Forward from: International Germanic Heathen Fellowship
These are photographs taken in Germany abt. 1933 of the 1st (revived) Erntedankfest or Harvest celebration. These women are dressed in Bronze Age-themed ritual clothing and are bearing a Balkåkratrumman — a drum-shaped object modelled after an archeological artefact found in Balkåkra, Sweden in 1847 that might have served as a portable hörgr or altar. Their intent is to resurrect the ancient Germanic custom of honoring and thanking their own Gods for a good harvest, a tradition which is acknowledged in Heimskringla as having been instituted by Odin himself.
Blessings to all🍺😇🙏
⊕ Wir sind ein Volk ⊕
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Blessings to all🍺😇🙏
⊕ Wir sind ein Volk ⊕
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