 91-divoc jabs, my additional concern arose because the injected material will travel all around the body and cause a wide variety of cells and tissues to mark themselves as foreign. That triggers lethal, autoimmune attack on every cell complying with the genetic instructions.

There’s a different concern here. If you’re injected with foreign proteins (or substances different from your own & large enough for your body to mind) you will set up a hypersensitivity condition. A repeat injection, 2-3 weeks later, will precipitate one or more of these hypersensitivity reactions.

The awful realisation is that injecting you with foreign proteins is incredibly non-natural and is very dangerous. There’s no safe way to do it & no healthy rationale to do it.

What Sasha is positing is the hypothesis that this alone, when it involves priming you to hypersensitivity reactions to all sorts of foreign, yet commonplace proteins and other large molecules, puts your body in a state of perpetual warfare with its otherwise natural & healthy environment.

When you eat a foodstuff, normally, very little to no intact macromolecules get into your circulation. Your body defends your interior, does not allow direct absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of intact large molecules such as proteins. Instead, it chops them up into tiny pieces whereupon they’re absorbed as nutrients. But once you’ve a hypersensitive gut, I expect you’ll be more likely to permit microscopic but real amounts of swallowed material to get absorbed. Now you’re really in trouble, with chronic illness & you may be unaware of what’s happened to you.

A key quote below.

Best wishes

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