We need to say honestly that not all people are choosing which meals they want to eat, means they don't comment, like, subscribe or whatever (especially productive people who don't want to waste time with such things), like they do it on YouTube and other socials, newspapers, etc. = just check posts. This is an huge difference, and for that you don't need API at all. 3rd party apps can work without API too. So all infos need to be shared, not just 50%!
Plus always related to this "You need a waiter to take your order and bring it to you", people should even start learning to use Reddit search feature once at all. Most people are simply not using it at all.
Apollo is (Not) Dead: How To Revive the Beloved Reddit Client https://perma.cc/N2LG-N22W
Plus always related to this "You need a waiter to take your order and bring it to you", people should even start learning to use Reddit search feature once at all. Most people are simply not using it at all.
Apollo is (Not) Dead: How To Revive the Beloved Reddit Client https://perma.cc/N2LG-N22W