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Category: Esoterics

The Art of Mastery

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You rebuild your self, your house as you become a master at transforming and destructing the matrix prison that kept you hostage. You just need to understand the blueprint of your being.

In my second book I will take you a long to deploy this project as the master that you are.
Chapter by chapter we will explore the structures of your being, floor by floor.
Fighting demons. Clearing shadows. Cleaning negative grips. Freeying you up to become the higher, expanded, true version of you. Welcoming you home to feel safe and good on the inside. The only beauty, wealth and health that will lead to a life lived in grace, gratitude and compassion. The only path to love. The path beyond the shallow.
The path is a journey of self discovery and self construction that demands you to accept the darkness before you can be and feel the light.

And so it is
Sending Love 

How to rebuild yourSelf

Fighting your demons

In life we all struggle.
I don’t care how successful, happy, rich, wise or loved you assume other people are.
The fact is that none of us escape the darkness that life throws at us.
And even when people seem spared from a lot of hardship, challenge or failure in life, we have no idea how dreadful someone can really feel on the inside.

Living life in the shallow cage of the ego,a golden cage can look like the Instagram dream. But the ego haunts on the inside with demanding thoughts on how to keep up appearances to run away from what lies underneath the facade. The cellar beneath the house of the owner that looks so perfect can be full of unprocessed experiences, emotions and truths. But this can only be burried behind the door to this cellar for so long before it starts festering your soul away.

You see, we come here to experience life beyond the shallow. We come here to grow on a soul level and evolve way past the mediocre path that is set out by others. Family systems, culture, religion, education, profession, media, it doesn’t really matter what system. You were not born to fit into someone else’s box. You came here to build yourself up and become the best you, you could possibly be; to inspire, build create and help evolve others on this planet. To follow your soul print and create not to repeat.
And this growth, this expansion of you, this ascension only happens if you dare to struggle.

If you dare to step out of the comfort zone of the mind, step over the self pitying and never satisfied ego, if you take responsibility for your self and your own life.
If you dare to live a life beyond the 9-5, birth to death, mortgage to insurance set up matrix of expectations.
If you dare to choose to set your standards higher and reach inside for the dreams that were ingraved in your soul and projected only in your vision.
If you dare to see life with your own eyes instead of the tele-vision, tik tok algoritmes of pretty faces and series served to numb the pain.

Because it is the pain you need to feel to be able to build your self up.
To face the demons that hide insight your psyche that tell you you are not good enough, unworthy, unloveable.
It is these demons you need to face in order to make changes in your life and jump onto higher timelines.

Imagine yourself as a House.
Build since the day you were born.
Sparked with the light at conception by your father and mother.
The Light that can only start to shine on the first floor of your House, if the construction is completed. And the electrical pipes of your house are fitted so you can shine your powerful light on your path
If the pipes are blocked and construction was neglected by grown ups that should have been attending to your divine arrival in life; the light remains untouched and first floor of your house dark. You will live there and get used to the floor as it is. But it doesn’t feel as safe and peaceful and welcoming as life on the first floor of your house should.
This will then affect your self esteem, self love and power. The challenge and demons you will have to face later on in life.

Your total house consists of 7 floors or energy centers that make up who you are today in all the different areas of your life.
These structures of each floor will carry you past experiences, your future expectations and your present. Your house is filled with thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories, dreams and nightmares. 
Your house will host all your personality futures and archetypes. Your dark and your light.
It is up to you what you do with this house.
How pleasant, warm, homely and representant of your expression you make this house to be.

You will become strong and healthy as you overcome the ego that casts shadows over you.
Everybody has the opportunity to reclaim your power and rebuild yourself.
Most of us needed the darkest times and used the momentum of pain as fuel to rise above.
These are the most inspiring people that came to inspire not only themselves but others around them.

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