Welcome to Fucking "Broken Dreams" Channel Don't judge, just listen and think ..........:♠️:.......... ▪️Rock ▪️Metal ▪️Electronic & ▪️New Albums ..........:♠️:.......... Group : https://t.me/BrokenHeadbangers
18.11.2023 22:21
Welcome to Fucking "Broken Dreams" Channel Don't judge, just listen and think ..........:♠️:.......... ▪️Rock ▪️Metal ▪️Electronic (Every Friday) & ▪️New Albums ..........:♠️:.......... Group : https://t.me/BrokenHeadbangers
23.07.2023 13:27
Group : https://t.me/BrokenHeadbangers ..........:♠️:.......... ▪️Rock ▪️Metal ▪️Electronic (Every Friday) & ▪️New Albums ..........:♠️:..........
11.11.2022 13:22
Due to the special conditions in Iran, we currently do not have any activities in the field of music, and I use my personal media to promote the voice of the Iranian people. بخاطر شرایط ویژه در ایران فعلا هیچ گونه فعالیت در زمینه موسیقی نداریم
02.10.2022 23:18
23.09.2022 19:24
Group : ..........:♠️:.......... ▪️Rock ▪️Metal ▪️Electronic (Every Friday) & ▪️New Albums ..........:♠️:.......... Suggest, Critique or Report file corruption :
12.05.2022 21:26
Group : https://t.me/joinchat/A1aKWUaLOAj1ehybD_crkg ..........:♠️:.......... ▪️Rock ▪️Metal ▪️Electronic (Every Friday) & ▪️New Albums ..........:♠️:.......... Suggest, Critique or Report file corruption : @Faridj65