Now, here they are waiting, all sitting in state. See the snowy white cloth, and each shiny white plate, and every one eager and anxioys to know what's comong for dinner—the servants are slow. There's only at present a big pastry pie; Is it good as it looks? They are longing try. They're all of them needing a glass and a fork, and while they are waiting a few of them talk. There's a Giant—before her Hop-O'-my-Thumb, and, Robinson, Crusoe, she also has come. Sweet-tempered beauty beside her dear beast, Aladdin has brought his old lamp to the feast, she's telling its marvels to Little Bo-Peep who does not look happy, she longs for heer sheep. She fears they will wander again far away, awhile she is feasting so finely to-day ; Boy Blue is conversing with Red Riding Hood about the advanture she had in the wood. Next—holding the key—is bad Bluebeard's last wife; with her shoe, Cinderella—just look at her knife. Tis a wonderful party; no greatest, no least, three cheers for our friends at this Fairyland Feast