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The saiga antelope is a critically endangered species that has been impacted by poaching and disease. Last year, only 4 newborns were reported. This year, that number climbed to 530.

Depending on what food female honeybees get when developing determines if they become a worker or a queen. If the larvae gets too much natural pollen, they could be chemically castrated.

This Sea Toad (Chaunacops melanostomus) uses its fins as legs to walk on the seafloor. It's an ambush predator, luring prey towards its mouth with a luminescent lure.

The Hooded Grebe is found in South America. It grows about 34cm and preys on small fish, frogs, aquatic insects, crayfish, crabs. Since their discovery in 1974 the population decreased due to climate change and predators. This animal is on verge of disappearing, with only about 800 members left.

When a bee finds a good source of nectar it flies back to the hive and shows its friends where the nectar source is by doing a dance which positions the flower in relation to the sun and hive. This is known as the ‘waggle dance.

Humpback Whales have unique flippers with large raised bumps on the leading edge. Studies conducted on the flippers' design led to the discovery of the "Tubercle Effect" in aerodynamics - a huge contribution to fluid dynamics and biomechanics.

Male African Jacanas, also known as "Jesus Bird," carry their chicks in their wings!!

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The quivering you see here is called tintibulation. Kangaroos do this when they first meet another kangaroo or person or when they haven’t seen them for a few days.

A perfect camouflage.

Simple things in life are worth stopping and watching for little while.

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The Mountain Hare changes the color of its coat according to the season. It has a grey-brown coat in summer, with a bluish tinge, and turns white in winter. Only its ear tips stay black.

Whisker fatigue happens to some cats when their sensitive whiskers are routinely being brushed up against something such as food or water bowls. It causes discomfort and even pain, and it makes eating and drinking stressful.

A Baboon and it's young one. Humans and baboons are closely related. They have a genetic similarity of 94 percent, according to the Amboseli Baboon Research Project.

Chimpanze with a young one. Chimpanzees are genetically closest to humans, and in fact, chimpanzees share about 98.6% of our DNA.

Despite being the most dangerous bird alive, male cassowaries are incredibly caring and devoted fathers. Both incubating the eggs and fiercely protecting their young for nine months until they mature.

More than 70% racoon in North America are infected with Baylisascaris procyonis roundworm

White tailed Antelope Squirrels have one litter of 5 to 14 kits per year. The kits weigh only 4 grams at birth.

Giant pandas are solitary creatures

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Moray Eels, despite their intimidating and slimy appearance, they're actually incredibly shy and intelligent creatures that learn to recognize individuals and can be very affectionate. Being stroked causes relaxation in most ocean fish due to their need for cleaners.

One of the most social and egalitarian canids, African wild dogs frequently share food with each other even as pups, and “vote” whether to start the hunt by sneezing

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