How do you deal with nostalgia? Because for me i'm always torn apart with shooing it away or following it which have their own things that follow. These days i'm getting more and more nostalgic about the stuff me and my dad did or what he's done. So when shooing it away i get the feeling that i'm desecrating his memories or i didnt do right by him and i'll forget it. By following the nostalgia i get sucked into this deep reminiscent state from which i begin to day dream and run my memories like an old film*like projector sound and all to be honest* and the way my mind works is, as far as i know, it connects those with instances of stuff that happened during or have the same sort of situation and that leads to more deep thought and time flies by. I was trying to warm up to ask about a solution here but as you've seen i get side tracked, like a lot😂😂😂, so question is which is better running with the nostalgia? or shooing it away? neither is an option too if theres a person that doesnt get nostalgic where i've never met none.