Kuroo has a laid-back yet scheming personality, and is considered a "provocation expert." by many. He would actively provoke others and is unrelenting when dishing out snide remarks. This talent is demonstrated in the way he angers Tsukishima when the first-year blocker maintained a nonchalant attitude toward volleyball during the summer training camp. However, Kuroo is far kinder and genuine than what his exterior image conveys. After realizing he has overstepped a line, Kuroo seeks out and apologizes to Daichi about the provocation later on, proving that while he is a "provocation expert," sportsmanship is still important to him. He also cares and respects his elder coach, Nekomata, immensely, enough to help Karasuno improve in order to fulfill Nekomata's dream of competing against each other at nationals a reality.
According to Kenma, Kuroo was a shy and withdrawn kid who first moved into his neighborhood when he was eight years old. He was quiet in front of strangers and awkward around Kenma at first, despite the two being close in age. By and by, both of them bonded over video games and eventually practiced volleyball together. Slowly, Kuroo began to come out of his shell as the two got increasingly involved in the sport. He became a much louder and energetic person, made new friends at school, and started going out to play soccer with the other kids.
Kuroo is also shown to be a highly observant and intuitive person, not unlike their team setter, when it comes to both volleyball and other people. Even as a kid, he was incredibly mindful of Kenma's quiet, withdrawn personality, and had the sense to not drag him out to do something the boy didn't have any fun in doing. In matches, his attentive nature as a middle blocker proves to be extremely lethal for Nekoma's opponents. He quickly tracks down and analyzes every move of the spikers, allowing him to put up a successful block and destroy the momentum of the opposing team.
Around his teammates, Kuroo is a reliable, strong captain, often responsible for lifting the spirits of the team when they are feeling down using his usual sly quips. He seems to derive enjoyment from facing strong opponents, and hides his frustration with sharp smirks and boisterous remarks, all the while scheming strategies to break down the opposing team.
Despite seeming sly and cool on the outside, Kuroo possesses a silly side that is on display when he belts out in loud obnoxious laughter and engages in frivolous conversation with Bokuto. Kuroo also seems to either see himself as more of an old man, or people only a year or two younger than him as children, as shown when he proclaims "Ah, youth" after seeing Inuoka and Hinata and talking with Tsukishima.