Voice of the South

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This channel promotes Southern conservatism, supports traditional Christian families, opposes LGBT, woke, Islam, and any left-wing communist rioters. In addition, this channel does not support any slavery that existed in the South historically

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Some people defended Biden's pardon of his son Hunter, emphasizing that the president of the United States has the power to pardon. Yes, Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution stipulates that the president has the power to pardon, but Biden set several records: First, it is the first time in American history that a president pardoned his own son; second, it is not a pardon for one or two crimes, but all crimes; third, not only all crimes, but also potential crimes, because the pardon order said that all crimes committed by Hunter during the 11 years from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2024 were pardoned. In other words, even if it is found that Hunter has committed murder, arson, rape, sexual assault on young girls, treason, subversion of the U.S. government, or even terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in the past 11 years, he does not need to be sentenced to prison and will be at large! Never before in American history, all crimes during the 11-year period, any type of crime discovered in the future, have been pardoned! Why start from New Year's Day 2014, 11 years ago? Because the Crimea broke out of Ukraine in 2014, that year, US President Obama, Vice President Biden, who was responsible for Ukraine and other European affairs (and Assistant Secretary of State Nuland, a warmongering activist, etc.), incited and supported the mob movement on the streets of Kiev to overthrow Ukraine's elected president. Biden's son Hunter became a director of a corrupt Ukrainian energy company that year, and received hundreds of thousands of dollars a month (he didn't even have to go to Ukraine to work), and all the money was transferred to Hunter's account in the United States, all of which was well documented. Later, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General discovered that the energy company where Hunter worked was suspected of corruption and illegality. During the investigation, Vice President Biden personally called the Ukrainian President and asked him to remove the prosecutor general, saying that if he didn't remove him, the US$1 billion in aid to Ukraine would be frozen. It was a naked threat and blackmail, and it was for personal gain. In the end, the Ukrainian President gave in and removed the prosecutor general. Biden's phone call was recorded in a video, which was released by a Ukrainian congressman.

Biden’s pardon order for his son Hunter started from New Year’s Day 2014 because he was worried that his son would be found out for using his father’s power as the US Vice President to embezzle money in Ukraine, especially Hunter’s computer emails said that the “big guy” got 10% of the money from corruption in Ukraine. Former New York Mayor Giuliani, who revealed the contents of Hunter’s computer, said that this big guy was Biden. So Biden used the pardon of his son (starting from 2014) to cover up his own corruption crimes.

Biden used the power of the US Constitution to pardon his corrupt son and also covered up his own corruption crimes, but his move nailed himself and the left-wing Democratic Party to the historical pillar of shame.

I hope all the "Good for Biden" and "Good for Joe" people maintain the same energy when President Trump pardons all the political prisoners from J6.




Elon Musk is right.

The Pentagon, with a budget of $886 billion, just failed its 7th audit in a row. It’s lost track of billions.

Last year, only 13 senators voted against the Military Industrial Complex and a defense budget full of waste and fraud.

That must change.


With this pardon, Joe Biden shredded any residue of veracity and credibility as president. For years, he was repeatedly asked if he met any of his son's clients. He lied and denied it. He was repeatedly asked if he was aware of Hunter's foreign dealings. He repeatedly lied and denied it. He was asked if he would pardon his son. He repeatedly lied and denied it...

🚨I want from you to be Honest for this Question:

Do you support President Trump firing every DEI Woke hire from our miIitary immediately ?

YES or NO ?


第二:这是一个全方位无死角的赦免,且赦免期限追溯到 2014 年。这样,包括乔•拜登本人在内的因涉及乌克兰、中国等国的洗钱和叛国罪行而无法受到追究。



🚨 突发新闻:川普政府正计划推出一项全国选民身份证法案,要求在所有50个州和每次选举中,都必须出示身份证才能投票。


Joe Biden said "no one is above the law".

Here are some of the people who are above the law:

- Hillary Clinton
- Joe Biden
- Hunter Biden
- Barack Obama
- George W. Bush
- Nancy Pelosi
- Anthony Fauci
- And many, many others…



- 希拉里·克林顿
- 乔·拜登
- 亨特·拜登
- 巴拉克·奥巴马
- 乔治·W·布什
- 南希·佩洛西
- 安东尼·福奇
- 还有很多很多其他人……

Tommy Tatum的独家视频!



守夜活动于 2022 年 8 月第一周开始,从那时起每晚都在华盛顿DC监狱后门Freedom Corner举行,直到今天。
川普总统打电话到Freedom Corner时,DC 的transtifa 冲到Freedom Corner试图中断川普总统与Micki的通话,导致通话快结束时发生了骚动。

The day of redress is coming soon.
The J6 political prisoners and their families have paid a huge price.
Some have lost their wives and children.
Some have been devastated.
Some have lost everything.
We strongly demand that President Trump set up an independent committee to investigate.
Restore the truth.
Hold the responsible parties.
Condemn the left-wing Democrats, Perotti, Obama, and the Republican establishment.
Bring them to court.



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Exclusive Video! Trump calls the January 6th Political Prisoners and Ashli Babbitt's mother.

Some of us remember the promises Trump made to us early on in this struggle. He hasn't failed us yet.

This is the night that Donald Trump Called into Ashli Babbitt's mother Michelle "Micki" Witthoeft's vigil that she started after she was inspired by a dream she had that Ashli visited her in.

The vigil started the first week of August 2022 and has been going every night since then.
DC transtifa tried to crash the call which is the ruckus near the end of the call.

🚨Give your honest opinion: Do you agree that all of the J6 political prisoners should be released by Trump?



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“Dixie” - Sons of Confederate Veterans Georgia Division - Perry, Georgia - June 10, 2023

Delegates of the 2023 Sons of Confederate Veterans Georgia reunion sing “Dixie” prior to ending the business meeting portion. June 10, 2023. (The Georgia Division continues to be the largest division in the SCV Confederation with over 3,000 members.)

Do you support ME hiring Dan Bongino to be the Director of Secret Service ?


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