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A new dimension established for studying the history of the Joseon Dynasty and a shelter of talented people established on January 1, 2023
Order : @Dinorderbot
Korelasi : @Jomootsbot
Testimoni : @Ovatiseon
Urgent : @LeeOnels / @Naocrei

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👤 Yang possesive + cemburuan banget ada gaaa?

Yang possesive cemburuan woi keluar lo semua atau admin yg akan mengajukan diri!

👤 Maaf, format nya dimana ya?

Format nya nanti dikirim besok siangan ya sender sayangku cintaku lovey haney babey bunny beties😇😇

👤 ada yang soft dom?

Mana nih ges soft dom, tunjukan pesonamu survey membuktikan😇

Kita balesin atu atu ya cims

Yang isi "Kamu nanya" wajib dengerin ini biar hidupnya tenang.

📝 Tanya-tanya mengenai free rent besok yuk tacims

👤 yang mau sama renjun sub cungg

👤 yang lucu dan sabar ngehadapin cwk clingy cung!

👤 Mau liat semua caltal nya dong


👤 yang orang sunda ada ga?

👤 Soft dom and yang lovlang nya WOA cungg cpat!

👤 Kamu nanya?

👤 Yang harddom muncul dong

👤 Yang possesive + cemburuan banget ada gaaa?

👤 Maaf, format nya dimana ya?

👤 ada yang soft dom?

👥 11 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

{ . . .This message is shown for mutuals and anyone else to find it on their channel }

A new dimension established to study the history of the Joseon Dynasty and a shelter of talented people who will be doing FREE RENTAL on January 13, 2023 at 15.30 WIB has lots of surprises in it. News about the dynasty recently began to spread, regarding their princes who were looking for a mate or concubine to bring before the queen and king of this kingdom.

If you are interested in becoming one of the lucky ones in the election later, join immediately and fill out the form about yourself and also the criteria for the prince you want. Don't be late, we will be waiting for you at a later date. Before joining, please read the 'https://t.me/Josseon/130?comment=753' rel='nofollow'>rules that we have provided first and good luck!

Selamat pagi tacims, udah sarapan belum? Semangat menjalani kehidupan yang penuh ekspetasi ini😉

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