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📝 HFW CUY. drop username for sfs main acc with @kdimtaehyungt. kalo channel mu rprlarea, jarang diving, ur muse still minor, homophobic, alayphobic, grammar police, DNI

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

📝 HFW CUY. drop username for sfs main acc with @kdimtaehyungt. kalo channel mu rprlarea, jarang diving, ur muse still minor, homophobic, alayphobic, grammar police, DNI

👤 @haileyix

👤 @mrsrubyjen everyone allowed kec. admin upsubs

👤 @leonhartwoman

👤 @vlsyxrjn everyone's allowed


👤 @q_Hwangyeji

👤 @vhzuzu everyone allowed

👤 @naturaldrizzle

👤 @cNojam

👤 @ParkRcsey everyone's allowed

👤 @godtares

👤 @MeouwYujin

👤 @markisakc

👤 @iPwarkRose

👤 @kfeIix

👤 @twaebi

👤 @karinaaezva everyone's allowed

👤 @prettykiim

👤 @roseanyne

👤 @popiieecamlol everyone's allowed

👤 @jekendal

👤 @kylext

👤 @uscrj everyone's allowed

👤 @eclairosie

👤 @beawuty

👤 @nerevia

👤 Himme up on @wowendy or @natushaissarobot thank you.

👤 @panpanbf

👤 @ro9seanne everyone's allowed

👤 @jzChaewon everyone's allowed, hmu

👤 @vJemnie

👤 @Jaemintss

👥 32 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board


Due to @telegram's policy this account and channel was made for Roleplayers purpose only. And doesn't have any connection or related Kim Taehyung. All media on this channel is come from Google, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and pinterest.


I. this channel sometimes uploads HARSWORD, LGBT, NSFW THINGY, RL THINGY content. if you are not comfortable you can leave my channel and don't forget to remove my account from your channel.

II. do not interact if ur muse still minor, homophobic, alayphobic, grammar police, spread hate, rprl area

III. This media and wording is taken from Google, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and the Help channel.

IV. Please don't copy anything from this channel because some are purely from your own thoughts.

V. i will use bracket [ [], ?, !, $ ] if my channel smells of my life in real life and i will use CW, TW, HW, dll.

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