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特許: @XianyenZhou @iXianye

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Forward from: ᰋ. 𝐄𝗶𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽 OPEN.
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Open jastip (doang) sama admin dulu, send format ke @Eigenschap2Bot. Kalau ada admin yang balesnya ngelantur langsung laporin aja ke @EigensBot ya, Eigenies.
Kalau kurang paham sama formatnya bisa tanya dulu ke @Eigens (jangan panggil mba, neng, atau adek ya. Teteh gapapa. 😍) Thank you! 😍

Forward from: Harta nya arum
[HELP FW] Up For Sale With Fix Price!
Kalo mau fw back bisa chat @feulleirobot yaa! ♡

@huyoung = 45k nett
@jisqun = 40k nett
@seokjain = 50k nett
@mibjoo = 35k
@wooyeln = 20k
@hanjiuhyo = 20k
@piebk = 15k
@gayounog = 12k nett
@lozoa = 5k nett

beberapa ada yang boleh nego dan beberapa ada yang udah nett. kindly contact @Feulleirobot if you Interested.

@ pazai sold yaa

Forward from: Maura property
[Mutual boleh bantu fw ?]

Hi aku mau jual Usn based on yeseo ex Busters 13k aja yuk

☎️ : @Kelincijajan_bot

Forward from: Sungchan.


★ Tambahan huruf E, kebaca!
★ Start from 12k, KB 1k (free jumpid)
★ Payment DANA. No hit and run please?
★ Close offer 25 Mei 21.00
★ Drop your best offer at comment section or @Noritsune

Forward from: Aset Milik Bertiga.


contact person : @eajlovebot

bantu fw yaa. maaciw

[ HELP FW! ]

🚧 wts this usn :
@pazai bo dazai
@luhapn bo luhan
@xizmin bo xiumin
@inupaki bo inumaki
@sugawapra bo sugawara
@bouuto bo boruto / bokuto

tawarin berapa aja asal ga terlalu under, harga cantik ku lepas.

💸 payment : vipul sf, dana, ovo
☎️ contact person : @ClauraaBot

Forward from: RnB Store ; OPENING
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な! ᪥ Get out from your bed, let’s dance on the floor with classy RnB music! Lantai dansa penuh dengan kotak warna-warni, bahkan lampu disko memenuhi gelap nya ruangan ♬ This is RnB Store, a soft light club with a lot of beautiful tonal accompaniment. Resmi dibuka dengan menyediakan:
Hold on, there is no liquor inside, just a coffee and milk. The magical music player accompanied our Store. Semua pelanggan dapat diyakini nyaman dan puas dengan pelayanan kami. We’ll give you our best quality. Hanya dengan mengisi format dan jangan lupa membaca TnC, we'll do the best for you. ೃ ⊹

Dont forget to our's informan @FyiRnB
© @RnBStore × @RnBstoreBot.
HFW @RnBhelpBot.

Forward from: Maura property
[Mutual boleh bantu fw ?]

Hi aku mau jual Usn based on yeseo ex Busters 13k aja yuk
☎️ : @Kelincijajan_bot

Forward from: Mundane Base
Mun, aku mau cerita sedikit terus help forward ke ch kalian juga, kalo kalian berkenan.

Maaf kalo kesannya aku gasopan cerita masalah keluarga kepublik gini tpi aku mau bantu banget juga 😞. Jadi gini.. Nenekku belum lama ini pulang ke Tuhan dan ninggalin bbrapa masalah sama koperasi yg minjemin uang, kemarin hampir mau ditipu, disuruh bayar karena terlalu sering pinjem uang gtu. Keluargaku ditelponin terus-terusan sama orang koperasinya, bahkan sampe disamperin kerumah kadang sambil marah + ngasarin gitu. Dan tb tb abang tiriku malah minta balikin uang warisan dia yg dipake sama nenekku dulu. Aku mau bantu, banget. Tante sm Mama keliatan pusing banget, aku kasian liatnya huftt. Aku minta tolong bantu aku, boleh? Aku ada bbrpa katalog di @.ECHIEKATALOG. Jadi maksudku, kalian beli icons di aku, tapi bayar sebisa kalian aja. Aku ga maksa, kalo gabisa bantu, aku minta doa aja biar semua lancar. Sisanya liat di ch katalognya aja, yaa! makasih banyak, Mundanies! 💖 Maaf kalo aku buang waktu kalian, dan jadi nutupin mf lain 🙏🙏.

jujurly gue bacanya geram banget demi, pen sentil ginjalnya

Forward from: usn by laurent / edwar.
btw bantu subs @susgchan yuk, aku bacanya geram sekali.

Forward from: V O G U É
back ke @magnificosbot



♤ Based on Junmyeon (Suho EXO realname)
♤ Huruf rata dan kebaca banget!
♤ Start offer from 8k, Free Jumpbid! (Kb 1k)
♤ No hnr, Offer = Siap membeli
♤ 20-24 May 2021, Close 19:00
♤ Payment via dana/vipul tri (+2k)
♤ Drop your best offer in comsect or join here.

Forward from: AIRPLANE: CLOSE
AIRPLANE's 1st Mensive Celebration ✈️

Warm greetings to all tele-lings! Dalam rangka merayakan satu bulan berdirinya Airplane, kita mengadakan games atau event berhadiah buat kalian semua nih. Tapi sebelum ikut main games nya, yuk luangkan waktu buat membaca TnC games nya dulu!

✧ Wajib subs @Airplanent @Eirplent
✧ Memakai display name #AirplaneDay
✧ Bukan talent/owner/assistant Airplane
✧ Apabila menang, harus segera menghubungi @AirplanentAssist sebelum 24 jam, atau hadiah akan hangus dan di undi ulang.

✨ 1st winner = free rent + saldo dana 7k + spo prem
✨ 2nd winner = free rent + iqiyi prem + 1 nokos
✨ 3rd winner = 1 nokos + saldo 3k + @hanbyeolg
✨ 4th winner = @jqiung + 1 nokos
✨ 5th winner = @seeromlee + 3k
& Other prizes!

See you at 21 May 2021 08:00 PM, Aeroplaners and anyone who is interested to join this games!

Forward from: All Hail Elena
[help fw thank you!]

@oikawaU, @qtanjiro, @susgawara UFS range 15k-70k hit @TsunamiMamiBot if you're interested!

Forward from: MOABI: MAY 21st.
[ To my BA mutuals, help me forward this broadcast to your channel, please? ]

Hello everyone! tomorrow on May 21st, @Moabii will open their gates for the first time! don't forget to shop here, we provide your profile needs such as: Icons, Setup channel, Twibbon, Manips, Faceswap and Layout twitter.

So, come to Moabi, because we sell this things with affordable prices! don't forget to check this also to see more! happy shopping everyone. 🏃

Forward from: CHAOSCIFY (SOON)!
[ to all of my business mutuals who seems to stumbled into this post of mine, can I ask you a favor on helping me to forward this message? It'll mean a heap to me anyways! ]

At last, CHAOSCIFY will officially open starting from the 11th of May so make sure to mark your calendars in red since you might not miss this very out of the ordinary event that's been presented by Esly. No need to gaze the ground, chaoscify will open daily with unlimited slots! Speaking of it, you can take a taste of my catalogues starting from 5k. Quick claim your slots soon and take a peek on @chaosness if you're interested on my catalogues and have a save trip to the world of chaos!

@luhapn soon bkl ku offer, tapi gatau kapan

20 last posts shown.


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