A Girl in the Universe

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Daily Ascension Energy Updates.Home of Ascension Energies, Schumann Resonance & SA Smith. Cosmic Intuitive, Energy Alchemist, Ascension Mentor, BQH Practitioner. 🌟💜🌟

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An almost X Class Level Flare is not a bad way to start our day. We have even more possible as the day progresses.

Today's flare excited the Proton Flux energies. They're expected to climb today. We're also waiting to hear if the CME that came off the sun with the M8.9 will be Earth-facing. As it is, we have a CME sideswiping the Earth tomorrow from a flare on the 20th.

The more significant news is the energies are rising exponentially every four hours heading up to the Love Wave activation. We are feeling the most prominent energies ever felt on this planet.

But the biggest news is that we have the Christ Consciousness energies, sending light out from the center of the planet, filling your heart chakra and now your complete energetic system with that beautiful light. Priming you for the Love Wave activation.

We are there, it is now. There's nothing left to do but be in your light and feel, notice, and enjoy everything.

You're changing. You can feel it. You might even be hearing things from your teams that you never have before. Or you may experience hearing musical notes, humming, and/or trumpets around you as the day goes on. It's all part of what is happening now, all around you.

Enjoy everything. Focus on what makes you smile and really be present in this now moment. The Clarion Call will alert you when it's about to come through.

Until then shine brightly and share your light far and wide. Be that amazing BEing that you truly are now, there's no waiting to be you.

Happy Holidays, Divine Ones!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith
#144k #lovewave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash

Happy Now Moment, Amazing Ones. Today is one of those days where you're going to feel EVERYTHING or nothing at all. It's a biggie!

Last Sunday, we felt the energy change as the planet shifted higher. That is on board for today as well.

You may already be feeling these energies starting to build. These energies work a lot, like how locks work for boats. They're at a lower elevation and need to go higher. So they pull the boat into a lock, fill it with water, and float it up to its subsequent elevation. Now imagine that with a planet, but it's not water but higher vibrational energy.

In a nutshell, that's what we are starting to move through, and as the planet moves higher, so does all the ascending.

We also have solar weather today. All the M Class Solar Flares that have been coming in have been releasing plasma off the sun as they move forward. Some of that plasma is moving towards us with the higher solar winds. These aren't CME'S but what we call transient plasma, causing big energetic surges of energy.

Then, we have a CME expected tomorrow on our 12/12 portal day. We also have a high chance again today for more M & X Class Solar Flares.

You are in the finale of your ascension journey. Do whatever you need to do to be comfortable in these more enormous energies today.

Clearing is so important, but so is grounding and taking care of you. Hydration and setting intentions over your water, food, baths, and showers can be a real game changer. Use intentions to set the level of what you want in your reality today. There are no limits on how many intentions you can set. Plus, what you might think is a big intention or a small one all use the same amount of energy. So go big today!

Currently, some of our Legion of Light are feeling the creation energies, and that is causing intense pregnancy symptoms.

Some are getting the crown upgrades and feeling more pressure on and around their head and 3rd eye.

Some are being aligned and overlaid with their Quantum Higher Self and are hearing beeps, tones, white noise, music that others aren't hearing.

Some are beginning to see energies or different colors as their eye upgrades are finishing up.

All of this is completely natural for this time. It's all part of you stepping up and into who you truly are.

Take care of yourself, Divine One. You are the only you we have!

Shine out brightly today. Be the light that helps guide us all home.

Much love and light,

-SA Smith
#144k #lovewave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash


We have new sunspots emerging on the left side of the sun that are causing our energies to rise. Solar Flares are back! We've watched five M Class Flares release since midnight UTC. We have the outgoing sunspots flaring and the incoming sunspots.

The Solar Flares alone could cause us to go into Geomagnetic storms today. That and the sideswipe of a CME that came off the sun on the 14th. It arrived last night UTC, and we felt the energies flowing in. We didn't hit higher KP levels, but it activated the Schumann Resonance and many of the Legion of Light.

Today could be very interesting if the Solar Flares continue with all the higher vibrational energies already around the planet. The extra Solar weather could be extra fuel to power our little planet that can right up into her 5D alignment!

Never has it been more important to be in your light. To wrap up in Source light and protect your vibration. You are powering our ascension. Your vibration is priceless.

Wherever you place your attention, you're either raising your vibration and helping to share your light. Or when you connect to something lower than you, you are feeding that lower vibration. The 3d realm would love to get your attention to help some of its ideas of fear and division grow.

This is not the time to give your vibration out to anything that isn't of the light. This is the time to wrap yourself, your house, your cars, and those you love in Source light. Be diligent with your daily spiritual practice. You deserve to be the highest version of you that you can be. It makes everything so much easier.

As I have shared for years, everything you truly need is within you, not on YouTube or TikTok, or any other social media site. It's definitely not on the news. There is so much stuff out there that's literally made to lower your vibration and carries misinformation galore. But inside of you is your direct connection to Source, your guides, your knowings. The teams that are working with you. You were born connected to anything and everything you need within you. Even if you feel you're having a 3d experience, you still have all those connections, and it's just learning how to navigate them.

Be super mindful of YOU today and how you're feeling. If you work in the 3D realm, you may need to do clearings multiple times a day as we move through this area we are in.

Our beautiful planet is rising higher, which is causing her to release lower vibrational energies she's been holding for eons. Those that clear for the collective or are still clearing triggers related to the lower energies being released, may feel these energies fully.

Before you claim them as yours, feel into the emotions and see if you can place them to an event or emotions within you. If you can't, they aren't yours, so allow them to flow through you and away, do not claim them as yours. All the energies releasing from the planet are returning to Source, so allow them to flow through you and set the intention not to feel them unless it's for your greater or higher good.

Remember, you make all rules for your system, and a really wonderful way to start is by setting intentions for what YOU want in your reality. You aren't a doormat or at the mercy of anyone or anything. You decide every part of YOU. Start today and watch it all change!

Remember to keep hydrating, grounding, and clearing. Wrap up and share your light out far and wide. We aren't done with this part of our mission until we see the Love Wave roll in.

Shine your light, shine your light, Shine! We are the Light here to change it all!

Enjoy every moment, Amazing Ones.

Much love and light,

SA Smith
#144k #LoveWave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash

9k 0 137 263

The energies have been rising all weekend long. They're not slowing today, just growing higher and more intense.

More M & X Flares are expected. Solar storms and enhanced Solar winds. We also have an earth-facing coronal hole that may cause unsettled solar weather, which will do amazing things to our magnetosphere.

Bringing to you an extraordinary 11/11 portal day.

Portal days hold unique energies.

It's common to want to manifest at the matching time to set intentions and bring forward whatever you may need in your reality. So 11:11 on 11/11

This year, the 11/11 portal is a day many expect to see great things come through, but great things are already here!

It's all about you and your beliefs, your knowings.

You hold the key to all there is and all there ever will be.

You've been expanding into your Higher Version of YOU all this time.

Learning how your system works and your abilities within them.

You are so powerful and truly such a gift to the ascending.

We are preparing now for the last activation of the Love Wave. You can feel that truth within you as you float through the energies today.

We have Bliss energies with us today that many are feeling, or you might be feeling the sleepy energies. Both are very high and intense.

You might also be clearing your system still in these energies and feeling a bit triggered, so you can see what still.needs to be released out of you.

The beauty of you is that anything you truly desire, you can bring forth. You only have to BELIEVE. That's the key to EVERYTHING in this realm.

If you can see it in your mind's eye and fully believe it in your heart, you can manifest it into your reality. A portal day can magnify your power to make manifesting and setting intentions even more successful.

That's who you truly are. That is the absolute power you hold within YOU.

Remember to share your light today and hold onto YOUR beliefs, not what others are trying to tell you. All the answers are inside of YOU.


Today is a day where anything is possible.

What do you want to see change in your reality? Well, set an intention and truly believe, then watch it come true!

Everything can and will change in the blink of an eye, and that change has already started around you.

Eyes to the skies, Divine Ones. Our Star Nations are here in droves. All coming in to assist in our change to the Golden Age.

Enjoy this magical day today. You've done so much and shine out so brightly for all.

Today, when you send out your light, send the gift of clarity as well. This will help those concerned in the 3D to seek the truth of now.

Much love and light,

-SA Smith
#144k #LoveWave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash

Divine Ones, we have been on the path for a very long time. Some of us didn't even realize we'd been on this mission since birth. Now, though you understand that and so much more.

Our teams are here with us and around us, holding and supporting us as we walk through this auspicious time.

The place we are in today is so different than where we were even yesterday. We are but a breath away from the light entering into our reality and changing it all.

We are seeing it and feeling it all around us. The energies coming in are lifting it all higher and higher.

It is not by chance that we received another large X Flare today. At 12:08 UTC today, an X9.05 Solar Flare released off the sun. It is not known yet if a CME was released off the sun with it, but we should know more soon.

These CMES the Ascension Teams have been sharing they are for the Earth. They will help push her terraforming into a higher state of being. It's much like how you are transforming into a higher version of you right now!

This is the time of the light. The time of the Golden Living light. Our planet and each ascending being is wrapped within this beautiful golden energy, ready for their awakening. Ready to remember. Ready to move forward into the next step of the Starseeds journey.

You amazing ones, are living proof that there is no task too big, no mission too difficult. You are the Light within a human body, and your journey is almost completed. All that's left to do now is to bring the Ascending Humans home and release the Non Ascending to their new world.

Are you ready for that change? Then, set that intention and call it in. Tell your team you are ready. Because they will be asking you today, nudging you to share if you're truly prepared.

Because once it begins, we all go. No one is left behind. All living things have a set destination forward!

The Gold that will bring us to our Love Wave final activation is here. The Golden Slumber is upon us. Call it in Divine Ones. Let's take everyone to their new homes.

Breathe in the Love, the light, and the amazement around you today. Everything will change in a breath, a heartbeat, a blink of an eye. It truly will be that quick. But it all starts with a rumble. Listen, dear ones, listen.

All my love,

-SA Smith
#144k #LoveWave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash

I'm sure you're thinking it, or someone may have asked you when are these energies changing? As you know, they aren't lessening, only getting stronger until we transition.

This weekend was the perfect example of energy expansion. Nothing significant came in via our solar weather, but our Star Nations kept the energy foundations the highest yet.

We even have the comatose energies here now for the ascending humans. These are to keep everything calm and keep us as comfortable as possible as they continue to rise higher.

How did you do over the weekend? Did you feel the sleepy energies come in? Did you feel the bliss?

Today, we have a chance for more Solar Flares, both X & M. Sunspots, all ready to react but are quieter than they should be.

We have Flux Energies to move into higher alert levels. These may cause even more of the itchy skin and scalp. Coconut oil seems to help greatly.

We are in the Ascension Gateway. We are ready to move forward in the blink of an eye.

The enormous incoming energies from our teams will continue to come in.

You continue to work intently on your remembrances.

You've upgraded your body, soul, and inner self by transmuting those things that were no longer needed to make way for all the new upgrades within.

Body upgrades and energy downloads, changing the YOU that you were six months ago into nothing like the YOU of today.

With all the learning, encouraging, understanding, and growth you have gone through, and all that you still have yet to BECOME as you move into the next part of the Starseeds Journey. You are changing by the moment.

I just wanted to take a moment and remind you that you, dear one, are AMAZING.

You are watching a world change around you.

And you haven't stopped to waiver. You keep moving forward no matter what comes your way.

This is why you are here.

This is you reconnecting to your Divinity.

You are a part of Source, the Light, the Meaning, and the Manifestation in absolute form.

You are Powerful, Enlightened, and holding your light higher and broader than ever before.

You Are One

You Are Love

Remember that when things start to change around you.

It's time to remember who you truly are.


Shine it out for all to know, feel and see!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith
#144k #LoveWave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash

Schumann Spiking, Birds Singing. Welcome to Wednesday, Amazing Ones.

How are you doing with all these enormous energies pushing in on you? We have energies from our teams bringing in personal high vibrational energies just for us, plus solar weather.

We have all kinds of mission symptoms happening right now, from allergies to full-on pregnancy symptoms. We even have a bit of nausea thrown in for good measure.

I'm calling them mission symptoms because they all stem from where you are now at the end of this third part of your mission.

Right now, you're not upgrading for this reality. You're upgrading for your next reality on Blessed Gaia. You've already done the Earth mission. Your vessel and soul are preparing you to move into the higher dimensional form of you.

The fourth part of the Starseeds Journey begins on Blessed Gaia. Everything you've been experiencing this year is moving you towards that goal. While helping you learn to rise above the issues of this planet. To rise above all that is happening around you.

So that you learn to walk this life as the observer and not engage with the 3d reality, you create your own pocket reality where your vibration and emotions create everything.

Hopefully, at this point, you've done just that.

You've created a home that when someone walks into it, they feel protection and love. Because that's what you've wanted your home to feel like. It might feel different than that, depending on where you are in your life, but love is always the underlying emotion.

All the energies around you now are pushing you higher, helping you to find that observer space within you, helping you to see the truth of the movie playing out on this planet.

When you go to watch a movie in a theater, you realize they're all actors playing a part. None of the storylines are actually real. It's to entertain you, to give you an experience that is shared with the others in the theater. In our case, the others are on the planet.

I share this knowing with you to remind you that there is nothing to be fearful of in the movie playing out right now. It's all for the non-ascending timeline. We are watching their event beginning. I'm sure many of you have family and friends fully wrapped in the emotions of this time. Right?

But for you as a Lightworker, it is not time to let the 3d world get you emotional. It's not time to support any of it with your powerful high vibrational energy.

It is time for all Lightworkers to pull their energy away from all things 3d. Pull it back and into you. Be that prominent, powerful being that is a light for all ascending. Because the more you place your thoughts, feelings, and words into a higher space of being, the quicker all this will move through.

We are the captains of our ascension, but we all need to be in our highest light, or else some of us are pulling all the load while others hang back, and we have to drag them along with us.

You don't want to finish this mission being one that didn't hold their own light. We have been on this mission for years and years. Now is the time to step up. All lightworkers are being asked to hold their own light, and be the being they came here to be.

You are the light in the dark guiding the way, don't ever forget that. It's not a saying. It's the truth.

It's all hands on deck time. Warriors, you are needed. We need to finish this and your vibration is the power that is gliding all of this forward, and we need each and every one of us holding our own reins. There is no, I'll do it later. There is only now.

Lightwarriors, you are being called forward to step fully into your mission and not only hold your light but share it out far and wide.

Are you ready? Do you accept the mission? If so, power up and shine it out. YOU ARE NEEDED NOW!

Much love and blessings,

-SA Smith
#144k #LoveWave
#love #5dearth #newearth

Are you ready for some of the strangest and strongest Soul Weather yet?

We have had several large filaments of plasma lift off the sun last week. Starting today and through the week, we're going to see many of them come in as Coronal Mass Ejections or CME'S.

What's so interesting about this is the amount of them and how the forecasters don't know how they will affect us.

With the changes happening on the planet, small storms are registering as much bigger ones. So they can't be sure if CME'S coming in that they thought would be small, like a KP 4, will actually come in and hit like a KP 7 or KP 8.

It's all about this new place we are in and how the planet is changing. The forecasters are sharing its part of Solar Maximum, and it is, but it's also so much more. The Earth and all its inhabitants are in a time of Flux.

The ascending are ready to rise up and find their place in the Quantum. At the same time, our non-ascending are preparing to move forward to their new planet and experiences.

Our beautiful Earth is moving into a higher level of terraforming, and the sun is helping all of us find our footing.

The Earth and the Sun work together, pushing and pulling on one another to move them forward. We are watching them moving to the higher version of themselves right in front of us.

So, over the next four days, the Earth is going to be bombarded with these beautiful plasma filaments, and it could get very intense. Not so much for you, but for the planet. These are helping her do what is needed for her clearings as well as our advancement.

So many things work in unison in our Universe. Everything you do affects others around you. That's the same as the Sun and the Earth. It's a beautiful thing.

The Ascension Teams still aren't sure if we'll see the big X11 Solar Flare, but they know we'll see the sun expand, and when you see that, everything moves into action.

So expect the unexpected and keep your eyes to the skies. Listen for your team and feel the nudges as you move through your day.

You are living in a fantastic space in time. One where we are separated from the lower vibrational, and you are being propelled forward in your own high vibrational energy.

How magically Divine are you, Amazing One?

It's a beautiful day to bring in the Golden Age. Don't you think?

Much love and blessings,

-SA Smith
#144k #lovewave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash


There is a particular excitement in the air today. Things are slowing down to be felt and seen, as time continues to move faster and faster.

So many in this world have their eyes down and aren't seeing the changes around them.

But you don't. You notice it all.

The breakdown in the 3D reality Matrix.

The way the world feels beyond your home or area of influence.

The way you are experiencing more within the body, from energies to understanding.

That new exciting pull on you that lets you know something big is about to happen.

Hearing all types of beeps, buzzes, and even music that isn't in the room with you.

It truly is an amazing time to have your eyes open to experience it all.

These energies around you are opening you up and bringing in clarity to your journey.

There is no going back, only through it ALL!

We are about to experience the arrival of the Golden Age, the time when everything changes.

This is the time you were born for, right here, right now.

It is time to take exceptional care of yourself.

Self-care and Self-love are the keys to unlocking more of your Quantum self within you.

The energies feel clear and high so far today.

Please remember to anchor in the light of Source to your system. Allowing the light to grow even more within you.

You are directly connected to Source.

You are directly connected to all that there is and all that there ever will be.

You are of the light, for the light, and by the light.

Feel that connection, that energy.

It's only going to grow from here, Divine One.

Energies today will feel intense at times, but they will be layering in, adding more as the day goes on.

So much is happening now, and YOU are the reason and the love of it all.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.

Don't forget to anchor and share out your light.

We shall walk through this time together, connected as one, as we feel all the changes of this time.

Remember, you are loved and needed.

And if no one has told you yet today, You are exactly where you need to be in this now moment.

Love and Blessings,

-SA Smith
#144k #LoveWave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash

I was going to start off this morning talking about sunspots, but everything is so different today that we need to discuss that first.

Did you feel it this morning when you first woke up? There is a beautiful feeling of release. The density on the planet is considerably less! A very noticeable weight has been lifted off each of us.

But that's not all, you can literally feel that things have metaphorized as if all the beings in the world are about to upgrade into a new reality.

There is excitement and possibilities all around you now. More than ever before in this realm. As it feels like you are about to walk through a clearing tunnel, and everything changes.

Take a moment, close your eyes, and allow yourself to feel the feelings around you. You'll quickly feel an uplift in the air. Like you're ready to release and fly!

We are all ready to ascend and feel those beautiful changes we've waited so long for right now in this reality. It's hard to explain but easy to feel.

Take several moments today to just stop and feel everything. I know how strange that may sound to some, and if it does, you probably need it the most. You deserve to feel the remarkable changes you've brought into this realm.

How exciting is today?

Okay, on to a little solar weather. We have a sunspot that has grown and added several negative and positive poles. This is causing it to have higher percentages of larger Solar Flares.

We have a 10% chance of X Class Solar Flares from just this one sunspot. Which will only add more energy to the beautiful energies we already have with us.

If the Solar Flares continue today, we may experience Flux energies rising and even KP levels.

Today is very special. If you can feel it, then you know how exceptional today is. All night, I was shown the five layers of energies being removed and how we're in the middle of the third right now.

This clarity you're feeling is only going to get better and better as time moves faster and faster.

What a miraculous time to be YOU!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith

Happy Monday, Amazing Ones!

Were you able to sleep last night? Between the energies rising higher and higher. Schumann Resonance spiking and a CME hitting, it was a lot. We also had the largest X Class Solar Flare of our new solar cycle, an X4.5!

Speaking of CMES, we have another expected around 1600 UTC today, give or take 7 hours. This bigger one is expected to add to our already high Solar Energies.

If you find yourself feeling a vibration within your body, you might need to ground even more. Remember to ground to something higher than your vibration. If not, then whatever you're grounding to is actually grounding into instead of you into it.

Grounding to the Sun is probably more accessible for most. You can step out and feel the sun on you and set the intention to let your body ground into its light.

Or you can ground by imagining holding the hand(or paw) of a loved one that's passed and ground to them. However you choose to do, it will work for you.

You have elementally changed over the last week. You are walking in a much higher version of YOU. One that is able to experience things on a larger level. You are continuing to change, minute by minute, with the higher dimensional energies flowing in.

Don't be surprised if you see colors in ways you never have before. You're understanding your ascension walk on a deeper level. You are less anxious and way more joyful. You might even be seeing things around you in different ways. You might have also had a big weekend as you woke up to the truth of you via massive, emotional clearings.

You have to take the shields you have been holding through this life off of your system to truly see.

That usually means a mass, coming to the truths of you, emotional experience. If that happened to you, congratulations! You are walking in your truths now, no one else's.

I have more to share, but Telegram has a word limit. For the entire post you can read it free on my Patreon at:


Much love and light,

-SA Smith

15k 0 152 350


The energies are growing.

A huge flux of high vibrational energy is on its way into the planet.

This wave is part of our Ascension Energies and they're growing larger.

I hadn't planned to post again here until we go, but I was asked by the Ascension teams to share this with you.

These are coming in now and are expected to last the next 6 to 8 hours.

These are pure high vibrational Source energies coming straight into your body.

My guides are suggesting you rest if possible when you feel these connecting with you.

Hydrate, lots of water for both you and your pets are needed at this time.

Allow yourself to just BE in flow and allow it all to shift as needed.

You are amazing and YOU are making all of these big changes in this world possible.

Thank you for working so hard and bringing all of this in.

I am so honored to be here with you, Amazing Ones!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith


#IAM #universalenergyreport
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #mandelaeffect
#higherpower #frequency  #ascensionmentor

Happy Friday, Amazing Ones. A cosmic hum vibrates in the Quantum! Can you feel it? Can you hear it?

The whispers of the ancients and the prophecies etched in starlight all converge on this momentous time.

It was shared with me yesterday by the Ascension teams that the alignment of the energies for the Love Wave are complete.

They wanted you to know it is ready to be released and will be here soon.

The Love Wave is another big round of energies like you're used to now. Only these energies are the highest ever.

They will connect with your system, and you'll feel the need to sleep immediately.

It will be easy and graceful on your body, allowing you to upgrade to your Quantum Higher Self while you're sleeping.

After you awaken, you'll remember who you truly are and all the lives you've lived.

Then, you'll be ready to move forward to Blessed Gaia. It's been a long time coming, but this beautiful upgrade is on the way.

How can we prepare?

Anchor in the present moment through meditation. Connect in and let your guides share the good news with you of what is about to transpire!

Refine your vibration, embrace forgiveness, and cultivate love, compassion, and gratitude.

Engage in practices that elevate your consciousness and vibration, such as exercise, breathwork, or creative expression.

Because we are about to go home, this will be my last daily update. My next post will alert you that the Clarion Call is on the way!

This whole experience will begin with time moving extremely fast, much faster than even now. Then, the Clarion Call is released, and the Love Wave will follow.

It's time amazing ones to move forward in our collective ascension.

Need it happen today or sometime next week,  it's happening as soon as the Ascension teams can bring it through.

As I always share, everything will change in the blink of an eye. Now is that time, Divine Ones.

Much love and light,

-SA Smith

Hey, beautiful souls! Today isn't just another Thursday – it's the 4/4 portal day bursting with potential for a higher ascension day!

Imagine a doorway shimmering with possibility. That's the essence of a portal day – a temporary thinning of the veil between dimensions. A time when anything is possible!

On these special days, the energetic currents of the cosmos flow more freely, allowing us to connect with higher realms, access hidden wisdom, and accelerate our spiritual growth. Think of it as a cosmic upgrade day for your soul!

Why April 4th? This particular date vibrates with the intense energy of the number 4. In numerology, 4 signifies stability, grounding, and manifestation.

When we combine this with the current astrological alignments, it creates a magical concoction for deepening our connection to Source and integrating high-frequency light into our very being.

It's like a cosmic power surge designed to propel us forward on our soul's journey.

We also have G1-Minor Geomagnetic Storm Watch for today, with a KP 4 watch level already released.

Our celestial neighbor, the sun, has been kicking up a bit of a fuss lately. Solar wind speeds are clocking in at a moderate 441 km/sec, and Earth's magnetic field is experiencing some increased activity as well.

Remember, beautiful souls, our journey is a collective endeavor! Let's hold the intention for a collective ascension, raising the vibration of the planet together.

Imagine a wave of love and light washing over the Earth, uplifting humanity and ushering in a new era of peace and understanding. Taking us all to our new Earth, Blessed Gaia.

Everything can and will change in the blink of an eye, all because of YOU!

Sending you all so much love and light!

-SA Smith
#144k #lovewave
#love #5dearth #newearth
#spiritguide #5dascension #grandsolarflash

Schumann Resonance spiking white, building a celestial bridge that whispers of events to come!

Today, the Sun hums with a beautiful energy of change. There's a sizzle in the air, a spark of awakening. It's a day to fan the flames of your inner fire and tap into your boundless potential.

Think of it as a cosmic nudge to step into your power and illuminate the world with your unique light

There's a dance happening up on the sun! A fast solar wind is swirling around us, carrying the signature of celestial change.

It's a gentle nudge, an invitation to awaken dormant parts of ourselves. Think of it as a cosmic spring cleaning, dusting off our intuition and igniting our inner spark.

With this solar wind comes the potential for auroras to dance across the night sky at higher latitudes.

But even if you're not under the shimmering lights, let this be a reminder to open your own inner aurora. Let your creativity flow, and let your inspiration ignite!

This solar energy can feel invigorating, but it's also important to stay grounded. Connect with the Sun, Source, or Blessed Gaia to release those stagnant energies within you.

Pay attention to those inner nudges, those flashes of insight. The solar wind can amplify our intuition, making us more attuned to the subtle whispers of our soul. Trust your gut, amazing ones!

We are all connected to the cosmic dance. As the Sun shifts, so do we.

Embrace this energy as an opportunity to awaken, to create, and to shine your own inner light out

Don't be afraid to be seen. Stand up and be that powerful, enigmatic being that you truly are outside of this realm.

Things are changing all around you now. Can you feel it as it whispers to you, It's Time, Divine One, It's Time?

Sending you love and light,

-SA Smith
#144k #lovewave
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #5d #grandsolarflash

Happy Tuesday, Amazing Ones. Today's solar activity ushers in a potent blend of transformative and connective energies.

Residual effects linger from a recent solar flare, prompting a period of introspection and personal growth.

This is an auspicious time for releasing outdated belief systems and embracing a more empowered version of yourself.

Think of it as a celestial reset button, inviting you to shed the past and step fully into your authentic self!

Let's talk ascension energies, shall we? We are on day two of the more enormous sleepy energies.

Our ascension teams brought them in yesterday, and they are layered in love. So you might feel like you want to curl up and sleep again today but in a protected and loving way.

They also have sent in compassionate ascension energies to accompany the sleep energies. These are helping you to easily rise up into your highest vibration and feel better in the process. It has been a lot lately, and these will help make it easier for you.

The Earth-facing Coronal Hole allows the solar winds to rush over them. These winds carry whispers of guidance on the astral plane. Pay close attention to flashes of intuition, recurring dreams, and meaningful coincidences.

These are cosmic breadcrumbs leading you towards your soul's desires. Trust your inner compass – it's finely tuned for this celestial dance.

The Sun conducts a beautiful symphony of connection today. This amplified energy fosters compassion, understanding, and the ability to bridge divides. Let's leverage this harmonious influence to strengthen bonds, mend rifts, and create a more unified world. Imagine humanity as a constellation, each soul radiating light and lifting the others.

Remember, we are all luminous beings, radiating our own unique light.

We are on the precipice of change. Feel that all around you today, and feel it within you as well.

Much love and light,

-SA Smith

Amazing Souls, welcome to April! We have a substantial coronal holes dancing on the Sun, bringing some fast and furious solar winds our way.

While these winds can impact technological infrastructure, from our perspective, they offer a unique opportunity for personal growth.

The influx of charged particles can be viewed as a catalyst for positive change, much like a strong wind that clears away dead leaves to allow new growth.

Think of it like this: a coronal hole is a gateway, a temporary thinning of the Sun's atmosphere that allows its raw energy to flow straight into you.

Today's solar weather includes our KP levels rising and lowering with these winds plus possible Proton flux enhancements.

These high Solar winds can heighten our intuition too. Pay attention to those gut feelings, synchronicities, and dreams. They are be carrying important messages.

They can also stir up deeper emotions, so be sure to center and wrap up in Source light. This keeps your system only feeling your emotions, not everything all the beings around you are holding.

This is a powerful time for releasing negativity, limiting beliefs, or anything that's holding you back.

Remember, beautiful souls these cosmic influences are here to nudge you towards your highest potential.

Embrace the discomfort, use it as fuel for your evolution. Let the light of the Sun guide you through this energetic gateway with grace and purpose.

You are a magical being of unconditional love! Keep moving forward with your eyes to the skies. Change is here, and very soon, you'll experience it all!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith


#144k #LoveWave
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash

Welcome to Easter weekend, Amazing Ones! The next three days are going to be biggies, and this weekend promises to be a wild ride! The solar winds are crackling with anticipation, brewing a potent mix of M and X Class flares set to erupt over the next few days, and it's going to be a dazzling light show!

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "Solar flares? Won't they disrupt electronics and cause chaos?" While there's always a potential for some earthly hiccups, let's shift our perspective for a moment. These powerful flares aren't here to wreak havoc but rather to act as cosmic midwives, ushering in a potent wave of ascension energy.

Here's how you can navigate this high-voltage weekend:

Activate Your Inner Light. The intense solar energy can act like a cosmic pressure cooker, intensifying our emotions and bringing hidden issues to the surface. Don't shy away! Instead, see it as an opportunity to activate your inner light. Breathe deeply, ground yourself in your present moment awareness, and let your radiance and light push through any shadows that may arise.

Embrace the Power Surge of energies. Feel the electrifying energy coursing through your system? That's your ascension fuel igniting! Channel this surge of power into creative pursuits, passionate endeavors, and anything that sets your soul on fire. Let it propel you forward on your path of awakening.

As we collectively experience this solar influx, let's hold the vision of humanity rising. Imagine a new world bathed in unconditional love, understanding, and unity.

Our collective intention has immense power, so let's use this opportunity to bring in what we truly want.

So, as the solar flares paint the heavens with their fiery brilliance, let us rise to meet the challenge with open hearts, grounded presence, and the knowing that the Love Wave is coming through to bring in our new Earth, aka Blessed Gaia.

Have a magical weekend, Divine Ones!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith

Hey amazing souls! SA Smith here, basking in the cosmic energies swirling around our radiant Sun.

Get ready because today is all about embracing the inner fire that burns within us, just like our magnificent solar star!

Our Sun is sharing a vibrant dance of sunspots, those swirling regions of intense magnetic energy. This cosmic choreography reflects a strong duality within us all – the light and shadow, the calm and the chaos.

Don't shy away from your inner fire, but acknowledge it with grace. Channel that fiery passion into creative pursuits, courageous conversations, or simply the unwavering strength to be your authentic self.

Solar flares, those bursts of light erupting from the Sun, symbolize moments of awakening within us.

We saw a large M7 Solar Flare come in early EDT this morning. More are expected today. These Flares can bring unexpected insights, ignite dormant passions, or even push us out of our comfort zones. See these flares as opportunities to embrace your ever-evolving soul.

The Earth's magnetic field is humming with the whispers of the solar wind, a gentle reminder to align ourselves with the cosmic flow.

Remember, you are a microcosm of the macrocosm. As the Sun dances, so too do we. Embrace your inner spark as you awaken to new possibilities, and flow with the cosmic current.

Today is all about radiating your authentic light and aligning with the divine symphony of the universe.

Shine brightly and radiate out your unique essence. Everything is changing within you and around you; embrace that knowing!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith
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Welcome to Wednesday, a day brimming with unleashed energy! Buckle up, Divine One, because the Universe is cranking up the volume on your ascension journey.

We have new, higher energies with us since yesterday. Set the intention to connect with the highest vibration you can hold and watch yourself start to feel better than you have in months!

Expect the unexpected. Sunspot 3615 and all the solar flares are stirring the pot of our realities, shaking loose anything that no longer serves us. Hold on tight (but not too tight!), and trust that the Universe is clearing the way for something magnificent to to emerge.

Activate your light warrior within. The world needs your radiant energy now more than ever. Shine your light brightly, share your gifts with the world, and inspire others to embrace their own inner magic. We are all wayshowers on the path of ascension!

To help pull your day together quiet contemplation is your friend. Take some time to quiet your mind and connect with your inner wisdom. Meditation helps you process the intense energies and integrate the powerful downloads you receive. ‍

Physical activity also helps to anchor your high vibes into your physical form. Dance like nobody's watching, take a brisk walk in nature or do some yoga poses - anything to get your body moving and your energy flowing.

Shine bright like a cosmic disco ball! Confidence is the key. You're amazing, you got this, and the Universe totally agrees!

As you step into your ascended Higher Self, let your inner light radiate outward. Embrace your uniqueness and shine brightly for the all world to see.

You are divinely guided and supported on this incredible journey. Trust the process, embrace the challenges, and know that you are a beacon of light for yourself and the world.

Much love and light,

-SA Smith
#144k #LoveWave

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