The well-known German virologist Stefan Lanka asserts that viruses are neither microbes nor do they have infectious capacity, so that Covid-19 cannot have been caused by the alleged SARS-CoV-2, whose existence, moreover, has not been demonstrated. Furthermore he disputes that there is a pandemic, that there are millions of people infected and killed by this coronavirus, and that vaccines are justified since they are neither effective nor innocuous but very dangerous.This is what he affirmed - among many other things - during the extensive interview we had with him in which he reveals the farce that the world is living through due to the constant lies and manipulations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the international drug agencies in complicity with the political leaders of most governments.
June 2021, 3rd of 3 articles published in DSalud Spanish magazine about health and medicine
June 2021, 3rd of 3 articles published in DSalud Spanish magazine about health and medicine