UniLend Finance Official Announcement

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UniLend protocol is working to create a new niche in the market which has been neglected.
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Introducing UniLend Finance to Welcome Every Token to DeFi 🥳🥳

More than 50% of the market is untapped - worth $16.7 Billion 🔥🔥

The current issues that plagues the decentralized finance industry stem from its fragmentation. Some protocols offer lending and borrowing with a limited set of tokens while others offer the freedom to trade any ERC20 assets but neglect the lending and borrowing aspect.

UniLend is bridging that gap by combining the decentralization aspect of enabling any ERC20 to be utilized as collateral for lending & borrowing whilst providing the flexibility for users to also trade their assets in-platform.

Unlocking the True Potential of Decentralized Finance

Read More: https://link.medium.com/aEpgFykkJ8

Retweet: https://twitter.com/chandresh1091/status/1291086758956785664

To discuss more, please join: https://t.me/UniLendFinance

📢 Channel: https://t.me/UniLendAnnouncement

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