Guimauverse Property

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Forward from: Diluc.
Splendid evening everyone! Proudly announcing to you this handsome username, @DiLuuc (SOP) Based on Genshin Impact Diluc is now up for sale with open price system! Drop your best offer at @kurusubot. The last price will not updated at channel. If you curious, feel free to ask our bot. Close if already up the target/my HB.

Forward from: Luxviere : Soon.
Holaa! @Luxviere looking for new mutual, drop your @ gallery at @Luxvierebot for a feedback, main acc only.

Forward from: ギャラリー!UFS DI PINNED
{moots help forward pls!}

@mxakima bo makima csm fp 87k
@atsuishi bo atsushi bsd fp 10k
@chwuuya bo chuuya bsd fp 40k
@yeloena bo yelena aot fp 10k
@yaehyun bo jaehyun nct fp 220k

payment methods: DANA, GOPAY, shopee pay, qris (+1k)
contact person: @miyekobot

tags: makima, atsushi, chuuya, yelena, jaehyun, csm, aot, bsd, nct.

Forward from: Arthurian ’s Property
[ help fw ]
jadi ceritanya gini, waktu lalu kan dia ngelepas usernya karena limit dan akhirnya aku keep tapi gabisa tf owner akhirnya tadi jam 23.21 aku lepas keep an nya, nunggu beberapa menit. pas jam 23.40 aku keep masih gabisa karena limit, waktu 23.43 uda kecolong :(. ada buktinya juga aku ngelepas uname @mlingyu.

Forward from: venom ; usn

@chenniwe : chenle nickname
@jisuyreon : suyeon wekimeki

☎️ : @jniearf / @venomssibot

Forward from: QUAVERS.
[Help FW]


@ sold b.o Albert Moriarty
@fSanzu b.o Sanzu 40k ada hb

Do contact @swallcwtailbot / @GrimoireRobot if you're interested.

Maaf guys gue bakalan jarang diving buat ngefw soalnya mau sibuk nugas dulu

Forward from: AGNOLA
Tawarin usn Yurina dong... @AgnolaaBot

Forward from: ☆★ winshie (☆▽☆)

Range 10k-140k
@Hwasam; Hwasa on offer
@Noeun; Soeun, Naeun
@Xuzanyi; Xuanyi
@Xuanjyi; Xuanyi
@Hyunjcae; Hyunjae
@moonbpul: moonbyul
@chapgmin: changmin
@yoojufng: yoojung
@yoomung: yoojung
@Utmji; Umji
@Jayoion; Jayoon
@LeeisaP; Lee iSa
@Chowiyeon; Cho miyeon
@Qeonghwa: Seonghwa
@BaekseunngKim: Baekseung SOP
@WishkKwak: Wish SOP
@JJeffLee: Jeff SOP
@Keumdorng: Keum
@odnghyun: Keum / Donghyun
@Jungyo; Jungmo
@Jungvo; Jungmo
@Jungmn; Jungmo
@Jucgmo; Jungmo
@Oliviwhye; Olivia Hye
@Nyyoung; Nayoung
@HurHyunjjun; Hur Hyunjun SOP
@BeraktiFitas; BeraktiFitas

If you’re interested or had some question, you can contact me on [@ZoowiestBot!]

Forward from: Naoya.
Splendid evening everyone! Proudly announcing to you this pretty username, @naooya is now up for sale with open price system! Drop your best offer at @selshu

Forward from: Kishibe ᐢ..ᐢ
Hello! @Kishibe is searching for new mutuals. Semua jenis collector diterima yaa, kindly hit @KurusuBot if you want to be our mutuals! ♡

Forward from: ANTIVIST
Hi, karna saya lagi BU banget dan ini belum kejual, saya mau ufs-in @Drzaken 30k, @sasbo 10k, @Daisucke 10k. Udah ngepas banget, jadi tolong jangan di nego lagi yaa. Tapi nyicil dan booking diperbolehkan kok @antivistbot

Forward from: Sakuma Rei
ssup, i'm announcing to all of you that @SakumaRei is up for sale and the system i will be using is open price. please drop your best price to @randpo

Forward from: Rellyn gallery
[help fw moots! Thankyou]
hello @bodaciousv is looking for mutual, bebas mau jenis galeri apapun, jika berkenan silakan hubungi @ennuivbot thankyou! ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ  

Forward from: ☆★ winshie (☆▽☆)

Halo! Yang merasa keep @ heesung boleh balikin nggak? Itu usernameku dari 2020, Januari 2021 mau aku pindahin eh udah dicolong. Hari itu juga aku sempet bikin wording kaya gini minta balikin usernamenya. Tapi gak ada kemajuan, yang keep diem aja. Lalu Agustus ini baru aku lihat channelnya dipindah, berarti kamu tau aku nyariin kan? :D balikin yuk, chat aku di @ ZoowiestBot atau @ Minhree ya aku ada sedikit bukti kalo kamu mau liat. Oh iya moots, boleh bantu subs? Thanks a lot.

Forward from: Kishibe ᐢ..ᐢ
help fw @itadoriy ufs with fp under 40 @kurusubot

Forward from: cece's helper
sbc yaa! @denjiz (105k) @mxakima (87k) di take yuk! udah turun hargaa bangett niih. 🥺 lagi BU soalnya huhuhu.

Forward from: Kishibe ᐢ..ᐢ
@fMiwa @pMiwa juga ufs 15k/eachhh @kurusubot

20 last posts shown.


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