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﷽ The foremost orthodox theological school of Sunnī Islam, firmly anchored in the Qurʾān, the Sunnah, the way of the Companions, and sound reasoning.

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I laughed too hard

al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ al-Mālikī conveying the ijmāʿ (consensus) of the Ummah on the finality of the Prophethood, and the kufr (disbelief) of claiming to be a new Prophet after Muhammad ﷺ or holding the belief of the possibility of a new prophet after him ﷺ.

Imām al-Ghazālī said:

❝Likewise, a person who accuses ʿĀʾisha, may Allāh be pleased with her, of committing indecency, while the Qurʿān has clearly established her innocence, would be guilty of kufr.❞

• [فيصل التفرقة بين الإسلام والزندقة]

Al-Juwaynī said,

“I would never utter a single word about ʿilm al-kalām until I had memorized twelve thousand pages of the words of al-Qāḍī Abū Bakr [al-Bāqillānī].”

al-Subkī, Tabaqāt al-Shāfiʿiyya, 5:193.

Shaykh al-Islām Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī stated:

1/3. ❝And if He [Allāh] is absolutely self-sufficient, it will be inconceivable that He be composed of parts; it follows that He is not spatial; therefore, it will be inconceivable that He exists in place and space. He [Allāh] also states, "Naught is as He likeness". If He were a body, His essence would have been similar to all bodies, since we maintain that all bodies are alike [in physicality].❞

📚 — [al-Maṭālib al-ʿāliya min al-ʿilm al-ilāhī, 9 vols., ed. A. al-Saqqā, Beirut, 1987, (8, 116—8)]

Shaykh Sohaib Saeed said:

❝The words above really don’t have to be taken in that way. Of course “the way of the Qur’an” is superior, what else should someone who gave so much to present the glory of that Book say about it? He’s not conceding to another madhhab that’s truer to scripture.¹

I don’t have a problem with seeing it as regret, of a sort. I think the context of being on the deathbed is an important one and thus reading it as an academic declaration (rather than a pious one) seems rather misplaced.²❞


Imām al-Ghazālī severely rebuked Ibn Sīna & al-Farābī, who were fascinated and influenced by Aristotle (in their beliefs).

Excerpt from فكرة الزمان عند الأشاعرة



Ibn Ábd al-Wahhāb al-Najdī al-Khārijī stated in one of his letters as recorded in Durar al-Saniyyah:

“And I inform you about myself: I swear by Allāh whom there is none worthy to worship except Him, I have sought knowledge and those who knew me believed that I had understanding while I did not understand the meaning of Lā ilāhā illa Allāh at that time nor did I understand the religion of Islām before this grace that Allāh bestowed. Similarly, my Shaykhs, there was not a man among them who understood that. Thus, if someone from the scholars of al-Áariđ [Najd and its environs] claims that he understood the meaning of Lā ilāhā illa Allāh or understood the meaning of Islām before this time, or claims on authority of his Shaykhs that one of them understood that, then he has indeed lied, and fabricated, and deceived people and praised himself with something he does not possess.”


Forward from: أعمال الشيخ سعيد فودة .
بقلم الشيخ سعيد فودة حفظه الله ..

١- "غرر الفوائد في علم العقائد"
تهذيب شرح الرّسالة القيروانيّة للشيخ أحمد بن غنيم النّفراوي المالكي.

٢ - "شرح عقيدة الإمام ابن الحاجب المالكي" كتبه الشيخ سنة ألفٍ وأربَعمِائة وخَمسَة عَشَرَ لِلهجرَة الموافق 20/12/1994م

وليس لنا إلى غير الله تعالى حاجة ولا مذهب


Imām Ibn Furāk said:

❝As for what is predicated by saying that He is Loving and Pleased, or Displeased or Hostile, for [al-Ashʿarī] that was a reference to His will. He used to say that God’s pleasure (exalted is He) over believers is His will to reward them and to praise them, and His displeasure over unbelievers is His will to punish them and to censure them. The same is true of His love and His enmity.❞

📚 — [Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ibn Fūrak, Mujarrad Maqālāt al-Shaykh Abī al-Ḥasan al-Ashʿarī, Daniel Gimaret, ed. (Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq, 1987), p. 45, lines 11-13].


Imām al-Qurṭubī al-Mālikī wrote in al-Jāmiʿ li Aḥkām al-Qurʿān:

❝It is not permissible to explicitly attribute an error to the Ṣaḥābah especially when they had used their ijtihād in whatever they did and their intentions were solely to please Allāh. We believe they were all guides. We have been commanded to control our tongues regarding the disputes that took place between them. We should remember them with good words because of the honour of the Ṣaḥābah, and Rasūl Allāh ﷺ warning us not to defame them. The reason for this is because Allah has forgiven them and informed them that He is pleased with them.❞

📚 — [al-Jāmiʿ li Aḥkām al-Qurʿān, (vol. 16, pg. 32)].

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🔸️ Does Tajsīm have multiple meanings, where some are appropriate?



[🧵] Imām al-Juwaynī said:

❝Among the attributes of the essence of the pre-eternal—He be exalted—is His dissimilarity with accidents; the Lord—He be exalted—does not resemble any of the accidents, and none of the accidents resembles Him.❞

📚 — [Kitāb al-Irshād, (p. 20)].

Thus it is necessary to deny that Allāh occupies space, because to affirm it would be inconsistent with pre-eternity. Any concept that implies that Allāh is a divisible quantity is heresy.

This general rule doesn't only apply to the question whether Allāh occupies space, but also any concept which implies an alteration in His essence. Hence al-Juwaynī also said:

❝Any premise which leads to the concept of God as a quantity or as divisible is a manifest heresy.❞

📚 — [Ibid., (p. 23)].

End of thread.

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