🇺🇸 ⚡️ BULLSHIT! Lethal injection is the most widely-used method of execution, but states still authorize other methods, including electrocution, gas chamber, hanging, and ring squad.
Electrocution was the sole method in Nebraska until the State Supreme Court ruled the method unconstitutional in February 2008 https://perma.cc/WKQ7-XRUA
8 states (in South Carolina, electrocution is the primary method; the other 7 have lethal injection as primary method) https://perma.cc/J7V4-W4Y9
A South Carolina trial court has issued an injunction preventing the state from carrying out executions using a firing squad or the electric chair https://perma.cc/M6E3-ENY5
No matter, ⚡️ is 💩!
For all others: 💩! but we haven't verified if this is bullshit or not ...
Lethal dosis and 🇨🇭 suicide pods 👌!
Electrocution was the sole method in Nebraska until the State Supreme Court ruled the method unconstitutional in February 2008 https://perma.cc/WKQ7-XRUA
8 states (in South Carolina, electrocution is the primary method; the other 7 have lethal injection as primary method) https://perma.cc/J7V4-W4Y9
A South Carolina trial court has issued an injunction preventing the state from carrying out executions using a firing squad or the electric chair https://perma.cc/M6E3-ENY5
No matter, ⚡️ is 💩!
For all others: 💩! but we haven't verified if this is bullshit or not ...
Lethal dosis and 🇨🇭 suicide pods 👌!